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  • What's up sunshine? Rise up. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. Hope you're having an awesome day. Now remember, tomorrow is hashtag Your Word Wednesday, so submit your vocabulary word and the definition in the comment section of my most recent post at Coy Wire on social, and we're going to pick a winner to work into tomorrow's show. Now it's time to fuel our minds and get you your 10 minutes of news. First, let's head to Florida where folks are facing the task of cleaning up the damage left by Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene, which was two weeks before that. Milton was a major category three when it made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Florida. The storm dumped 16 inches of rain on some areas and areas far from the storm's path experienced powerful tornadoes that did major damage. Gas and power shortages have severely held back recovery efforts in the Tampa and St. Petersburg area.

    怎麼了,陽光?起來吧我是科伊・威爾這裡是CNN10頻道希望你們今天過得愉快。請記住,明天是 "你的單詞星期三",請在我最近在社交網站 "Coy Wire "上發表的文章的評論區提交你的單詞和定義,我們將選出一名優勝者,在明天的節目中播出。現在是時候為我們的頭腦加油,為您帶來 10 分鐘的新聞了。首先,讓我們前往佛羅里達州,那裡的人們正面臨著清理颶風 "米爾頓 "和兩週前的颶風 "海倫 "留下的破壞的任務。米爾頓颶風登陸佛羅里達州海灣時,風力達到三級。颶風在一些地區造成了 16 英寸的降雨量,遠離颶風路徑的

  • That's where more than three quarters of gas stations were completely out. Folks waited in long lines that stretched for blocks. Officials opened three public fuel sites where customers can receive 10 gallons of gas each for free. Power is gradually being restored, with hundreds of thousands of homes without electricity. That's actually down from a peak of nearly three million after the storm. And officials are working around the clock to clear debris from both Milton and Helene's aftermath. The federal government is covering the full cost of debris removal for city and county governments affected by the storms for 90 days. President

    在那裡,超過四分之三的加油站已經完全停業。人們排著長長的隊伍,等了好幾個街區。官方開放了三個公共加油站,用戶可以免費獲得每人 10 加侖的汽油。電力正在逐步恢復,但仍有數十萬家庭停電。實際上,這比暴風雨後最高峰時的近 300 萬戶有所減少。官員們正夜以繼日地清理米爾頓和海倫的廢墟。聯邦政府將在 90 天內承擔受風暴影響的市縣政府清除廢墟的全部費用。總統

  • Joe Biden visited Florida over the weekend, touring hard-hit St. Pete Beach and announcing $612 million in funding for electric grid resilience projects. Ongoing flooding issues after Milton have been a major obstacle to recovery as floodwaters recede slowly and in some places continue to rise. CNN's Allison Chinchar gives us a better look at what some places there are facing. Hurricane Milton may be over, but the state of Florida is still reeling from some of the impacts. When you look at the scope of the video, this shows all of that water. The concern here is that that water takes time to recede. So in a lot of these instances, that water has nowhere to go. This is a look at where the heaviest rain was across the state of Florida, that white line indicating where the storm itself,

    喬-拜登週末訪問了佛羅里達州,參觀了受災嚴重的聖皮特海灘,並宣佈為電網恢復項目提供 6.12 億美元的資金。由於洪水消退緩慢,有些地方的洪水還在繼續上漲,米爾頓災後持續不斷的洪水問題已成為災後恢復的一大障礙。CNN 的艾莉森-欽查爾(Allison Chinchar)為我們詳細介紹了一些地方所面臨的問題。颶風 "米爾頓 "可能已經過去,但佛羅里達州仍在遭受一些影響。從視頻的範圍來看,這些都是水。令人擔憂的是,積水消退需要時間。所以在很多情況下,水無處可去。這是整個佛羅里達州降雨量最大的地方,白線是暴風雨本

  • Milton crossed over the state, the heaviest rain being on the north side. You can see that widespread swath of pink color indicating at least 10 inches of rain across a very wide swath of the state. Now, here's a look at river flooding. All of those purple squares and purple dots that you see there on the screen, those are river gauges that are still at or above major flood stage. Now, two specific rivers to talk about. Many of them on the western coast of Florida have finally crested and are going to start going down in the coming days. But it's quite a different story for some of the rivers on the eastern half of the state that are still going up. So here's a look at one of those rivers on the western side. You can see again, really starting to go back down now and expected to finally get below major flood stage very early Monday morning. On the eastern half of the state, though, quite a different story. This specific river, the St. Johns, this one is not expected to crest, reaching its peak until very late in the day on Wednesday. So those rivers are still going to continue to swell and cause flooding in those local communities until we reach that point. Part of the problem that Florida has is that Florida is incredibly flat state, so the rivers do not recede very quickly like they would, say, in a mountainous terrain. Now to an incredible feat of engineering as SpaceX successfully launched its latest


  • Starship test flight of the most powerful rocket system ever constructed. The demo mission maneuvered the 232-foot-tall rocket booster, called a Super Heavy, to a massive landing structure after it burned through most of its fuel and broke away from the upper Starship spacecraft. It was successfully caught midair with a pair of massive metal pincers that

    星際飛船試飛了有史以來最強大的火箭系統。在這次演示任務中,名為 "超重型 "的 232 英尺高的火箭助推器在燃盡大部分燃料並脫離上層星際飛船後,被操縱到一個巨大的著陸結構上。它在半空中被一對巨大的金屬鉗子成功夾住。

  • SpaceX calls Chopsticks. Recovering and rapidly re-flying Super Heavy boosters and Starship spacecraft for future missions is a feat that SpaceX is testing, as the company considers quickly reusing rocket parts essential to efficiently getting cargo to space.

    SpaceX 調用筷子。回收並快速重新飛行 "超重型 "助推器和 "星際飛船 "是 SpaceX 正在測試的一項壯舉,因為該公司認為快速重複使用火箭部件對於高效地將貨物送入太空至關重要。

  • Top Quiz Hotshot! What is the fastest animal found in the world? Pronghorn Antelope, Peregrine


  • Falcon, Cheetah, or Marlin?


  • Ding, ding, ding! If you said Peregrine Falcon, you are correct, which has a diving speed of over 200 miles per hour.

    叮,叮,叮!如果你說的是遊隼,那你就說對了,它的俯衝速度超過每小時 200 英里。

  • The Peregrine Falcon can be found on every continent except Antarctica, and they were commonly found in the U.S. until the apex predator became severely endangered several decades ago. Now, a U.S.-based conservation group has brought the falcon back from the brink of extinction. Take a look at how they were able to save the species and the wild steps they take to keep tabs on them.


  • This is Bluff Country, an area in the Midwest U.S. along the Mississippi River known for its steep cliffs and rugged landscape. Part of the Mississippi Flyway, one of the largest


  • North American bird migration routes, it's also where one particular keystone species had almost vanished.


  • Monitoring raptors and specifically here Peregrine Falcons is very important right now. We've basically succeeded in bringing back a population of raptors that was nearly gone from the continental


  • United States. There are other threats that are coming out right now. We've got climate change that's creeping up. Monitoring, I think, is key in making sure that is this population that we successfully brought back, is it doing well?


  • The widespread use of the pesticide DDT during the mid-20th century was one of the biggest culprits in the decline of the apex predator's population.

    20 世紀中期殺蟲劑 DDT 的廣泛使用是導致頂級掠食者數量減少的最大元凶之一。

  • DDT and its metabolite, DDE, led to the thinning of the egg shells and crushing of eggs before they could even hatch.

    滴滴涕及其代謝物 DDE 導致蛋殼變薄,甚至在孵化之前就將蛋壓碎。

  • In 1970, the Peregrine Falcon was one of the first to be listed as endangered on the Endangered

    1970 年,遊隼成為首批被列入《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》的瀕危物種之一。

  • Species Conservation Act, and two years later, DDT was banned.


  • In the 1980s, conservationist Bob Anderson established the Raptor Resource Project and began to reintroduce the Peregrine Falcon to the Midwest.

    20 世紀 80 年代,自然保護主義者鮑勃-安德森(Bob Anderson)建立了猛禽資源項目,開始在美國中西部地區重新引入遊隼。

  • There was a breeding project where they released 18 falcons down at Effigy Mounds National

    有一個繁殖項目,他們在埃菲格丘國家公園放飛了 18 只獵鷹。

  • Monument. It was from a rock-lined hack box, so it was used to simulate the bluffs that they wanted the falcons to come back and find. So they did that in 1998 and 1999.

    紀念碑它來自一個岩石襯砌的黑盒子,是以被用來模擬他們希望獵鷹回來發現的懸崖。是以,他們在 1998 年和 1999 年做了這項工作。

  • The project was deemed a success, and today the group is back to check on them and hopefully place ID bans on the young falcons, which can be a precarious task.


  • So we're going down to find the young, get them, put them in a kennel and haul them up to the top to band them up a little bit more safely than we'd be able to do on the cliff.


  • We put the bird banding lab federal marker band on it, which is like a social security number for each bird individually. And then we also put an auxiliary marker on there.


  • It's just a way of knowing who's where as this population has been growing.


  • Once banded, the babies are then returned back to their nest.


  • While the Peregrine Falcon was removed from the Federal Endangered Species List in 1999, continuing to monitor them helps to keep a pulse on the surrounding ecosystem.

    雖然遊隼已於 1999 年從聯邦瀕危物種名錄中除名,但繼續對其進行監測有助於掌握周圍生態系統的動向。

  • Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, one of the most gorgeous times of the year, pumpkin season. These zoo animals at Brookfield Zoo Chicago got a special jack-o'-lantern treat to munch on over the weekend, and look at them go.

    今天的故事,滿分 10 分,一年中最美好的時光之一,南瓜季節。芝加哥布魯克菲爾德動物園的這些動物們在週末吃到了特別的南瓜,瞧它們多開心。

  • Lucky visitors got to see a pygmy hippo, a bear, an orangutan chowing down on delicious fall delights. It's all part of a program to physically and mentally stimulate the animals they care for.


  • All right, we have a special shout out today for all our friends up at Oostburg Middle School in


  • Oostburg, Wisconsin. Rise up. And I also want to give a shout out to all those wildcats, those wily wildcats at East Cobb Middle right here in Georgia. What's up, Nora? Thank you for spending part of your day with us here on CNN 10. Remember, tomorrow's Hashtag Your Word Wednesday, so bring it. Have an awesome Tuesday, everyone.

    威斯康星州奧斯特堡站起來我還要向佐治亞州東科布中學的那些野貓們致敬 那些狡猾的野貓們怎麼樣,諾拉?感謝您在CNN10頻道與我們共度美好時光。請記住,明天是 "Hashtag Your Word Wednesday"(你的標籤週三),所以帶著它。祝大家週二愉快

What's up sunshine? Rise up. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. Hope you're having an awesome day. Now remember, tomorrow is hashtag Your Word Wednesday, so submit your vocabulary word and the definition in the comment section of my most recent post at Coy Wire on social, and we're going to pick a winner to work into tomorrow's show. Now it's time to fuel our minds and get you your 10 minutes of news. First, let's head to Florida where folks are facing the task of cleaning up the damage left by Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene, which was two weeks before that. Milton was a major category three when it made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Florida. The storm dumped 16 inches of rain on some areas and areas far from the storm's path experienced powerful tornadoes that did major damage. Gas and power shortages have severely held back recovery efforts in the Tampa and St. Petersburg area.

怎麼了,陽光?起來吧我是科伊・威爾這裡是CNN10頻道希望你們今天過得愉快。請記住,明天是 "你的單詞星期三",請在我最近在社交網站 "Coy Wire "上發表的文章的評論區提交你的單詞和定義,我們將選出一名優勝者,在明天的節目中播出。現在是時候為我們的頭腦加油,為您帶來 10 分鐘的新聞了。首先,讓我們前往佛羅里達州,那裡的人們正面臨著清理颶風 "米爾頓 "和兩週前的颶風 "海倫 "留下的破壞的任務。米爾頓颶風登陸佛羅里達州海灣時,風力達到三級。颶風在一些地區造成了 16 英寸的降雨量,遠離颶風路徑的

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【CNN10】颶風後的家園清理、SpaceX 發射星際飛船 5 號試飛、世界上跑得最快的動物 | 2024 年 10 月 15 日 (The Fastest Animal In The World | October 15, 2024)

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