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  • Hi, Dr. Laura Perryman in Seattle, coming to you today to talk about intense pulse light therapy for MGD.


  • We get this question often, how do I incorporate IPL for my MGD patients?

    我們經常會遇到這樣的問題:如何將 IPL 應用於我的雌二醇脫髮患者?

  • So I've created a series of four videos for you showing in detail the technical aspects of incorporating IPL in a busy dry disease practice.

    是以,我為您製作了四個系列視頻,詳細介紹了在繁忙的幹病治療中使用 IPL 的技術問題。

  • Broken it down into four steps for you, and I really hope this is helpful.


  • Step number one is treat the underlying condition.


  • Rosacea is more common than you realize, and when you start hunting and looking for those little telangiectasias, you'll see what I'm talking about.


  • That is a target for your IPL therapy, delivering excellent energy to control that comorbidity.

    這是 IPL 治療的目標,它能提供出色的能量來控制這種併發症。

  • Video number two is the TOYO settings.

    視頻二是 TOYO 的設置。

  • These are gentle photomodulatory settings delivered in a double pass V2 pattern to your dry disease patient.

    這些溫和的光調節設置以雙通道 V2 模式提供給幹病患者。

  • And we think what's happening is a photomodulation process, a delivery of energy to the stem cells and cytochrome C within the mitochondria to make the cell act and behave younger and more youthfully.


  • I call that the Cher effect, turn back time.


  • Step number three is how to treat the eyelids.


  • With laser grade shields in place, and that's very important, we can treat the eyelids.


  • Now the purpose of this is to deliver energy right at the site of the myelomian gland dysfunction problem.


  • I can't tell you yet from the scientific literature if this is a critical step in achieving results or not.


  • But what I can tell you is that in our data analysis series, we see a dramatic reduction in MMP9 levels, as well as a return to physiologic osmolarity of the tears, fascinating.

    但我可以告訴你們的是,在我們的數據分析系列中,我們看到 MMP9 的水準大幅下降,淚液的滲透壓也恢復到了生理水準,這一點非常吸引人。

  • Step number four.


  • Step number four is the aesthetic cleanup.


  • You have this powerful tool in your hand, go ahead and use it to clean up all the little aesthetic details that might still be present in your patient.


  • Telangiectasia is along the nasal angle.


  • Those are common in rosacea, go ahead and clean them up, it's cosmetically wonderful.


  • Go ahead and use your device for things like hyperpigmentation, with the exception of melasma, you'll want to be very careful there, angiomas, et cetera.


  • And then finally, you can use it to treat unwanted facial hair.


  • Your lady patients will really appreciate that.


  • So there's four steps to the Berryman Protocol.


  • I've had fantastic results within my dry disease population, and I hope this is helpful for you.


  • Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.


  • And as always, with everything in dry disease, keep reading, keep your mind open, and stay curious.


Hi, Dr. Laura Perryman in Seattle, coming to you today to talk about intense pulse light therapy for MGD.


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佩裡曼 IPL 治療方案簡介 - 視頻 1,共 6 段 (Introduction to the Periman IPL Protocol - Video 1 of 6)

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    lilylincat 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 18 日