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由 AI 自動生成
  • Now the AI revolution is reshaping our world at breakneck speed. The possibilities seem endless but are actually being limited by one very important thing, electricity. To put the problem into perspective, asking chat GPT a question uses 30 times more power than a regular search query on Google. If everyone on the planet let AI into their lives, that would require too much for power grids to handle. So tech companies are going nuclear. In March, Amazon acquired a nuclear power data center in Pennsylvania. Microsoft followed suit by signing a deal to reactivate the old Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, the site of the worst nuclear power accident in US history. And Google is the latest tech giant to press the nuclear button.

    現在,人工智能革命正以驚人的速度重塑我們的世界。這些可能性看似無窮無盡,但實際上卻受到一個非常重要的因素的限制,那就是電力。從這個角度來看,向哈拉 GPT 提問的耗電量是在谷歌上普通搜索的 30 倍。如果地球上的每個人都讓人工智能融入他們的生活,那麼電網所需的電力將難以承受。是以,科技公司開始使用核能。今年 3 月,亞馬遜收購了賓夕法尼亞州的一個核能數據中心。微軟也緊隨其後,與美國曆史上最嚴重的核電事故發生地--三裡島核電站簽訂了重新啟用協議。谷歌是最新一家按下核按鈕的科技巨頭。

  • It signed a deal to build seven small nuclear reactors to power its AI data centers. The first is scheduled to go online this decade, with the rest following through 2035. To talk more about this, I'm joined by an expert in everything AI. She's a senior fellow for emerging technologies at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund in Washington DC.

    它簽署了一項協議,將建造七個小型核反應堆,為其人工智能數據中心提供電力。第一個反應堆計劃在本十年內投入使用,其餘反應堆將在 2035 年之前陸續投入使用。為了進一步討論這個問題,我請來了一位人工智能方面的專家。她是位於華盛頓特區的德國馬歇爾基金會保障民主聯盟(Alliance for Securing Democracy)新興技術高級研究員。

  • Lindsay Gorman, welcome to the day. Thanks for having me. Is there any alternative to going nuclear if we want to fully realize AI's potential?


  • Well, one thing that's become increasingly clear as this AI revolution takes hold is that the power consumption needs are just astronomical. One study recently found that only AI uses could make up half a percent of the entire worldwide electricity use. So this is an enormous amount of power required. And just to give a benchmark, that's the rough equivalent that Argentina uses for its entire electricity supply. And the push towards nuclear, I think, is twofold. First, to make up for this exorbitant demand as these tech giants are building out new data centers, that's pushing the needs up to support AI. At the same time, though, there is a push towards cleaner sources of energy. And as the Biden administration and the U.S. government has put forward, nuclear is one of a suite of technologies, along with wind and solar, that the U.S. government is trying to push as part of its climate goals. And it's not just the United States, but other countries around the world as well are trying to build out this clean energy for the future. So it's not that nuclear is the only tool in the toolkit. But as we're trying to move away from fossil fuels at the same time as we have this explosion in need, that's why you're seeing this turn towards new and advanced nuclear technologies. And Google wants to have its seven reactors up and running by 2035. Won't that be too late at the current rate of development?


  • Well, I think what Google is banking on is that the current rate is only going to explode, that the needs that we anticipate today are only going to compound if AI is as important and as revolutionary as it's expected to be. I don't think this is going to be an energy need for the next five years, but perhaps the next 50. Can you explain why AI sucks up so much power?


  • Yeah, it's a great question. And the long and short of it is that AI runs on data. And the way these artificial intelligence models work is that in order to present you with human-like reasoning and the responses that we're accustomed to on chat GPT, first, the model needs to ingest massive, massive quantities of data. For example, in the case of open AI and chat GPT, it's scraping much of the internet, the whole reported history of human output and written output to mimic those responses and create an AI-generated human-like reasoning.

    是啊,這是個好問題。長話短說,人工智能是基於數據運行的。而這些人工智能模型的工作方式是,為了向你展示類似人類的推理和我們在哈拉 GPT 上習慣的回覆,首先,模型需要攝取大量、海量的數據。例如,就開放式人工智能和哈拉 GPT 而言,它需要從互聯網、整個人類輸出和書面輸出的報告歷史中獲取大量數據,以模仿這些迴應,並創建人工智能生成的類人推理。

  • Can I just interrupt? Are you saying that this happens every time we ask it a question? It goes whoosh across the whole of the internet?

    我能打斷一下嗎?你是說每次我們問它問題,它都會這樣?它就會 "嗖 "地一下傳遍整個互聯網?

  • Not every time we ask it a question. Now, the models that you've seen released, first it was chat GPT, then there's GPT-4, and then the next generation models that come out.

    我們不是每次都問這個問題。現在,你們看到的已發佈的機型,首先是哈拉式 GPT,然後是 GPT-4,再然後是下一代機型。

  • Those are the breakpoints of we train it on a certain dataset, and then we release the model.


  • So it's not each query that is scraping the entire internet in real time. But in order to build that model to give you those queries, it is scraping and training on all of that information. And that's processing all of that information, bringing it all together and training the model on all of it is what sucks up just so much power and so much electricity uses as these data centers that store the processors on which these models are trained need to suck up all this power.


  • I just want to, okay, we've got less than a minute. Can you see Google needing all seven nuclear reactors it's ordering? Because I wonder about them opening a secondary market as either a power supplier to other computer companies or indeed selling power to domestic consumers.


  • Yeah, I mean, they say that AI is an electricity, AI is the new oil, and data is the new oil. And I think there's something to it now. And Google's not alone in this. OpenAI, Sam Altman has tried to move into these markets as well. So I think we're going to see a fusion of both energy for AI and then eventually also AI for energy. Fascinating. Thank you for guiding us through that. Lindsay Gorman from the Alliance for Securing Democracy. Thank you so much. Thanks.

    是的,我的意思是,他們說人工智能是一種電力,人工智能是新的石油,而數據是新的石油。我覺得現在確實有道理。在這一點上,谷歌並非孤軍奮戰。OpenAI、薩姆-奧特曼(Sam Altman)也試圖進軍這些市場。是以,我認為我們將會看到人工智能與能源的融合,最終也會看到人工智能與能源的融合。令人著迷。謝謝你的指導。林賽-戈爾曼(Lindsay Gorman),來自民主安全聯盟。非常感謝。謝謝。

Now the AI revolution is reshaping our world at breakneck speed. The possibilities seem endless but are actually being limited by one very important thing, electricity. To put the problem into perspective, asking chat GPT a question uses 30 times more power than a regular search query on Google. If everyone on the planet let AI into their lives, that would require too much for power grids to handle. So tech companies are going nuclear. In March, Amazon acquired a nuclear power data center in Pennsylvania. Microsoft followed suit by signing a deal to reactivate the old Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, the site of the worst nuclear power accident in US history. And Google is the latest tech giant to press the nuclear button.

現在,人工智能革命正以驚人的速度重塑我們的世界。這些可能性看似無窮無盡,但實際上卻受到一個非常重要的因素的限制,那就是電力。從這個角度來看,向哈拉 GPT 提問的耗電量是在谷歌上普通搜索的 30 倍。如果地球上的每個人都讓人工智能融入他們的生活,那麼電網所需的電力將難以承受。是以,科技公司開始使用核能。今年 3 月,亞馬遜收購了賓夕法尼亞州的一個核能數據中心。微軟也緊隨其後,與美國曆史上最嚴重的核電事故發生地--三裡島核電站簽訂了重新啟用協議。谷歌是最新一家按下核按鈕的科技巨頭。

由 AI 自動生成

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