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  • Cars?


  • Ripped off.


  • Frozen?


  • Ripped off.


  • Kung Fu Panda?


  • You couldn't even guess how many rip-offs there are of that film.


  • The film industry is all about making that money.


  • But the sad thing for some of us is that not everyone can be cranking out beautiful Disney features that will last for decades to come.


  • For the rest of us, if you're wanting to make some quick cash, you gotta jump on some trends.


  • And that's exactly what these companies did when they decided to rip off some of the most popular films of all time with appallingly hilarious attempts at replicating the film's content or marketing.


  • I'll admit, I've fallen for it before too.


  • Iron Man?


  • How about Iron Hero?


  • No film is safe from the dreaded mockbuster, and that especially goes for animated movies.

    沒有哪部電影能倖免於可怕的 "模擬炸彈",動畫電影尤其如此。

  • So let's see what it takes to be called creatively bankrupt these days.

    讓我們來看看,如今怎樣才能被稱為 "創意破產"。

  • Disney Pixar's Onward was a pretty good film.


  • Teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley embark on a magical quest to spend one more day with their late father.


  • Due to COVID-19 and staggered release dates regarding streaming, Onward is still locked behind paywalls and is still showing in some theatres worldwide outside of the US.

    由於 COVID-19 和錯開的流媒體上映日期,《Onward》仍被鎖在付費牆後面,並仍在美國以外的全球一些影院上映。

  • That's why if on your way to find a way to stream it, you may have accidentally rented its rip-off.


  • Homeward.


  • This uncanny twin was made by the notorious studio The Asylum, a studio that has become well-known for its intentional bad rip-offs and cash-grabs of famous movies.

    這對不可思議的孿生兄弟是由聲名狼藉的 The Asylum 電影公司製作的,該公司因故意抄襲和剽竊著名電影而聲名狼藉。

  • I'm sure you've heard of Sharknado, but what about Sunday School Musical, Independence Day, Titanic 2?

    我相信你一定聽說過《鯊捲風》,但《星期日校園音樂劇》、《獨立日》和《泰坦尼克號 2》呢?

  • Homeward tries its best to replicate what it saw in the Onward trailer, with the characters' last names being similar, magical modern settings, and the marketingThe plot's just different enough to not start a lawsuit, but that's the case with Asylum.


  • It was released around the same time, but if you started watching the two, you could tell which one was a scam.


  • Let it go, let it go, it's just copyright rights.


  • With the Frozen franchise breaking box office records, no wonder people would try to jump on that bandwagon.


  • And one film in particular that has been hailed as a knockoff was The Snow Queen.


  • You see, both films were based off the story by Hans Christian Andersen.


  • But then again, a lot of Disney's films are based off old public domain fables, so sorry to tease you Disney, but you can't list that in a lawsuit.


  • The film The Snow Queen was interpreted as a cheap Frozen knockoff because of the timing of its English dub release and its marketing, even if their native releases were separated by a year, Snow Queen in 2012 and Frozen in 2013.

    電影《冰雪女王》被解讀為《冰雪奇緣》的廉價山寨版,原因是其英文配音的發行時間和營銷方式,儘管它們的本土發行時間相差一年,《冰雪女王》是 2012 年,而《冰雪奇緣》是 2013 年。

  • The studio behind The Snow Queen, Wizard Animation, has gone on to make three more Snow Queen movies and a TV show called Yoko, which have been major successes for the Russian animation industry.

    冰雪女王》的幕後工作室 Wizard Animation 又製作了三部《冰雪女王》電影和一部名為《Yoko》的電視劇,這些都是俄羅斯動畫產業的重大成功。

  • However, that doesn't mean there haven't been more blatant attempts to jump on the bandwagon elsewhere.


  • Back in 2013, a company called Phase Four Films released a DVD called Frozenland.

    2013 年,一家名為 Phase Four Films 的公司發行了一張名為《冰雪樂園》的 DVD。

  • See if you can spot the difference.


  • Turns out that Phase Four acquired the rights to a film called The Legend of Cirilla.


  • They then retitled it for release on DVD around the same time as Frozen.

    之後,他們將其重新命名,與《冰雪奇緣》同時發行 DVD。

  • It's quite obvious from Frozenland's cover that this was a sly attempt to get in on some of that frozen cash.


  • The film has near to no similarities in plot, apart from the fact that they are both set in snowy landscapes.


  • As a result, Disney filed a trademark infringement lawsuit regarding the confusingly similar logos and designs.


  • Kung Fu Panda?


  • Don't you mean Little Panda Fighter?


  • Or wait, do you mean Chopcake Panda, Kung Fu Rooster, Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit, Adventures of Panda Warrior, The Prodigy, Kung Fu Masters?

    或者,等等,你是指 "熊貓大俠"、"功夫公雞"、"功夫兔傳奇"、"熊貓大俠歷險記"、"神童"、"功夫大師"?

  • I could keep going, I got a whole list here.


  • Kung Fu Panda is, for some reason, a favorite for Mockbuster Studios to make rip-offs of.

    不知道為什麼,《功夫熊貓》最喜歡被 Mockbuster Studios 翻拍。

  • While not all of these films have the exact same plot, a lot of these films could be easily mistaken for Kung Fu Panda by your grandma trying to get your favorite movie from the bargain bin.


  • But what do you get when you go into the actual plot of some of these films?


  • Little Panda Fighter?


  • It's about a panda janitor for a boxing ring who gets mistaken for another awesome fighter.


  • Chopcake Panda?


  • It's about a panda janitor to a dojo who has to save the village from a tiger villain.


  • Adventures of Panda Warrior?


  • A Chinese soldier is turned into a panda and joins an elite group of martial artists to take down a tyrannical leader.


  • I mean, I'm just not seeing the similarities, do you?


  • Happy Feet was an interesting film.


  • It dissected all sorts of subjects like global warming, religion, power corruption, being yourself, and that's a kid's movie.


  • Tappy Toes is not like that at all.

    Tappy Toes 完全不是這樣。

  • It's a 2D flash animated movie.

    這是一部二維 Flash 動畫電影。

  • The voice acting's alright and honestly, it would pass for a children's cartoon.


  • While the marketing for the movie does seem to be riding on the coattail of Happy Feet, dancing barely has any presence in the movie until you're about halfway through.

    雖然影片的市場營銷似乎搭上了 "快樂的大腳 "的順風車,但在影片進行到一半之前,舞蹈在影片中幾乎沒有任何存在感。

  • The plot goes from two birds wanting to eat a penguin egg, then raising the penguin they call Pingo, Pingo struggles with being adopted, and then he just happens upon some tap dancing shoes which just so happen to scare away some penguin eaters.

    劇情從兩隻鳥想吃企鵝蛋開始,然後養大了這隻企鵝,它們叫它 "Pingo",Pingo 在被收養的過程中不斷掙扎,後來它偶然發現了一雙踢踏舞鞋,恰好嚇跑了一些吃企鵝的人。

  • Roll credits!


  • Daryl Van Sidders The director of this film is Daryl Van Sidders, and the thing is, this seemed like a short stint in mockbuster movie making.

    Daryl Van Sidders 本片的導演是 Daryl Van Sidders。

  • Along with his company Renegade Animation, he went on to make two more films you may be familiar with if you're into your mockbusters.

    他與他的公司 Renegade Animation 一起,又製作了兩部你可能熟悉的電影,如果你喜歡模擬爆破片的話。

  • The other two films were Chop Kick Panda and Puss in Boots, A Furry Tale.


  • Just like Kung Fu Panda, the Cars franchise has a bigger list than most when it comes to copycats.


  • With the film Planes, you have a more notorious twin, Wings, and its sequel, Wings Skyforce.


  • Sporting similar plotlines, the first Russian film was originally called Ot Vinta 3D, that was then dubbed with a couple of recognizable names, actors like Rob Schneider, Hilary Duff, and Jesse McCartney.

    第一部俄羅斯電影原名為《奧特-文塔 3D》,劇情相似,但配音演員包括羅伯-施耐德、希拉里-達夫和傑西-麥卡特尼等知名演員。

  • For the main Cars franchise, you've got Videobrinquedos The Little Cars, Sparkplug Entertainment's A Car's Life, and the Chinese blue MTV's The Autobots.

    主要的《汽車總動員》系列有 Videobrinquedos 的《小汽車》、Sparkplug Entertainment 的《汽車生活》和中國藍 MTV 的《汽車人》。

  • All of these products take various inspirations from the Pixar franchise, the Autobots even being sued for the incredible likeness of the poster.


  • But those are only some of the more notorious rip-offs.


  • I would like to introduce to you, Wheelie.


  • Fast and hilarious, the rip-off with some competence.


  • While the previous Car rip-offs may have struggled visually, this film doesn't look half bad.


  • A film animated in Malaysia, the characters are near identical.


  • Wheelie is a spray-painted McQueen, and Putt-Putt is a moped version of Mater.

    Wheelie 是噴漆麥昆,Putt-Putt 則是輕便摩托車版的板牙。

  • The plot is a bit hard to follow, and some of the stereotypes slash comedy may be considered a tad offensive for today's times, but it was a lot easier to look at than some of the others.


  • If you had a chance to change the title of your film to make more money, would you?


  • Well that's exactly what Bright Spark Productions did with their film, Braver.

    這正是 Bright Spark Productions 製作的電影《Braver》所做的。

  • You may remember one of the more boisterous Disney-Pixar princesses as Merida from the 2012 film Brave, so you would think that a rip-off of this movie would be another tale about a princess who wants to break free from the shackles of her royal responsibilities.

    你可能還記得迪士尼-皮克斯 2012 年出品的電影《勇敢者遊戲》(Brave)中的梅莉達(Merida),是以你會認為這部電影的翻版應該是另一個關於公主想要擺脫王室責任束縛的故事。

  • But Braver is nothing like that.

    但 Braver 並非如此。

  • It's another film, repackaged, to look like Brave.


  • The film you'll find yourself watching in the Braver DVD case is a TV movie called A Fairytale Christmas from 2005.

    您將在 "更勇敢 "DVD 盒中看到的影片是一部 2005 年的電視電影,名為《童話般的聖誕節》(A Fairytale Christmas)。



  • The company Bright Spark Productions received threats of legal action from Disney after they were made aware of this blatant trickery.

    Bright Spark Productions 公司在得知迪斯尼公然耍花招後,收到了來自迪斯尼的法律訴訟威脅。

  • Ah, the Bee Movie.


  • Truly a cinematic masterpiece from 2007.

    真正的 2007 年電影傑作。

  • If I'm ever having a nightmare, I just listen to a reading of the entire Bee Movie script as I fall back into a peaceful slumber.


  • This is why, when I accidentally clicked on The Little Bee, you can realize how earth-tremblingly distraught I was whenever I didn't hear what is essentially Seinfeld, but with bees.


  • Abelie Hinn has, I won't even try to pronounce that right, or The Little Bee is a film by the amazing Brazilian animation studio Video Brinquedo, who is behind some other great animated mockbusters such as The Little Cars, Gladyformers, Little Panda Fighter, and Ratatouille.

    阿貝莉-希恩(Abelie Hinn)的《小蜜蜂》(The Little Bee),我甚至都不想把它唸對,或者說《小蜜蜂》(The Little Bee)是由令人驚歎的巴西動畫工作室 Video Brinquedo 製作的一部電影,該工作室還製作了其他一些優秀的模擬卡通片,如《小汽車》(The Little Cars)、《格萊迪變形金剛》(Gladyformers)、《小熊貓鬥士》(Little Panda Fighter)和《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille)。

  • This company has made it their business to create films based on other famous titles and get English dubs of them to market to an international audience.


  • The animation is stilted, the plot is about war and switching societal roles, the environments are awful, I wouldn't even stick this on for my worst enemy.


  • The thing is though, all of Video Brinquedo's dubs have some voices you may recognize.

    不過,Video Brinquedo 的所有配音中都有一些你可能認得的聲音。

  • Who?


  • Uh, like, I don't know, maybe the original Ash Ketchum Veronica Taylor?


  • What are you doing here guys, you're too good for this!


  • Are you alright?


  • No.

  • Bug Bites and Ants Life is a mockbuster made in 1998, around the same time as DreamWorks Ants and Disney's A Bug's Life.

    蟲蟲咬人》和《螞蟻生活》是 1998 年製作的一部模擬電影,與夢工廠的《螞蟻》和迪斯尼的《蟲蟲生活》同期。

  • It was reportedly the first 3D mockbuster, made by RIPA veterans Spark Plug Entertainment.

    據報道,這是第一部 3D 模擬電影,由 RIPA 的老牌公司 Spark Plug Entertainment 製作。

  • The plot is incoherent, the animation is bad, and it's boring.


  • It's horrible.


  • I have nightmares about it.


  • Watching all these films is making me slowly lose my mind.


  • The best thing about this DVD though, because it isn't even funny to watch, because it only came to around 25 minutes long, it wasn't long enough to be considered a movie.

    不過,這張 DVD 最棒的地方在於,它看起來一點也不好玩,因為它只有 25 分鐘左右,還不夠長,不能算是一部電影。

  • As a result, the company shipped it with other public domain cartoons on the VHS and its later DVD release.

    是以,該公司將其與其他公有領域的卡通片一起裝入 VHS 和後來發行的 DVD 中。

  • And if you look up reviews for the DVD, many people consider the filler cartoons to be better than the actual animated movie.

    如果你翻看 DVD 的評論,很多人認為填充卡通片比真正的動畫電影更精彩。

  • Do you know what I thought the emotional and tragic story of the Titanic really needed?


  • A rapping dog.


  • Yeah, you heard me, a rapping dog.


  • Ryan, get a pitch meeting on this ASAP!


  • The story of Titanic is based on real life, so this isn't strictly a rip-off.


  • But given these films were released around 1-3 years after the original Titanic, it's fair to say they were maybe trying to ride on the coattail of the original award-winning film.

    但考慮到這些電影是在原版《泰坦尼克號》1-3 年後上映的,可以說它們可能是想借原版獲獎電影的東風。

  • From 1999, we have The Legend of the Titanic, which features an old, anthropomorphic mouse telling his grandchildren the true story of how everyone from the Titanic was saved by a kraken after the ship was sabotaged by some ex-prisoner sharks who were in on an evil whaling scheme run by a generic villain with an eyepatch.

    1999 年,我們看到了《泰坦尼克號傳奇》(The Legend of Titanic),片中一隻擬人化的老老鼠向他的孫子講述了這樣一個真實的故事:泰坦尼克號上的每個人都被海怪所救,因為這艘船被一些刑滿釋放的鯊魚破壞了,這些鯊魚參與了一個戴著眼罩的普通惡棍所實施的邪惡捕鯨計劃。

  • But wait, it gets better.


  • From 2000, we have Titanic The Legend Goes On, a film where the Titanic does sink, but not without a bunch of anthropomorphic animals portraying confusing stereotypes, some evil stepsisters and more side plots than you can shake a stick at.

    2000 年,我們看到了《泰坦尼克號傳奇繼續》(Titanic The Legend Goes On),在這部影片中,泰坦尼克號的確沉沒了,但卻有一群擬人化的動物在其中扮演著令人困惑的刻板角色,還有一些邪惡的繼姐妹和更多的支線情節。

  • And of course, the rapping dog.


  • But wait, we're not done.


  • From 2004, we have In Search of the Titanic, a sequel to the 1999 film.

    2004 年,《尋找泰坦尼克號》(In Search of the Titanic)是 1999 年電影的續集。

  • We see a bunch of the main characters from the original film go to Atlantis and find the remains of the Titanic.


  • But wait, I've saved the best for last.


  • The Secret Life of Pets isn't a movie I would see again.


  • It's pretty.


  • Illumination have got their cute animated movie formula down to a T.

    Illumination 將其可愛的動畫電影配方發揮得淋漓盡致。

  • If anything was going to get ripped off, I would have expected the minions, but nope.


  • Let me do the pleasure of showing you the Illumination Pets movie ripoff, Funny Pets 2.

    讓我榮幸地向大家展示 Illumination 寵物電影的翻版《滑稽寵物 2》。

  • What happened to Funny Pets 1?

    搞笑寵物 1》怎麼了?

  • What do you expect me to make sense of this anymore?


  • Shared by the geniuses at Wow Now Entertainment, this film is nothing short of a masterpiece.

    這部由 Wow Now Entertainment 天才們製作的影片堪稱傑作。

  • I mean, who would have thought that using the same shots and movements repeatedly throughout the film would never get tiring?


  • Heck, they don't even leave the couch.


  • Why bother when you're just showing animal videos and some poorly animated pets reacting to those videos?


  • That's all they do!


  • For an entire movie!


  • It's not funny!


  • It's bad!


  • I can't do this anymore.


  • I need to get some water.


  • Ahhhh!


  • And there you have it.


  • I guarantee you'll be pulling hairs out watching these frustrating ripoffs.


  • What do you guys think?


  • Are there any ripoffs we missed?


  • Let us know in the comments below.


  • Be sure to like, subscribe, and let us know if you would like another video like this diving into some more divisive ripoffs.


  • Thanks again guys, and we'll see you next time.




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