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  • Let's get started.


  • My name is Kevin.


  • Just make sure that you're in the right spot.


  • This is the spot for dashboard design tips.


  • I'll be talking about dashboard design, info buttons, and toggle switches.


  • And let's get started.


  • First things first, please make your purchase decisions of any Tableau products and service based on existing features and services.

    首先,請根據現有功能和服務決定是否購買任何 Tableau 產品和服務。

  • This conversation may go well or not, it may be awesome or awful, it's too early to tell, so please make your purchase decision wisely.


  • With that said, I'd like to say thank you to all of you for attending the session.


  • And let's talk a little bit about myself so that we can get to know each other a little bit better.


  • My name is Kevin, Kevin Wee.


  • If we have any Mandarin speaking people here, it's Huang Kewen in Mandarin.


  • And there's several things I'd like to know about myself before we start the session.


  • First of all, I've been using Tableau for more than five years.

    首先,我使用 Tableau 已經五年多了。

  • I'm currently the lead BI analyst at Discover Financial Services.

    我目前是 Discover 金融服務公司的首席商業智能分析師。

  • I'm also a Tableau ambassador.

    我還是 Tableau 大使。

  • That's just another word to say that when I'm not using Tableau at work, I use Tableau for fun to try to push the limit of the tool to see what it can do that's not commonly available at a moment.

    這句話的另一個意思是,當我在工作中不使用 Tableau 時,我會把使用 Tableau 當做一種樂趣,嘗試突破工具的極限,看看它能做什麼,而這些都是目前不常見的。

  • I'm also a Tableau visionary.

    我也是一個 Tableau 願景家。

  • That just means that I am very, very passionate in sharing my findings with all of you.


  • And I try to do that every year in a conference.


  • So with that said, let's talk about what you may get out of the conference.


  • This is the agenda.


  • I'll start with the demonstrations of a dashboard that filled with buttons.


  • Then we'll talk about how you may find good icon libraries for your own dashboard development.


  • I'll talk about a specific kind of button called icon buttons, and then a specific category of icon buttons called toggle switches.


  • We'll end the session with giving you all learning resources so that you could use them to create your own business dashboards as well.


  • Sounds good?


  • Great.


  • Let's get started.


  • By the end of the session, you should be able to do the following.


  • First of all, you should be able to find suitable icon libraries that are readily available to use for you for dashboard development.


  • You should be able to create custom-shaped icons with good user interface, or UI for short.

    您應該能夠創建具有良好用戶界面(簡稱 UI)的自定義形狀圖標。

  • These icons, some of them should have good parameter interactivity.


  • Last but not least, you should be able to lease at least three applications of icon buttons in dashboard design.


  • So with that said, please raise your hand if you have explained the same thing about a dashboard or a metric over and over again in the last couple of days.


  • People just keep asking the same questions about a chart, a metric, a equation.


  • Now raise your hand if you have had too many filters or parameters in a dashboard.


  • People just keep asking for more, but you only have limited real estate in the dashboard, a lot of you.


  • How many of you have tried to find good icons on internet, but you always ended up with something that you're not sure whether they're proper or professional, right?


  • In a business context.


  • So today I'll try to help you solve all of these problems.


  • Before I demo the dashboard, there are two notes I'd like to give to you and myself.


  • First of all, a well-designed dashboard button should help the target users.


  • They should be easily used by them, but not bedazzled them.


  • They shouldn't spend too much time looking at them.


  • And the second thing is, later, I'd like you to pay attention to the buttons.


  • In this session, charts are not a hero.


  • These are the buttons that changes the charts.


  • We good?


  • Cool.


  • Now let's look at what can actually be done with icon buttons.


  • I have published this dashboard on my Tableau public account, and it's currently publicly accessible to all of you.

    我已經在我的 Tableau 公共賬戶上發佈了這個儀表盤,目前大家都可以公開訪問它。

  • These are the three icon buttons that I will be demonstrating today.


  • Number one, it's a hover button.


  • So what does it do is when you hover your cursor on it, it will spill out an information about a dashboard or a chart.


  • An example of use would be in the chart on the right side here, it has a fancy metric called punctual delivery rate.


  • If you hover your cursor over it, you will read the definition of that metric.


  • So this could be useful for all of those indexes, all of those rates in your company.


  • The second kind of icon buttons that I'd like to introduce to you is called A-B switch.

    我要向大家介紹的第二種圖標按鈕叫做 A-B 開關。

  • It lets you switch between setting A and setting B in the same chart when you click it.

    點擊後,您可以在同一圖表中切換設置 A 和設置 B。

  • So here it tells you when you click it, it will switch from B to A. And when you click it again, it will switch back.

    是以,這裡會告訴你,當你點擊它時,它會從 B 切換到 A。

  • So back and forth.


  • An example of this application would be you can switch the X metrics between two different metrics.

    例如,您可以在兩個不同的指標之間切換 X 指標。

  • Currently, the X metrics for this chart is sales per order by category.

    目前,該圖表的 X 指標是按類別劃分的每個訂單的銷售額。

  • When you click the icon, it will switch to profit per order by category.


  • The third kind of button that I'd like to introduce to you is a special kind of A-B switches.

    我要向大家介紹的第三種按鈕是一種特殊的 A-B 開關。

  • It's called on off switch.


  • Basically you turn on or turn off a setting of a chart or a dashboard by clicking it like this on and off.


  • It's pretty much like the light switch at your home.


  • The example that I'm showing you here is sometimes when we compare the existing value with our plan value, like a target, like a forecast, we want to temporarily hide or show that forecast or that compared value.


  • So with the on off switch, you can accomplish so.


  • I know that all of this is very overwhelming with a lot of buttons on the screen, but now let's take a step back.


  • Let's talk about how do we actually get this icon buttons.


  • On the screen here, we have two set of icons.


  • I'd like you to spend about five seconds to think which one set, which set is better for a professional business dashboard.

    我希望你們花 5 秒鐘的時間思考一下,哪一套更適合專業商務儀表盤。

  • How many of you say the bottom one?


  • How many of you say the top one?


  • Awesome.


  • We're in a good, we're in a good, we're in a good place.


  • Oh, by the way, I'm not a graphic designer.


  • I did not create any of this icons, but I do agree with you that icons on the top are better than the ones on the bottoms.


  • So what exactly that make them better?


  • According to Google material design, the icons that could be, should be used in a software or in our case, a dashboard, this should be simple in design, they should be easily recognizable.


  • That means that when you step at a very far and you can still figure out a small one, what do they mean without the text next to it.


  • And amongst the icons, they should have style consistency, meaning that the color should be similar.


  • If they have any line in it, their line weight should be similar, their thickness should be similar.


  • They should look like they belong in the same family.


  • So in the past couple of months, I have gathered about 26 icons that I deem they could be commonly used in dashboard designs.

    是以,在過去的幾個月裡,我收集了大約 26 個我認為可以在儀表盤設計中常用的圖標。

  • And then by the end of the session, you will get all 26 of them.

    在課程結束時,你將獲得全部 26 項內容。

  • Okay, so stay tuned, sit tight.


  • Now let's get back to these buttons.


  • And what do they actually do?


  • Let's compare these three buttons.


  • They look so different, right?


  • But actually, they're all coming from the same starting point.


  • All three buttons are actually one worksheet, like each of them is their own worksheet, with one custom shape mark overlap with a transparent shape.


  • For those who are not familiar with the term, a transparent shape is just a circle PNG file with zero opacity, or 100% transparency.

    對於不熟悉這個術語的人來說,透明形狀只是一個不透明度為零或透明度為 100% 的圓形 PNG 文件。

  • You can export it and then import it to Tableau.

    您可以將其導出,然後導入到 Tableau 中。

  • Basically all of them starting with this starting point, they're just two marks overlap with each other with a transparent circle being larger than the actual icon.


  • And of course, we have some text in the tooltip.


  • What else that they have in common?


  • All of them arguably have a better UI compared to one shape mark icon button.


  • So in this small icon here, this is just like one shape mark.


  • So why do we need to overlay it with a transparent circle and everything?


  • So you can see that usually when people create one custom shape icon, when you hover over it, you see the very ugly black outline, right, making it very hard to read.


  • And then the second you move your cursor away from it, the tooltip text won't stay, it's just gone.


  • But if you hover over mine icon, you can move your cursor onto the tooltip, and when my hand's out, it's still up there.


  • So in a meeting, it could be easy for you to demonstrate the dashboard.


  • Last but not least, when you compare these three icons with the very original icon here, when you click it, it will have a lot of unrelatable command buttons above it.


  • It's just ugly and it's just confusing.


  • They don't serve any functions here.


  • But in my icon, when you click on them, not that there are no outlines, no ugly outlines, they're also very clean, doesn't have all of those command buttons.


  • So how do we accomplish them?


  • I'll explain that later.


  • But with that, let's talk about their differences.


  • These three buttons, one of the major significant difference is that they have different informations in the tooltips.


  • The first one just tells you whatever useful informations you want, and the second one it tells you to switch to B or A, and the third one telling you to turn on or off a dashboard setting.

    第一個只是告訴你任何有用的資訊,第二個告訴你切換到 B 或 A,第三個告訴你打開或關閉儀表板設置。

  • The last comparisons between these three buttons would be what would happen when you click on them.


  • For the hover button, when you click on it, nothing would happen.


  • And for the A, B switch, when you click on it, it won't change the shape, but it would change the text next to it and a parameter value.

    至於 A、B 開關,當你點擊它時,它不會改變形狀,但會改變旁邊的文字和參數值。

  • And then for the on-off button, it'll just change everything.


  • So how do we actually create them?


  • Let's go to my Tableau desktop, which you will also get the file by the end of the session.

    讓我們轉到我的 Tableau 桌面,在課程結束前你也會得到文件。

  • Here, this is what I call a proto-button, the starting point of all three buttons.


  • You can tell that I just use min-zero as a placeholder to create the zero lines, and then I just place two custom shape marks overlapping with each other.

    你可以看到,我只是用 min-zero 作為佔位符來創建零線,然後將兩個自定義形狀標記重疊在一起。

  • And to create that special kind of cleaner tooltip text, here are what I did.


  • For show tooltips, I select on-hover instead of responsive, so your tooltip will last longer.

    對於顯示工具提示,我選擇的是 "懸浮時",而不是 "響應時",這樣工具提示的時間會更長。

  • And also, I unchecked the include command buttons option so that it doesn't have those weird command buttons show up when you click the button.


  • So that's how you create a cleaner proto-button.


  • So with this proto-button, all I did was I changed the circle to a transparent shape, and I hid all of those zero lines, and I changed the shape mark under it.


  • That is how I create the hover button.


  • So it's very simplistic, very clean.


  • All it does is just tell you one information, one information about a dashboard.


  • And here you will see that I have apple and oranges in the detail, and a lot of people will be like, why do you always have apple, oranges, pears, and strawberries in your dashboard?


  • The thing is, this, even though the top layer is a transparent shape, when you click on it in the worksheet, sometimes it will still glitch out a little bit.


  • So to prevent that, when I create the button in the dashboard action, I use something that


  • I call highlight deactivation, or some of the DataFam leader, they call it a false highlight.

    我稱之為高亮停用,或者一些 DataFam 領導人稱之為假高亮。

  • I make Tableau, when we click on that icon, we force Tableau to compare apple and orange.

    我讓 Tableau 在點擊該圖標時強制比較蘋果和橙子。

  • And because apple will never equal to orange, it will default to show all value, so there will not be any white highlights or black highlights on the button.

    由於 "蘋果 "永遠不會等於 "橙色",所以默認情況下會顯示所有值,是以按鈕上不會出現任何白色或黑色高光。

  • So now the button seems very seamless, very integrable into your dashboard.


  • Now let's look at some of the use cases for hover button.


  • Rather than showing the metric, or the metric definition, or SQL logic, or calculation formula, you can also show who is responsible for this chart, or who is responsible for the metric.

    除了顯示指標、指標定義、SQL 邏輯或計算公式外,還可以顯示誰對該圖表負責,或誰對指標負責。

  • So that could be very useful.


  • And sometimes when your dashboard has some data issue, you can also show the data issue in a red alert.


  • And then if you have the link to the JIRA ticket or Merrill ticket of someone's taking care of that issue at the moment, you can place it in the tool tip too, so that when people use the click to go to URL function in the dashboard, they may directly access to the current status of that problem.

    然後,如果您有正在處理該問題的 JIRA 票據或美林票據的鏈接,也可以將其放在工具提示中,這樣當人們使用儀表板中的點擊轉到 URL 功能時,就可以直接訪問該問題的當前狀態。

  • So this could be a very useful case.


  • Now let's talk about A-B switches and on-off switches.

    現在我們來談談 A-B 開關和開關。

  • They're actually very similar as I described earlier.


  • For an A-B switch, you just need to place what I call a flip formula in the text.

    對於 A-B 開關,您只需在文本中加入我所說的翻轉公式。

  • For those who are not familiar with the flip formula, it's basically telling us if the current parameter is A, then the answer is B. If the current parameter is B, then the answer is A. With the flip formula in the text, we can know what would happen, or which setting we could go to when we click it.

    對於那些不熟悉翻轉公式的人來說,它基本上就是告訴我們,如果當前參數是 A,那麼答案就是 B;如果當前參數是 B,那麼答案就是 A。有了文本中的翻轉公式,我們就可以知道會發生什麼,或者點擊它後可以進入哪個設置。

  • And for an on-off switch, it's just building one layer above of it.


  • Now in the text, it is showing you the current parameter, but we place the flip value in the tool tip.


  • So now we know when we click it, it will turn off, but the current setting is on, and so on.


  • And using dashboard change parameter function, we can use the button to control the parameter, and then the parameter control the chart.


  • Here are some of the examples.


  • Like I said earlier, you can change a metric.


  • In this use case, I'm changing the Y metric between monthly profit per order to monthly sales per order by clicking the icon.

    在本例中,我點擊圖標將 Y 指標從每訂單月利潤改為每訂單月銷售額。

  • Oh, by the way, for those who looks a little bit confused, basically this is a button.


  • These are the title of the chart.


  • I just create a space holder so that I can float that icon above of it.


  • You can also switch between two breakout dimension.


  • So practically with the A-B switch, you can switch metrics, you can switch dimensions.

    是以,實際上使用 A-B 轉換器,你可以切換指標,也可以切換維度。

  • These are practically everything, everything in Tableau.

    這些幾乎就是 Tableau 中的一切。

  • Regarding on-off switch, there are a lot of things in a dashboard that you can turn on and off.


  • Here are some use cases.


  • First of all, you can group or ungroup the line charts like this.


  • When you ungroup it, when you hover over it, you read both the category and subcategory products.


  • But when you group it, you would only show the total in category.


  • You can also show and hide different target values like this so that you can read the existing bars clearer.


  • You can toggle between different scale.


  • It could be a truncated scale or full scale.


  • And if you can control one chart's scale, you can control different scale simultaneously.


  • You can decide whether you want to sync the scales or unsync the scale.


  • Like I said earlier, because today the heroes are not the charts, I have already placed the instructions on how to create all these charts in my Tableau public workbook.

    就像我之前說的,因為今天的主角不是圖表,所以我已經把如何創建所有這些圖表的說明放在了我的 Tableau 公共工作簿中。

  • So do check them out, and they're all downloadable.


  • They're free.


  • And if you have any questions about them, they're always free to ask me.


  • With that, let's go back to the presentation.


  • Remember I told y'all that there will be learning resources by the end of the session.


  • Everybody take your phone out.


  • Here we go.


  • So in this QR code, it will show you the presentation slide deck, the demo workbook, the icon line library, which is also free.


  • And later, once we have the video available on Salesforce Plus, I'll also put it on my blog so that you may access it.

    稍後,一旦我們在 Salesforce Plus 上提供了視頻,我也會把它放到我的博客上,以便你們可以訪問。

  • Cool.


  • If anyone zoom out a little bit.


  • So with that, I would like to give you some takeaways.


  • First of all, free icon libraries with simple, easily recognizable, and consistent design.


  • They make good dashboard icons.


  • And buttons with good UIs should have a very clear tool tip, expanded interaction area, and no ugly highlights when you click them.


  • And custom-shaped icons, you could use them to reveal useful information of a dashboard, or use them to control the setting of one chart or the whole dashboard.


  • I'm sure that a lot of things I haven't covered, I encourage you to try them out, do something that I didn't show today, and come back next year so that you can share everything with us.


  • With that said, I'd like to thank Tableau and Salesforce for the talk invitation.

    在此,我要感謝 Tableau 和 Salesforce 的演講邀請。

  • I'd like to thank Discover credit BI team for the practice adoptions and a lot of rehearsal.

    我要感謝 Discover Credit BI 團隊的實踐採用和大量排練。

  • I'd like to thank Yamil and Aaron for the presentation debut in the Florida Tableau user group.

    我要感謝 Yamil 和 Aaron 在佛羅里達州 Tableau 用戶組的首次亮相。

  • And I'd like to thank all of these people and many of you for inspirations for all of these examples.


  • So with that, thank you very much.


  • I'm open for questions now, and do reach out if you have any questions.


Let's get started.


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