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  • Hi everyone, it's Lia.


  • This week was homecoming at Cornell, so come with me to see what I did during the weekend.


  • I went to the library first to try and get things done before having some fun.


  • If you don't know what homecoming is, it's a long tradition in America where the school, students, and alumni celebrate the school.


  • It usually lasts a week, with each day having a fun event on campus like games or events for people to gather together, and then on Friday or Saturday, there's a football game.


  • I'm personally not that into football, but if you have the chance to go to a game, it could be a really cool experience.


  • After a while, I went to the cafe to get a snack, and then went back home.


  • So I got this in the mail today, and I have this.


  • It's just like the printer for the film, so you buy the film and then you can just print whatever picture you want.


  • And yeah, so I'm gonna try it out and see if it works.


  • I just realized there's literally film in here, and now it's all ruined.


  • Anyway, I just put the new film in the printer, and the protective film case automatically pops out, and you can start printing.


  • I like collecting Polaroids so I can have physical pictures to look at, rather than always looking at my phone, and this printer is actually pretty high quality.


  • For dinner, my boyfriend and I had dumplings.


  • Sometimes when I can't think of anything to cook, I'll just have dumplings because it's simple but it still tastes so good.


  • I think my favorite is still pork and cabbage dumplings, but maybe I haven't tried enough different kinds.


  • So let me know what you guys like, and maybe I'll try something new.


  • After eating, we went back to campus to watch fireworks on the football field.


  • When we got there, it was so packed, and the risers started slowly filling up with people as we all waited for it to get dark enough for fireworks.


  • There was a DJ playing, and people dancing, and the school's mascot even came out to dance too.

    現場有 DJ 播放,人們翩翩起舞,學校的吉祥物甚至也出來跳舞。

  • Usually school mascots look kind of scary, but Cornell's is actually so cute.


  • They even used a t-shirt launcher to throw free shirts into the crowd, so people were going crazy trying to get one.

    他們甚至還用 T 恤發射器向人群中投擲免費的 T 恤,人們為了得到一件而瘋狂。

  • Then the fireworks started, and they also had lasers going, which I had never seen before.


  • Then the next day, there was a festival going on downtown.


  • So lots of people came, and there was so much food.


  • This kind of food is stuff that you can only get at festivals or carnivals, so it's kind of special and all the food tastes so good.


  • But this festival is called the Apple Harvest Festival, so there's lots of apples and apple products like caramel apples, apple cider, and apple cider donuts.


  • The line for this was so long because they really do taste that good.


  • After waiting for about 30 minutes, I got the donuts, but I was so disappointed.

    等了大約 30 分鐘後,我買到了甜甜圈,但非常失望。

  • Where I'm from in the Midwest, they're so soft and sweet, but these are just not good.


  • But I just kept walking and I found another thing I love, which is this funnel cake.


  • My boyfriend kept saying it tastes like youtiao, and honestly he's kind of right.

    我男朋友一直說它的味道像 Youtiao,老實說他說得有點對。

  • So imagine a very skinny and sweet youtiao covered in sugar, and that's kind of what this tastes like.

    所以,想象一下,一個又瘦又甜的 Youtiao 上面裹滿了糖,這就是它的味道。

  • It's amazing.


  • There was so much other food there too, and they also had some games where you can win prizes like this dinosaur or dragon thing.


  • There was also a bunch of random stuff going on, and there were even some goats just hanging out.


  • Anyway, that was my weekend, so thanks for spending it with me, and see you next time!


Hi everyone, it's Lia.


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