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  • Apple has finally announced an update to the iPad Mini.

    蘋果公司終於宣佈更新 iPad Mini。

  • It's now featuring an A17 Pro chip, which will support Apple Intelligence when it comes out later this month.

    它現在採用 A17 Pro 芯片,本月晚些時候推出時將支持蘋果智能系統。

  • The refreshed 7th generation tablet maintains its compact 8.3-inch form factor, but it does offer notable performance improvements and other new capabilities. So, the A17 Pro chip that's inside this new iPad not only brings you Apple Intelligence, but brings a 30% boost in CPU performance and a 25% increase in GPU performance compared to the previous generation, at least according to Apple. The new iPad Mini will also be able to use the new Apple Pencil Pro, which was released in May with the iPad Pro, and comes with a few new features for those who are unfamiliar, like pressure sensitivity, haptic feedback, and gesture controls.

    更新後的第七代平板電腦保持了 8.3 英寸的小巧外形,但在性能和其他新功能方面有了顯著提升。是以,新款 iPad 內置的 A17 Pro 芯片不僅帶來了蘋果智能,而且與上一代產品相比,CPU 性能提升了 30%,GPU 性能提升了 25%,至少蘋果公司是這麼說的。 此外,新款 iPad Mini 還將能夠使用全新的 Apple Pencil Pro,該產品已於 5 月份隨 iPad Pro 一起發佈,對於不熟悉的用戶來說,它具有一些新功能,如壓力靈敏度、觸覺反饋和手勢控制等。

  • This pencil is a fantastic option for designers and creators out there who need a little bit more of that natural feel when creating on an iPad.

    對於那些在 iPad 上創作時需要更多自然感的設計師和創作者來說,這款鉛筆是一個絕佳的選擇。

  • And the gesture controls and that haptic ability to be able to kind of feel around and know when you're putting in a lot of pressure is great. And those gesture controls, speaking of, gives you quick ability to access different functions within the app that you're using, and you'll be able to do that all without having to remove the pencil from the tablet.

    手勢控制和觸覺功能可以讓你感覺到周圍的情況,知道你是否施加了很大的壓力。 說到手勢控制,它能讓你快速訪問正在使用的應用程序中的不同功能,而且你無需將鉛筆從平板電腦上取下就能完成所有操作。

  • As I mentioned earlier, Apple Intelligence will also be on this iPad, so you'll get all of the fun new features in 18.1 that I've been using for quite some time in the beta. So you'll have the summarize of notifications and mail, which is awesome.

    正如我之前提到的,蘋果智能也將出現在這款 iPad 上,是以你將獲得 18.1 中所有有趣的新功能,我已經在測試版中使用了很長時間。 是以,你將擁有通知和郵件的彙總功能,這非常棒。

  • I really love that feature.


  • You'll have a lot of the new writing tools available.


  • And then later on, we'll have the image playground and Genmoji.

    之後,我們還將有影像遊樂場和 Genmoji。

  • And then eventually, it will connect to some of the cloud-based models out there, like ChatGPT.

    最終,它還將連接到一些基於雲的模式,如 ChatGPT。

  • The first set of Apple Intelligence features, again, will be available later this month in a free software update for Ray Tracing. So there is a gaming aspect to this, which is always great.

    首批 Apple Intelligence 功能將在本月晚些時候通過 Ray Tracing 的免費軟件更新提供。 是以,這也是一個遊戲方面的功能,這總是很棒的。

  • There's tons of new games out there each and every day.


  • Apple Arcade has a slew of them.

    Apple Arcade 有很多這樣的遊戲。

  • And having hardware-accelerated Ray Tracing, which is four times faster than software-based Ray Tracing, as well as support for dynamic caching and hardware-accelerated mesh shading is fantastic.


  • Basically, it's going to be pretty great for some of these really graphic-intensive games out there, not only in both performance, but also in visuals. The seventh-gen iPad is available in four colors, including a new blue and purple.

    基本上,對於一些圖形密集型遊戲來說,它不僅在性能上,而且在視覺效果上都會非常出色。 第七代 iPad 有四種顏色可供選擇,包括新的藍色和紫色。

  • And the new iPad with Wi-Fi starts at $499 for the 128-gig version, and then $649 for the Wi-Fi and cellular model.

    配備 Wi-Fi 功能的新款 iPad 128GB 版起價 499 美元,Wi-Fi 和蜂窩網絡版起價 649 美元。

  • The new iPad Mini is also available in 256-gigs and 512-gig configurations.

    新款 iPad Mini 還提供 256GB 和 512GB 兩種配置。

  • You can pre-order right now with availability starting October 23rd.

    您現在就可以預訂,10 月 23 日開始供貨。

  • And there's a new Smart Folio case if you want it, which is available in charcoal gray, light violet, denim, and sage.

    如果你需要,還可以選擇全新的 Smart Folio 保護套,有炭灰色、淺紫色、牛仔布和鼠尾草色可供選擇。

  • And that's available for $59 as well. So of course, I'd love to hear from you in the iPad Mini that's going to be coming out in the next week or so.

    售價也是 59 美元。 當然,我很樂意聽到你對下週即將上市的 iPad Mini 的看法。

  • Are you picking one up?


  • Have you been waiting for an iPad Mini to just be refreshed so that you didn't have to pick up an old one?

    你是否一直在等待 iPad Mini 的更新換代,這樣你就不必再購買舊款 iPad 了?

  • Are you one of those who did just pick up an old one?


  • Maybe you have a chance to return it, you can get the new one?


  • Let me know down in those comments below. This has been Dan with MacRumors.

    請在下面的評論中告訴我。 本文由 Dan 與 MacRumors 合作撰寫。

  • Thanks so much for watching.


  • I look forward to seeing you around in the next video.


Apple has finally announced an update to the iPad Mini.

蘋果公司終於宣佈更新 iPad Mini。

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