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  • I want to be a part of bringing boba to the masses, but not like this.


  • So for that reason, I'm out. Simu says no. Dragon Zen makes international headlines after guest Dragon Simu Liu calls out a boba tea company for cultural appropriation.

    是以,我退出。劉思沐說不龍禪》成為國際頭條新聞,因為嘉賓 "龍 "劉思沐(Simu Liu)斥責一家波霸茶公司文化挪用。

  • I started this venture company primarily to uplift minority entrepreneurs.


  • And not only do I feel like this is not happening here, but that I would be uplifting a business that is profiting off of something that feels so dear to my cultural heritage. The company pitches their version of a bottled boba tea, which they claim would be a healthier version of the popular drink.


  • There's an issue of taking something that's very distinctly Asian in its identity and quote unquote, making it better, which I have an issue with. So Tyrone, I feel like a lot of people were triggered by many parts of this segment.

    這就涉及到一個問題,那就是把一個具有非常明顯亞洲特徵的東西,用不引人注意的話說就是 "讓它變得更好",我對此有異議。 是以,泰隆,我覺得很多人都被這段話的很多部分所觸動。

  • And one of them was the business owners referring to boba as almost like a mystery drink where you don't know what's in the contents.


  • And that speaks to stereotypes about East Asian food, particularly Chinese food and where it comes from and what's in it and whether or not it's healthy.


  • And then later the business owners say that they have a healthier version, which brings up all of those stereotypes.


  • And I feel like part of the reason CIMU is reacting like that was for that reason. Well, it's 100%.

    我覺得,CIMU之所以會做出這樣的反應,部分原因就在於此。 嗯,百分之百是這樣。

  • You're playing on a history that's based on stereotypes.


  • Yeah. Wow.

    是啊 哇哦 Wow.

  • Post-broadcast backlash is swift against the makers of the boba tea and towards Dragon, Manjeet Minhas, who ends up buying into the company and defends herself to CIMU.

    播出後,蕎麥茶製造商和 "龍 "曼吉特-明哈斯(Manjeet Minhas)迅速遭到反擊,曼吉特-明哈斯最終收購了這家公司,並向 CIMU 進行了自我辯護。

  • It makes me sad that people are, you know, they're drinking boba with a raccoon with a sun.


  • It doesn't mean that they don't have the opportunity to change and do that.


  • Following the criticism though, Manjeet pulls her funding with the company and releases this statement on her Instagram.

    在受到責備後,Manjeet 取消了對該公司的資助,並在她的 Instagram 上發表了以下聲明。

  • After more reflection, due diligence, and listening to many of your opinions, I will not be investing in boba tea. But the situation is so heated that CIMU takes to his TikTok to remind people to be kind.

    經過更多的思考、盡職調查,並聽取了大家的許多意見後,我不會再投資蕎麥茶了。 但事態如此激烈,CIMU 在他的 TikTok 上提醒大家要善待他人。

  • I've been made aware that the business owners have received a lot of the death threats.


  • It's never okay to make threats.


  • It's never okay to bully and harass online. The makers of boba also released a statement on their Instagram page stating that, quote, CIMU raised very valid points regarding cultural appropriation and we welcome this learning opportunity. You know what, Tyrone?

    在網上欺凌和騷擾是絕對不允許的。 波霸的製作者也在他們的 Instagram 頁面上發表了一份聲明,稱 "CIMU 就文化挪用問題提出了非常有道理的觀點,我們歡迎這次學習機會。你知道嗎,泰隆?

  • Boba originated in Taiwan and there are many Taiwanese entrepreneurs here in Canada and Toronto that have boba shops.


  • And I think I'm gonna have one later.


  • I think I'll have one too.


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I want to be a part of bringing boba to the masses, but not like this.


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