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  • New York City is the number one city in the world with the most millionaires today


  • We're gonna be walking around Manhattan asking multi millionaires how they got rich and how you and I can become as successful as they are


  • Hey, man, can we get you in a quick YouTube video?


  • Are you a millionaire? I'm good. Thanks. Am I what millionaire? No. No, I'm not. Are you a millionaire? Are you a millionaire?

    你是百萬富翁嗎?我很好 謝謝 I'm good.謝謝我是什麼百萬富翁?不,不,我不是。你是百萬富翁嗎?你是百萬富翁嗎?

  • So, what do you do ignore you?


  • Damn, there's millionaires out here, but they're not taking me serious. Like look at my fear right now


  • We're not looking like millionaires. These millionaires don't want to talk to brokies


  • So we got a we got to up the scale a little bit. We got to change


  • You know I'm saying spawns with the with the good Burberry cologne. So now I think we gonna have some success. Let's go


  • Okay, so what do you do for a living real estate developer?


  • So if you could share like a range or like the exact number whatever you're comfortable with


  • What's like the most amount of money that you've ever made in one year during what you do? I would say roughly 25 million how long you've been doing that about five years and what got you into it family business

    在你所從事的工作中,一年賺得最多的錢是多少?我想大概是 2500 萬左右,你做了多久,大約五年,是什麼讓你進入家族企業的?

  • Went to college or I didn't even graduate high school high school dropout and went from there


  • You got to make it on your own


  • So what's like the best financial advice you've ever received throughout your entire life as soon as you fall down


  • Get back up and keep going. It's a push. No one's gonna snow


  • Is it no one believes in you more than yourself?


  • So what's one piece of advice if you can go back to when you first started your business?


  • What's one piece of advice you would tell to your younger self tell myself to keep hustling and God provides the rest

    你想對年輕時的自己說的一句話是什麼? 告訴我自己要繼續努力,剩下的就交給上帝吧

  • You'll be taken care of you have to do what you love in order to become successful doing what you love is more enjoyable


  • But you could do anything and become successful


  • Dealing with whatever it is. Keep trying different things till one thing works


  • And once it works you and you stick to that thing and you keep going. So what do you do for a living?


  • I own a car dealership. So what's the most amount of money that you've ever made in one year?


  • Yeah, give me a range or something four and a half million four and a half million

    是啊,給我個範圍什麼的 四百五十萬 四百五十萬

  • So what's the best piece of financial advice you've ever received work for yourself? You stick to that?


  • I stick to that if you could go back to when you first started. What's that some advice that you would give to yourself?


  • Don't take yourself so seriously man. You have to do what you love in order to become successful. No, I hate car business


  • Really? So how'd you get into it then by accident? One of my friends was in the business


  • He pulled me into it. The money was good and I stayed and I grew and that's what happened


  • So what's some advice that you would give to some people trying to get into your industry do what you're good at you're good


  • In my industry if you're good at sales do it. I work on Wall Street. I'm a banker investment banker register rep

    在我的行業裡,如果你擅長銷售,就去做吧。我在華爾街工作。我是銀行家 投資銀行家 註冊代表

  • I'm also the New York City comptroller. I won the election in 2021

    我還是紐約市主計長。我贏得了 2021 年的選舉

  • So if you're comfortable sharing a range or the number of like how the most money you've ever made in one year


  • Could you give us like a range of something like that?


  • I firmly believe that success puts a proper price on its goods and millions of dollars


  • Millions of dollars. So how long have you been doing what you do now banking sales all together 20 years


  • Specifically at Spartan Capital 15 years. So if you could go back to when you first started your journey

    特別是在斯巴達資本工作的 15 年。那麼,如果您能回溯到您最初開始您的旅程時

  • What's one thing that you would tell you younger self never ever hang up the phone take every single person right to the clothes


  • Because again success puts a proper price on its goods. Do you have to love what you do in order to become successful?


  • You got to eat live breathe it smell it wake up every day


  • When it's hard is when it's the best because then you think back about you know


  • What has happened what took you from there to go where you are now makes all the difference in the world


  • I'm an orthopedic surgeon


  • You could give the range of salary of someone making your field or like the most money you've made in a year


  • I've been fakers they go to millions. Yes. How long have you been doing that about 20 years?


  • So do you went to college? I'm sure yeah, you have to go to college. They make you go to college


  • Yeah, and how long was that college four years and then you had a med school. Oh, what is that seven?

    是啊,大學讀了多久 四年,然後你有一個醫學院。哦,那是七年?

  • That's med schools for four more and then residencies five and then fellowships one


  • So what's one piece of advice that you would give yourself you go back and talk to younger self?


  • Like when you first started don't go to medical school go to business school. I think that's it


  • That's it go to Silicon Valley probably, you know get a job in tech medicine's great. I actually do medicine


  • I do medical robotics. So I have a I have a startup company that does there's developing a robot that does hip and knee replacement


  • It's called monogram orthopedics. Well, what advice would you give to younger people trying to get rich have fun doing what you're doing, man?

    這叫 "一字矯形術那麼,你對那些想致富的年輕人有什麼建議? 做自己喜歡做的事,夥計?

  • Okay, do do something stimulating that you have fun with because if you're not into it, you're just not gonna be successful


  • How many hours a week do you work so bad now? I would say probably 50 a week. Yeah, not bad. What about when you first started 80 a lot you work a lot

    你現在每週工作多少小時?一週大概 50 個小時吧。是啊,還不錯。那你剛開始工作的時候呢 80個小時 你工作很多

  • Yo, you guys are not gonna believe who's right behind me like I'm like, I'm like 50-50 if that's even him


  • But if it's him, there's about to be a crazy video


  • He just walked in the Rolex store, but we're gonna try to get him for the video


  • Okay, so what's your name? And what do you do for a living? My name is Kevin O'Leary aka. Mr. Wonderful, and I'm an investor

    好吧,你叫什麼名字?你是做什麼工作的?我叫凱文-奧利裡,又名 "神奇先生",是一名投資者

  • Mr. Wonderful, you're working for me to make money


  • I invest in guys like you and how long have you been doing that long time over 20 years?


  • What's the most amount of money you've ever made in a single year a good year is a positive year


  • But I also lose money which I have to understand about venture capital is sometimes I get it, right


  • Sometimes I get it wrong


  • The whole idea is to get it right more often than you get it wrong and make your winners pay for your mistakes


  • I always try and do between 10 and 17 deals a year

    我每年都會嘗試做 10 到 17 筆交易

  • I hope that three to four work out and pay for all the losers and just so you know


  • Whatever I think is gonna work is usually not the one that works when you invest you take risks and that's why you need diversity


  • I'm always trying to do multiple things because


  • Diversification is the only free lunch in investing. That's why I don't own just one stock. I own multiple stocks


  • But when I do investments in entrepreneurs, I make a lot of bets


  • So what's the best piece of financial advice you've ever received throughout your lifetime never own more than five?


  • Percent of your portfolio in any one stock and never more than 20% in any one sector

    任何一隻股票佔您投資組合的百分比,任何一個行業的比例不得超過 20

  • So you have to make sure you have a diversified portfolio never more than 5% in a stock never more

    是以,您必須確保您的投資組合多樣化,一隻股票的投資比例不得超過 5%。

  • Than 20% in a sector and when the market goes up and down you won't get hurt

    比在一個行業中佔 20% 的股份,當市場漲跌時,你不會受到傷害

  • If you go back to when you first started your business, what's one thing you would tell your younger self?


  • Don't buy all that you didn't need I wish I'd not bought all the crap I bought and I wish I'd put it into the

    別買那些你不需要的東西 我真希望我沒買那些垃圾,我真希望我把它們都放進了......

  • Stock market 30 years ago because it would be worth much more than the jeans. I threw away

    因為它的價值遠遠超過 30 年前的牛仔褲。我扔掉了

  • You don't need 15 pairs of jeans or 40 sneakers put the rest in the market and stop wasting cash

    你不需要 15 條牛仔褲或 40 雙運動鞋,把剩下的放在市場上,別再浪費錢了

  • That's what I've said myself and last question. Do you have to do what you love in order to become successful?


  • Great question and the answer is yes


  • I work 25 hours a day eight days a week because I love it if I hated it

    我每週工作八天,每天工作 25 小時,因為我喜歡它,如果我討厭它的話

  • I don't think you can be successful. It's not about the greed of money


  • It's the pursuit of personal freedom


  • And lastly when you have a great outcome one of your company's works out or your investment you get a job


  • What I do is always buy myself a new watch. This is the emoji puzzle watch


  • There's only known to be three of them in America. I've worked really hard in the last month and achieved a few things


  • I thought I'd never achieve and I awarded myself this watch every watch. I own has a story. It's very personal for me


  • I never sell them because it it's a milestone in my life


  • Never ever borrow money to buy a watch if you didn't earn it do not buy the watch heard it for mr.


  • Wonderful. I don't know if you guys know who that is, but that's Kevin O'Leary aka. Mr. Wonderful

    太棒了我不知道你們是否知道他是誰,但他就是凱文-奧利裡,又名 "奇妙先生"。

  • He's on Shark Tank one of the biggest personalities. He's also worth probably like half a bill

    他是 "鯊魚坦克 "節目中最大牌的人物之一。他的身價大概也有半張鈔票吧

  • I invested like three thousand dollars in this camera and that got me into the position to make all these videos and to meet these


  • These millionaires like there's a few minutes where you have to pay 50k a day to even talk to them and we doing this for

    這些百萬富翁就像有幾分鐘的時間,你必須每天支付 50 000 美元才能與他們交談,而我們這樣做是為了

  • Free pick a hustle and stick with it man, cuz it's gonna work out a bit


  • All right. Now we're gonna be going a diamond district try to get some jewelers over there

    好的現在我們要去鑽石區 找些珠寶商過來

  • I know there's like a bunch of famous


  • So we just made our way uptown to 47th Street in New York City in the diamond district right now

    現在我們來到紐約市鑽石區的 47 街

  • We're at tracks NYC. This guy is known for doing it. Look they filmed uncut gems here


  • He works with like a whole bunch of celebrities. So we're gonna go interview him


  • See what he does see how much money they make per year and let's go. Let's go. See if we could get him

    看看他做了什麼 看看他們每年能賺多少錢 然後我們走吧我們走See if we could get him

  • My name is muck sued a good Johnny and I own this jewelry store right here


  • And how long have you been doing that 19 years almost? How'd you get into it?

    你幹這行有多久了,快 19 年了?你是怎麼入行的?

  • I'm installing a counter-strike on my friend's computer. Somebody noticed me and installing and then had a little internship


  • I found the jewelry store long story short. I started photographing jewelry there and putting it up on eBay

    長話短說,我找到了那家珠寶店。我開始在那裡拍攝珠寶,並把它們放到 eBay 上。

  • We know you've worked with like a whole bunch of celebrities and there's a whole bunch of jeweler stores over here


  • So what like separated you from everybody else?


  • Well, I guess it's my style of business and my staff my collection of jewelry and how I market on social media


  • What's like the most you've ever made in one year from this business? We sell


  • Close to 40 million dollars of jewelry per year

    每年的珠寶銷售額接近 4000 萬美元

  • So what's the best piece of financial advice you've ever received throughout your lifetime?


  • The battle is within people are looking what to do or what to do and you know


  • Decisions or whatever it is. The battle is within you have to fix your own behavior your own mistakes


  • And then the output will be much better. So if you could go back to when you first started your business


  • What's one thing you would tell your younger self?


  • Use your reasoning to make decisions abandon all fear


  • Abandon all doubt if you fine-tune your reasoning things will work out


  • It's it's the it gives you the capacity to predict the future. It's not about


  • Positive thinking or manifestation or a bunch of other dumb nonsense. It's about making careful choices based on


  • You know smart analysis and it's gonna have a fantastic result


  • And what advice would you give to younger people and entrepreneurs trying to come up and trying to get wealthy and rich like you?


  • So what you want to do is you want to watch this channel then you want to watch Warren Buffett?


  • Then you want to watch some old Steve Jobs interviews


  • Then you want to watch you know something Elon Musk is saying and then you want to keep watching that and you want to put


  • In three hours a day and if you put in three hours a day doing that


  • You're gonna be smarter than anybody in college or anybody going to school or anything like that


  • My name is Moses the jeweler and I buy and sell jewelry watches create high-end jewelry and have fun with life


  • How long have you been doing that close to a decade now?


  • What got you into have you done other jobs of you or have you always been in jewelry?


  • I used to be an incredible sandwich maker


  • I used to make the best sandwiches in the world for eight dollars an hour and then I did real estate for a little bit


  • And then I joined the jewelry game when I was 18 years old

    然後,我在 18 歲時加入了珠寶遊戲

  • So what's the best piece of financial advice that you've ever received throughout your lifetime or your career?


  • Don't look at the money look at yourself

    別看錢 看你自己

  • Be the best version that you could be don't only focus on the business everyone only you know

    做最好的自己 不要只關注只有你自己知道的業務

  • They think money money money money money when you start chasing money money runs away from you become the best you and money comes


  • To you be likable people will shop with you money will get attracted to you be an attractive person


  • You'll attract money if you could share like a range or what you've made like the most money you've ever made in one year


  • Whatever. Thank God. Thank God. I have I got


  • Seven maybe seven figures


  • Around that whatever somewhere in the ballpark. We don't say the exact number that would keep it low key


  • Yeah, so if you go back to when you first started your career, what's one thing you would tell you your younger self?


  • Honestly, I don't even know if I would say anything


  • I would just I feel like I was always in the right mindset from a young age


  • And again, it was always just to be loving and just to be the best version that you could be


  • Don't try to be like anyone else you have to do what you love in order to become successful 100% because when you do what you love you wake up in the morning


  • You don't negotiate which is up in the morning


  • You don't say I'm gonna do this or not when you do what you love you wake up in the morning


  • You say okay. I'm consistently gonna do what I do forever what advice would you give to younger people trying to get rich like you work hard and

    你說行。我將永遠做我該做的事 你對那些像你一樣努力工作想致富的年輕人有什麼建議?

  • Following God's footsteps. Thank God for every single thing that you have gratitude will get you very full guys impacted your life significantly


  • Everything is from God. I wouldn't have anything without God. So what do you guys do it for a living?


  • I'm a watch dealer and sell jewelry. How old you guys? I'm 15 surprising 15. That's how old I am 17 16 16. Okay. I started off by like to asking people

    我是鐘錶商,也賣珠寶。你們多大了?我15歲我就這麼大 17 16 16歲好吧,我一開始喜歡問別人

  • Yo, can I just borrow this watch and then I'll show us another person that wanted to sell it like that


  • It wasn't even mine at one point. So I started making my own money and stuff like that


  • So I was able to gather up my money. I'm not a millionaire yet


  • But like, you know, I'm coming close to that point sometime coming here like a year ago


  • I started coming to random people and like I was started making videos. Like I was a videographer


  • I was making full-on videos of the store and everything and people started liking my work


  • So I was like, you know what? I don't really want to go to school stand the block. I'm a stand the block


  • I'm gonna start making videos people started liking them and I was like, you know what?


  • I think I want to take it a little further


  • I'm just focusing on diamonds and chains and bracelets and all that type of stuff


  • So what's the most amount of money you guys ever made in one year?


  • I want to keep that little low-key because I don't want to like put it out there one thing


  • I'll say one thing. I made a sale one time one time. I made a sale and profit. We were looking I like seven grand


  • Seven grand one day one day at 16, it's possible. It's very possible


  • If you come to this business right now, you think it's easy. It's all about connections


  • Cuz if you don't know anybody on this block, you're not gonna have an easy time


  • But if you know some people you're gonna be you're gonna do good show us on the wrist. Okay. What is this?

    但如果你認識一些人 你會是 你會做的很好 顯示我們的手腕上。好的 這是什麼?這是什麼?

  • It's actually pretty cheap. I'm gonna sell it for like 8,000 you're not a hard worker

    其實很便宜我打算以8000美元的價格賣給你 你不是個勤奮的人

  • Don't come here if you know that you know what you're doing and you want to come here and make money flip something do it


  • This is really the city of dreams


  • Like all we have to do is buy a camera and get a mic and we're over here interviewing multi multi millionaires


  • Like I think Kevin O'Leary's worth like almost a billion dollars


  • I don't have a course and I don't have any product to sell you guys right now


  • I just want you guys to get rich just like we want to get rich


  • So if you guys want to follow us on our journey because we're gonna be interviewing a whole bunch of multi millionaires across different states


  • In America and all across the world if you guys want to follow us on that journey subscribe down below if not


  • I still appreciate you guys for watching the video and I hope you gained some out of it


  • I hope to see you guys in the next video if you guys want to come back


New York City is the number one city in the world with the most millionaires today


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