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  • Hello. Hello, is this Han Kang? Yes. Hi, my name is Jenny Rydian. I'm calling from the

    你好你好,請問是韓康嗎?是我 Yes.你好,我是珍妮-瑞迪恩我從

  • Nobel Prize. Yeah, so nice to talk with you. And yeah, very nice to talk to you too. Please let me first express my congratulations. Thank you. Thank you so much. How are you feeling right now? I'm so surprised and I am honoured. How did you find out about the prize? Someone called me and he talked to me about this news. So of course I was surprised and I just finished a dinner with my son and in Korea it is just like eight o'clock in the evening. It's a very peaceful evening. I was really surprised. And you're in your home in Seoul? Yeah, I'm at home in Seoul. And what have you been doing today? Today? I didn't work today and I just read a bit and I took a walk. It was kind of a very easy day for me. So you said you're with your son. What was his reaction to this? My son was surprised as well. But we didn't have much time to talk about this. We were surprised and that's all. I imagine. What does it mean to you getting the Nobel Prize in literature? Yes, I'm honoured and I really appreciate your support, the support of the prize and I just appreciate it.

    諾貝爾獎很高興和你哈拉是的,我也很高興和您交談。請允許我首先表達我的祝賀。Thank you.Thank you so much.你現在感覺如何?我很驚訝,也很榮幸。您是怎麼知道獲獎的?有人打電話給我,跟我說了這個消息。我剛和兒子吃完晚飯,在韓國,現在是晚上八點鐘。這是一個非常寧靜的夜晚。我真的很驚訝。你在首爾的家裡?是的,我在首爾的家裡。你今天做了什麼?今天?我今天沒工作,只是讀了點書,散了散步。今天對我來說很輕鬆你說你和兒子在一起。他對此有什麼反應?我兒子也很驚訝。但我們沒有太多時間談論這件事。我們很

  • You're the first literature laureate from South Korea. How does that feel?


  • Yes, I grew up with books. So since when I was a child, I grew up with books in Korean and translated as well. So I can say I grew up with Korean literature, which I feel very close. So


  • I hope this news is nice for Korean literature readers and my friends, writers and yeah.


  • You said you come from a literary background, you could say. What writers have been your most important sources of inspiration? For me, since when I was a child, writers, all the writers have been collective. They are searching meanings in life and sometimes they are lost and sometimes they are determined and all their efforts and all their strengths, they have been my inspiration. So it's very difficult for me to pick some names of inspiration. It's very difficult for me. So I read that the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren has been one source of inspiration for you. Yeah, when I was a child, I loved her book Lionheart Brothers. Yeah, I love that book. But I cannot say she's the only writer who inspired me in my childhood because when I read that book, Lionheart Brothers, I could relate it with my questions about humans or life and death and you know. Yeah, for someone just discovering your work, where would you suggest they start? Among my books, I think every writer likes his or her most recent book. So my most recent book is We Do Not Part or it's called I Do Not

    你說過你是文學出身,可以這麼說。哪些作家是你最重要的靈感來源?對我來說,從小到大,作家,所有作家都是集體。他們在尋找生命的意義,有時他們迷茫,有時他們堅定,他們所有的努力和力量,都是我的靈感來源。是以,我很難選擇一些靈感的名字。這對我來說非常困難。我讀到瑞典作家阿斯特麗德-林格倫(Astrid Lindgren)是您的靈感來源之一。是的,我小時候很喜歡她寫的《獅心兄弟》。是的,我喜歡那本書。但我不能說她是唯一一個在我童年時給我靈感的作家,因為當我讀到《獅心兄弟》這本書時,我可以把它與我對人類或生死的疑問聯

  • Part. So yeah, I hope this book could be a start and human acts is connected directly with this book


  • We Do Not Part. And then The Right Book, which is a very personal book for me because it is quite autobiographical. And there is the vegetarian. But I feel the start could be We Do Not Part. For an international audience, maybe the vegetarian is most well known. What would you say that particular novel has meant for you?


  • I wrote it for three years and those three years were kind of difficult years for me for some reasons. So I think I was struggling to find the images of this protagonist, people who are surrounding her and the image of trees and sunlight and everything was so vivid in those three years. Yeah, and I will let you go in a short while. I just, do you have any ideas on how you will celebrate this Nobel Prize?


  • After this phone call, I'd like to have tea with, I don't drink, so I'm going to have tea with my son and I will celebrate it quietly tonight.


  • Very nice. Yes. Many congratulations again.


  • You're welcome.


  • Yeah. Thank you so much.

    好的 非常感謝 Yeah.非常感謝

  • Thank you.


  • Okay. Goodbye.

    好吧 再見再見

  • Take care. Bye-bye.


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    我們在亞馬遜音樂、蘋果 Podcasts、Spotify 以及更多更受歡迎的平臺上提供服務。

Hello. Hello, is this Han Kang? Yes. Hi, my name is Jenny Rydian. I'm calling from the

你好你好,請問是韓康嗎?是我 Yes.你好,我是珍妮-瑞迪恩我從

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