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  • My favorite Framework product actually probably is...


  • So this is a tough one, because almost all of the most technical employees in Framework are using either Ubuntu, Fedora, or NixOS.

    這是個難題,因為幾乎所有技術水平最高的 Framework 員工都在使用 Ubuntu、Fedora 或 NixOS。

  • I'm mostly on Windows, because we need actually people to be using Windows, because our employee base in Framework, they're all Linux users, and so to make sure that the Windows experience is good and solid and really robust,

    我主要使用 Windows 系統,因為我們實際上需要人們使用 Windows 系統,因為我們在 Framework 的員工都是 Linux 用戶,所以要確保 Windows 系統體驗良好、穩固和強大、

  • I am the designated Windows power user to go and pound on Windows to make sure Windows is really stable.

    我是指定的 Windows 高級用戶,負責去敲打 Windows,以確保 Windows 真正穩定。

  • I do also have a machine that's up and running on the latest Ubuntu, 2404, which has been actually really solid as well.

    我還有一臺使用最新版 Ubuntu(2404)的機器,它也非常穩定。

  • I am an Ubuntu user, normally. I've been using it since...

    我通常是 Ubuntu 用戶。我從...

  • Whatever it was... I'm so old.


  • It was the first version that came on the CD, and I was on Debian before that, and Ubuntu came out as this miracle where you don't have to do any setup at all, you can just put in the CD and install it and it works.

    這是第一個光盤版,在此之前我用的是 Debian,而 Ubuntu 的出現則是一個奇蹟,你根本不需要做任何設置,只需放入光盤安裝,就能正常使用。

  • And so I've kind of been an Ubuntu user on and off since then.

    從那時起,我就開始斷斷續續地使用 Ubuntu。

  • I started using Linux in, let's see, 2004, 2003 or 2004, and I actually did it to host a website on a little...

    我開始使用 Linux 是在 2004 年,2003 年還是 2004 年,實際上是為了在一個小...

  • Must have been like a 386-powered desktop in my bedroom to run this little website that I was running, and then from there I started playing with Linux basically pretty consistently since then.

    我的臥室裡一定有一臺 386 馬力的臺式機,用來運行我的這個小網站,從那時起,我就開始玩 Linux,基本上一直玩到現在。

  • There was pretty long periods of time where I was basically only on Linux and I've rotated around different OS.

    有相當長的一段時間,我基本上只使用 Linux 作業系統,並在不同的作業系統之間輪換。

  • Of course, I'm on Windows right now, so that's something you can test in Windows.

    當然,我現在用的是 Windows 系統,所以你可以在 Windows 系統中進行測試。

  • My current framework laptop 13 with this new Intel Core Ultra Series 1.

    我目前的框架筆記本電腦 13 配備了這款全新的英特爾酷睿 Ultra Series 1。

  • I actually, probably every time we release a new set of updates,


  • I go and start dogfooding them. I start testing them out.


  • And so basically my favorite laptop continues to evolve because I've just been replacing it piece by piece over the last three or four years.


  • But I love the new display, the new webcam's awesome, our new actual thermal performance and fan performance on the Intel Series is pretty amazing.


  • And of course, got my favorite expansion card configuration, two USB-C, one display port, and then using this SD one really for testing purposes.

    當然,還配置了我最喜歡的擴展卡,兩個 USB-C,一個顯示端口,然後使用這個 SD 卡進行測試。

  • I don't particularly use SD that often, but it's been quite useful actually for 3D printing as well.

    我並不經常使用 SD,但實際上它對 3D 打印也非常有用。

  • The new webcam was pretty challenging.


  • I think we are probably the first ones to be using this image sensor.


  • Omnivision just released this pretty advanced new image sensor relatively recently.

    Omnivision 最近剛剛發佈了這款相當先進的新型影像傳感器。

  • I think they might've released it last year or started shipping it last year.


  • I don't think anyone else has used it in a notebook before.


  • And one of the challenges with notebooks broadly is for the webcam specifically, is that the image sensors are pretty terrible.


  • Like, you know, you look at laptops and you think like, why are these so bad?


  • Our cell phones have these incredible cameras, incredible image sensors, and we're stuck back in the stone age on these laptops.


  • And part of the reason is that people are trying to squeeze this bezel to be so tiny and they're sacrificing image quality and the webcam to do that.


  • And the image sensors that are available mostly are on these incredibly old technologies.


  • And so Omnivision looked at that and decided, okay, we're going to fix this.

    是以,Omnivision 在看到這一點後決定,好吧,我們要解決這個問題。

  • And so they released this new 9.2 megapixel image sensor that really actually does take all of that latest and greatest smartphone-focused technology and finally brings it into a laptop-focused image sensor.

    是以,他們發佈了這款全新的 920 萬像素影像傳感器,真正做到了將所有最新、最先進的智能手機技術,最終應用到筆記本電腦影像傳感器中。

  • And we were, as far as I know, the first ones to ship this, which means that we did have to go through some of the learning curve on bringing that image sensor and bringing that, you know, the interface chip up to speed to make it work in a laptop.


  • The whole team at Framework that worked on this product is just incredibly excited to get this out to you.

    Framework 的整個團隊都非常高興能為大家提供這款產品。

  • Everyone was just super passionate about perfecting this product year over year.


  • And really, I think we were getting there.


  • We're pretty close to perfect on this thing.


  • And so we really can't wait to see what you think of it.


My favorite Framework product actually probably is...


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