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  • Ever wondered who the most successful Chinese businessman in Montreal is?


  • The answer is Philippe Hieu, a man who started from scratch and built a business empire worth millions.


  • Philippe's journey began with his first venture, Clermont Real Estate Agency.


  • It was a time of grit, determination, and a vision that led him to turn this humble startup into an industry giant with $200 million in annual sales.

    他憑藉自己的勇氣、決心和遠見,將這家不起眼的初創公司發展成為年銷售額達 2 億美元的行業巨頭。

  • From a humble startup, Clermont Real Estate Agency became a respected name in the industry, but that was just the beginning.


  • Building on the success of his real estate agency, Philippe ventured into the world of finance.

    在房地產中介成功的基礎上,Philippe 開始涉足金融領域。

  • His journey was marked by strategic decisions and a sharp business acumen that led to the establishment of Clermont Capital.


  • This venture soon managed a staggering $20 billion, demonstrating Philippe's prowess in capital management.

    這家企業很快就管理著 200 億美元的鉅額資金,顯示了菲利普在資本管理方面的實力。

  • But Philippe didn't stop there.


  • He set his sights on a new venture, the establishment of Clermont Bank.


  • This wasn't just any bank, but a private bank that quickly amassed an impressive $200 billion in deposits.

    這不是一家普通的銀行,而是一家迅速積累了 2 000 億美元存款的私人銀行。

  • This expansion was more than just about numbers.


  • It was a testament to Philippe's business acumen and strategic decision-making abilities.


  • His empire was expanding, his influence growing.


  • Yet it wasn't just about the accumulation of wealth.


  • Philippe's empire was growing, but he wasn't just interested in amassing wealth.


  • Philippe's success was reflected not just in his business ventures, but also in his lifestyle.


  • His taste for opulence was evident in his top villa nestled in the prestigious Summit Circle, Westmount.

    他的頂級別墅坐落於威斯特蒙特著名的 Summit Circle,其奢華品味可見一斑。

  • He commanded the roads in his Bentley Continental GT convertible and ruled the skies in his private jet, the Gulfstream G650.

    他駕駛賓利歐陸 GT敞篷車馳騁在公路上,駕駛灣流 G650 私人飛機翱翔天際。

  • Even the seas were not beyond his reach as he cruised in his Lurssen yacht, a masterpiece of German engineering.

    當他駕駛著德國工程傑作 Lurssen 遊艇出海時,即使是大海也無法阻擋他的腳步。

  • Despite his lavish lifestyle, Philippe never lost sight of the importance of giving back.


  • Philippe's success is not defined by his wealth alone, but also by his generous contributions to the community.


  • His benevolence finds expression through his Clermont Family Trust and Clermont Charity Foundation.


  • These organizations reflect Philippe's deep commitment to giving back, a commitment that sees about $20 million annually channeled towards various causes.

    這些組織體現了菲利普回饋社會的堅定承諾,每年約有 2,000 萬美元用於各種公益事業。

  • Key beneficiaries include the Montreal Chinese Hospital and the Montreal Children's Hospital, both of which provide vital healthcare services to the city's residents.


  • The Tzu Chi Foundation and Lerung Ngorig Buddhist Academy also receive significant support, further attesting to Philippe's diverse philanthropic interests.


  • The impact of his generosity extends beyond the tangible, fostering a sense of community and inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.


  • His philanthropy has not gone unnoticed.


  • In fact, he's the first Chinese to receive the Order of Montreal, a prestigious recognition of his outstanding contributions.


  • Philippe H.

    Philippe H.

  • Hu, a shining example of a successful businessman, a philanthropist, and the first Chinese recipient of the Order of Montreal.


  • Truly the pride of Chinese immigrants.


Ever wondered who the most successful Chinese businessman in Montreal is?


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