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  • When most people think of Halloween they think of trick-or-treating, parades, bobbing for apples, and other family-friendly activities.


  • But bet you didn't know the true story behind the ancient origins of Halloween.


  • It all goes back some 2,000 years to the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, celebrated on November 1st.

    這一切都要追溯到大約 2000 年前的古老凱爾特節日--薩姆哈因節(Samhain)。

  • On the night before Samhain, people believed that the dead returned as ghosts.


  • They would leave food and wine on their doorsteps to keep roaming spirits at bay, and wear masks when they left the house so they would be mistaken for fellow ghosts.


  • The Christian church turned Samhain into All Saints' Day, or All Hallows, in the 8th century.

    基督教會在 8 世紀將三聖節改為萬聖節,或萬聖節。

  • The night before became All Hallows' Eve, later shortened to Halloween.


  • You've heard of trick-or-treating on Halloween, but what about souling, or guising?

    你一定聽說過萬聖節不給糖就搗蛋,但 "喚魂 "或 "偽裝 "又是怎麼回事呢?

  • All three of these traditions originated in medieval Britain.


  • On All Souls' Day, November 2nd, the needy would beg for pastries known as soul cakes.

    在 11 月 2 日的萬靈節,窮人會乞討被稱為靈魂蛋糕的糕點。

  • In return, they would pray for people's dead relatives.


  • This was called souling.


  • In the medieval Halloween tradition of guising, young people would dress up in costume and accept food, wine, money, and other offerings in exchange for singing, reciting poetry, or telling jokes.

    在中世紀萬聖節的 "guising "傳統中,年輕人會盛裝打扮,以唱歌、朗誦詩歌或講笑話為交換條件,接受食物、酒、金錢和其他供品。

  • In 19th century America, Irish and Scottish immigrants revived these old traditions.

    在 19 世紀的美國,愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭移民恢復了這些古老的傳統。

  • The result was trick-or-treating.

    結果就是 "不給糖就搗蛋"。

  • At first, it was much more about the tricks, in the form of pranks and hijinks, than the treats.


  • It wasn't until the 1950s that the custom took on its current family-friendly, kid-centered form.

    直到 20 世紀 50 年代,這一習俗才逐漸演變成現在這種適合家庭、以兒童為中心的形式。

  • Today, Halloween is big business, with U.S. consumers spending more than $2.5 billion on costumes annually.

    如今,萬聖節已成為一門大生意,美國消費者每年在服裝上的花費超過 25 億美元。

  • Add in the candy, and it's estimated that Americans spend up to $6 billion on Halloween each year, making it the second most commercial holiday after Christmas.

    再加上糖果,據估計,美國人每年在萬聖節的花費高達 60 億美元,成為僅次於聖誕節的第二大商業節日。

  • So whether you're a fan of tricks, treats, or trivia, there's a bit of Halloween history.

    是以,無論您是萬聖節的 "粉絲",還是萬聖節的 "粉絲",還是萬聖節的 "瑣事",這裡都有一段萬聖節的歷史。

  • We bet you didn't know!


When most people think of Halloween they think of trick-or-treating, parades, bobbing for apples, and other family-friendly activities.


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