字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'm going to give you six mindset tips to help you overcome your public speaking anxiety and nerves by at least 50%. 我將給你六個心態技巧,幫助你克服公開演講時的焦慮和緊張,至少減少 50%。 These tips will help you cut your anxiety in half, and that's a great start. 這些建議將幫助你把焦慮減少一半,這是一個很好的開始。 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ * Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey * I'd like to tell you about two resources. 我想向你們介紹兩種資源。 The first is a free PDF download with seven instant tips for more confident and composed speaking. 第一份是免費下載的 PDF 文件,其中包含七個即時提示,讓您在演講時更自信、更鎮定。 I also have a number of online classes on things like public speaking and communication skills and leadership. 我還開設了一些在線課程,內容包括公眾演講、溝通技巧和領導力等。 And there's always at least one free class that you can take. 你還可以參加至少一門免費課程。 I'll put links to all of those resources in the description below this video. 我會在本視頻下方的說明中提供所有這些資源的鏈接。 There are two main inroads to your public speaking anxiety. 當眾講話焦慮主要有兩個方面。 And the first is changing your mindset. 首先是改變心態。 The second is changing your behavior or the concrete actions that you take. 其次是改變自己的行為或具體行動。 You can start at either entry point in this feedback loop because your mindset and your behavior reinforce each other. 在這個反饋循環中,你可以從任何一個切入點開始,因為你的心態和行為會相互促進。 In this video, I'll be giving you six tips all about mindset or how you think. 在這段視頻中,我將給你六個關於心態或思維方式的提示。 If you can change the way you think about public speaking, you'll change the way you feel. 如果你能改變對公開演講的看法,你就會改變自己的感受。 In a follow-up video, I'll give you six more tips that are all behavioral-based. 在後續視頻中,我將為您介紹另外六個基於行為的技巧。 That's another way to get at this anxiety. 這也是解決焦慮的另一種方法。 And when that one's ready, I will post it and put a link to it in the description below. 等那篇文章完成後,我會把它貼出來,並在下面的說明中附上鍊接。 And I'll put a summary of these six tips at the end. 我將在最後總結這六條建議。 First, realize that anxiety and nervousness are not signs of trouble. 首先,要認識到焦慮和緊張並不是問題的徵兆。 These are just signs that you're about to do something important. 這些都是你要做重要事情的徵兆。 We don't get nervous about meaningless activities. 我們不會為毫無意義的活動感到緊張。 Even professionals get nervous. 即使是專業人士也會緊張。 I was reading an interview with the world-famous and veteran actor, Michael Douglas. 我正在閱讀一篇對世界著名資深演員邁克爾-道格拉斯的採訪。 And he said, I'm always nervous when I have to do public speaking. 他說,當我要做公開演講時,我總是很緊張。 And I have now gotten used to my nerves and how to deal with it. 現在,我已經習慣了自己的神經質以及如何應對它。 But it's part of the excitement. 但這也是興奮的一部分。 So even rich, famous, and normally confident people get nervous about public speaking. 是以,即使是有錢人、名人和通常自信滿滿的人,在公開演講時也會感到緊張。 It's not a sign of trouble or that there's something wrong with you. 這不是麻煩的徵兆,也不是你出了什麼問題。 Second, realize that you're only about half as nervous as you think. 其次,要意識到你的緊張程度只有自己想象的一半左右。 The other half is called excitement. 另一半叫做興奮。 They are two sides of the same emotional coin. 它們是同一枚情感硬幣的兩面。 I heard a consultant the other day say that she has grown to like the butterflies in her stomach before she presents. 前幾天,我聽到一位諮詢師說,她越來越喜歡在演講前肚子裡的蝴蝶了。 She said it reminds her that she's challenging herself. 她說,這提醒她要挑戰自我。 It's the same with acting, playing guitar, or sports in front of a crowd. 在眾人面前表演、彈吉他或運動也是如此。 A lot of those feelings are excitement. 其中很多感覺都是興奮。 After people speak and the anxiety is gone, they still feel excited about what they just did. 人們發言後,焦慮感消失了,但他們仍然會為自己剛才的表現感到興奮。 So the mindset tip is not to talk to yourself about how nervous you are. 是以,心態技巧就是不要自言自語自己有多緊張。 Instead, talk to yourself about how at least half of what you're feeling is excitement. 相反,你可以跟自己說,你現在的感覺至少有一半是興奮。 Those butterflies are proof that you're alive and about to do something special. 這些蝴蝶證明了你還活著,而且即將做一些特別的事情。 Number three, realize that you do not look on the outside as nervous as you feel on the inside. 第三,要意識到你外表看起來並不像你內心感覺的那樣緊張。 Your listeners can't tell how you feel. 你的聽眾無法瞭解你的感受。 They can only see what you show them. 他們只能看到你給他們看的東西。 And I've asked hundreds of speakers right after they speak, how nervous did you feel on a scale of one to 10? 我曾問過數百位演講者,在他們演講之後,你感覺有多緊張(從 1 到 10)? They usually say eight, nine, or 10. 他們通常會說 8、9 或 10。 But the listeners routinely say that the speaker only looked about two or three out of 10 on that anxiety scale. 但聽眾們通常會說,在焦慮量表中,演講者的焦慮程度只有兩到三分。 So once you realize that you don't come across nearly as nervous as you feel, that's half the battle. 是以,一旦你意識到自己並不像自己感覺的那樣緊張,那就成功了一半。 I saw Sylvester Stallone, Rocky, talking about giving a big speech. 我看到《洛奇》中的西爾維斯特-史泰龍(Sylvester Stallone)說要發表一個大型演講。 Before he spoke, he said his heart was pounding. 在說話之前,他說他的心怦怦直跳。 He was really nervous. 他真的很緊張。 His adult daughter was with him and she looked out at the huge crowd and she said to him, dad, I don't know how you can be so calm. 他的成年女兒和他在一起,她望著熙熙攘攘的人群,對他說,爸爸,我不知道你怎麼能這麼平靜。 I'd be freaking out. 我會嚇壞的。 So he was nervous, but he said to her, no, no, it's gonna be fine, I've got this. 所以他很緊張,但他對她說,不,不,不會有事的,我能行。 His own daughter couldn't tell that he was having that spike of anxiety right before he spoke. 他的親生女兒看不出他在說話前有那麼一絲焦慮。 The takeaway is to play it cool like Rocky. 這給我們的啟示是,要像洛奇一樣冷靜。 Other people really can't tell, and that's one less thing for you to worry about. 別人真的看不出來,你也就少了一份擔心。 And fourth, the peak or spike of nervousness lasts less than 60 seconds. 第四,緊張的高峰或尖峰持續時間不超過 60 秒。 The hardest part is usually the anticipation, the waiting. 最難的部分通常是期待和等待。 A teacher I know, Andrea Newman, talks about that spike of nervousness that happens right before we speak and right up until about 30 seconds into our message. 我認識的一位老師安德烈婭-紐曼(Andrea Newman)說過,在我們發言之前,一直到發言開始 30 秒左右,我們都會感到緊張。 That's when we feel the most intense anxiety. 這時,我們會感到最強烈的焦慮。 That spike of nerves goes down drastically once we get rolling. 一旦我們開始行動,緊張情緒就會急劇下降。 It's just like a professional football quarterback. 這就像職業橄欖球四分衛一樣。 Their anxiety is highest right before the big game and up through the first few plays. 他們的焦慮感在比賽前和比賽開始前的幾場比賽中最為強烈。 And then they settle into their game plan. 然後,他們就會按計劃行事。 So the mindset tip is to remind yourself that you'll feel much better just moments after you start your presentation. 是以,心態技巧就是提醒自己,在開始演講後的一瞬間,你會感覺好很多。 Number five, accept that anxiety and nervousness are not a barrier from doing an outstanding job. 第五,承認焦慮和緊張並不是出色完成工作的障礙。 Many speakers mistakenly believe that if they're nervous, then they can't do a good job. 許多演講者錯誤地認為,如果他們緊張,就無法做好演講。 But it's just not true. 但事實並非如此。 Almost every athlete, for example, will admit to getting nervous before a big game. 例如,幾乎每個運動員都會承認在大型比賽前會感到緊張。 Anxiety doesn't stop them from performing well. 焦慮並不能阻止他們取得好成績。 Winning or losing games has nothing to do with how nervous a team is beforehand. 比賽的輸贏與球隊賽前的緊張程度無關。 And the same goes for public speaking. 公開演講也是如此。 Some of the best professional speakers in the world admit to getting really nervous, but their nerves don't stop them from completely crushing it. 世界上一些最優秀的專業演講者都承認自己會非常緊張,但他們的緊張並不妨礙他們完全發揮出自己的水準。 So accept that anxiety is not a barrier to doing a superior presentation. 是以,接受焦慮並不是做好出色演講的障礙。 Number six, assume that everybody is rooting for you. 第六,假定所有人都支持你。 Virtually everybody wants you to do well. 幾乎每個人都希望你做得好。 We drastically overestimate the negative judgment or possible embarrassment we could experience. 我們大大高估了自己可能遭遇的負面評價或可能的尷尬。 The truth is, I'd say that 99% of listeners are sympathetic. 事實上,我敢說 99% 的聽眾都有同情心。 They've all done some public speaking. 他們都做過公開演講。 They know what it's like. 他們知道那是什麼滋味。 And I say 99% because sometimes you will see people with an unpleasant facial expression, but even those people are probably just like that. 我之所以說 99%,是因為有時你會看到一些人的面部表情很不愉快,但即使是那些人,也可能就是這樣。 That negative face that you see, maybe that's just the way they are. 你看到的那張消極的臉,也許就是他們的本性。 That's not about you. 這與你無關。 They're probably just having a bad day. 他們可能只是今天心情不好。 So assume that everybody wants you to succeed and they are on your side. 所以,假設每個人都希望你成功,而且他們都站在你這邊。 And here again are all six mindset tips. 以下是全部六種心態技巧。 Your mindset is all about changing the way you think about public speaking, and it's usually a necessary step to overcoming anxiety. 你的心態就是要改變你對公開演講的看法,這通常是克服焦慮的必要步驟。 So my question of the day for you is which of these do you believe would help you make the most immediate progress? 那麼,我今天要問你的問題是,你認為哪一個能幫助你取得最直接的進步? Feel free to post your comment below. 歡迎在下方發表您的評論。 And as mentioned, I have a follow-up video coming out soon about the six behavioral tips to reduce speaking anxiety. 如前所述,我即將推出一個後續視頻,介紹減輕演講焦慮的六個行為技巧。 I'll put a link to that as well as other resources in the description below as soon as that video is ready. 一旦視頻準備就緒,我將在下面的說明中提供鏈接,並提供其他資源。 Both mindset changes and behavioral changes are starting points that will get you on a more positive and confident feedback loop. 心態的改變和行為的改變都是起點,能讓你走上更積極、更自信的反饋迴路。 So thanks for watching. 感謝您的收看。 God bless, and I will see you in the next video. 願上帝保佑你,我們下期視頻再見。
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