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  • Hello everyone, happy Friday Eve.


  • I'm Coy Wire.


  • It's Thursday, October 10th.

    今天是 10 月 10 日,星期四。

  • This is CNN 10, where I simply tell you the what, letting you decide what to think.

    這裡是 CNN 10,我只告訴你 "什麼",讓你決定怎麼想。

  • And we want to start today with another update on Hurricane Milton, which at the time of this show's taping was set to make landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast overnight on Wednesday.


  • Milton is expected to continue on its path across the Florida peninsula.

    預計 "米爾頓 "將繼續穿過佛羅里達半島。

  • For the most up-to-date information on its strength, the size, and impact, you can head to


  • Now, Milton's massive size could make it one of the most destructive storms on record.

    現在,"米爾頓 "的巨大規模可能使其成為有記錄以來最具破壞力的風暴之一。

  • By Wednesday morning, the tropical storm force winds nearly doubled from 80 miles to 140 miles wide from its center, spreading its disastrous impacts over a much larger area.

    到週三上午,熱帶風暴的風力幾乎增加了一倍,從其中心的 80 英里擴大到 140 英里,將其災難性影響擴散到更大的區域。

  • Tornado warnings were already in effect before landfall because of the tropical storm winds from Milton's outer bands.

    由於 "米爾頓 "外圍的熱帶風暴風帶,龍捲風警報在登陸前就已經生效。

  • Florida's Gulf Coast is particularly vulnerable with large population centers on low-lying land or barrier islands.


  • Many of those islands off the coast were under evacuation orders and had bridges leading to them that were closed.


  • Officials urged residents to leave because rescue personnel will not be able to get to them for some time as the storm passes through.


  • And while most folks in evacuation zones did leave, some did choose to stay and ride out the storm.


  • The water danger in this storm is frightening, and not just for the coast.


  • Parts of the peninsula are expected to see two months worth of rain for the duration of the storm.


  • A high risk of flash flooding has been issued for areas all the way on the other side of the state along the Atlantic coast.


  • The most concerning factor, officials are calling Hurricane Milton's expected storm surge or the rise in water level caused by the storm, unsurvivable.


  • A 10 to 15 foot wall of water is forecast for certain areas along the coast.

    預計沿岸某些地區將出現 10 至 15 英尺高的水牆。

  • CNN's Kate Baldwin shows us why that has experts on alert.

    美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)的凱特-鮑德溫(Kate Baldwin)向我們展示了專家們對此提高警惕的原因。

  • One of the biggest concerns with Hurricane Milton is storm surge.


  • The National Weather Service forecasting life-threatening storm surge levels here.


  • So the basics, a storm surge is a rapid rise in water levels caused by strong winds pushing water onshore.


  • In parts of Florida, we're talking 12 to 15 feet of water from this storm in a surge.


  • And I want to give you an idea of what that really means beyond just the numbers.


  • This shows you a storm surge of about two feet.


  • At this level, low-lying coastal roads would be inundated with water.


  • The next stage would be a surge of five to eight feet.

    下一階段將出現 5 至 8 英尺的浪湧。

  • This is enough to submerge cars.


  • But remember, Milton is expected to bring much worse.


  • Storm surge of 10 plus feet in places.

    有些地方的風暴潮高達 10 多英尺。

  • And this is taller than a city bus.


  • The average first floor of a commercial building is typically around 14 feet high and Milton's storm surge could reach a foot higher than that.

    商業建築一樓的平均高度通常在 14 英尺左右,而密爾頓風暴潮的高度可能比這還要高出一英尺。

  • Now to TikTok, where the app is facing more legal pressure.

    現在,TikTok 面臨著更大的法律壓力。

  • A bipartisan group, or a group consisting of both Democrats and Republicans, filed lawsuits this week against the platform.


  • The group consists of 14 attorneys general from across the country who allege the app has addicted young people and harmed their mental health.

    該組織由來自全國各地的 14 位總檢察長組成,他們聲稱該應用程序讓年輕人上癮,損害了他們的心理健康。

  • The lawsuits pointed at some classic TikTok elements in their arguments, like endless scrolling content and TikTok challenges.

    這兩起訴訟在論據中指出了 TikTok 的一些經典元素,如無盡滾動內容和 TikTok 挑戰。

  • The lawsuits are the latest legal pressure facing TikTok, which is also battling a law that could see it banned in the United States.

    這些訴訟是 TikTok 面臨的最新法律壓力,TikTok 還在與一項可能導致其在美國被禁的法律作鬥爭。

  • CNN's Claire Duffy has more on this and TikTok's response.

    CNN 的克萊爾-達菲(Claire Duffy)將對此和 TikTok 的迴應做進一步報道。

  • Yeah, these lawsuits take aim at a wide range of TikTok's business practices and features that these attorneys general say can harm young users' mental health and well-being.

    是的,這些訴訟針對的是 TikTok 的各種商業行為和功能,這些總檢察長說,這些行為和功能會損害年輕用戶的心理健康和福祉。

  • Things like the endlessly scrolling feed that they say can keep users scrolling to see what the next video is going to be.


  • Late night notifications that can interrupt teens' sleep.


  • And they claim that TikTok has failed to do enough to address so-called TikTok challenges.

    他們聲稱 TikTok 在應對所謂的 TikTok 挑戰方面做得不夠。

  • These viral video trends where teens try to replicate videos created by other users and can sometimes be encouraged to engage in dangerous behavior.


  • TikTok has repeatedly said that its platform is safe for children.

    TikTok 曾多次表示,其平臺對兒童是安全的。

  • This is not the first time that it's faced claims like this.


  • A spokesperson told me today that the company strongly disagrees with the claims and they pointed to new features that the platform has rolled out in the past few years.


  • Things like a default screen time limit for teens, default privacy protections for teens under the age of 16, and parental oversight tools.

    比如對青少年螢幕時間的默認限制、對 16 歲以下青少年的默認隱私保護,以及家長監督工具。

  • But these state attorneys general clearly think that those things are not enough. 10-second trivia.

    但這些州檢察長顯然認為這些還不夠。10 秒鐘小知識。

  • Most known asteroids are within the asteroid belt located between the orbits of what two planets in our solar system?


  • Saturn and Jupiter, Jupiter and Mars, Earth and Venus, or Venus and Mercury?


  • If you said Jupiter and Mars, you's a star.


  • That's where millions of asteroids can be found.


  • Some outer space news now.


  • A unique mission is now underway to see if NASA's attempt to redirect an asteroid in the name of planetary defense was successful.


  • NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART mission, was a first-of-its-kind asteroid deflection technique that was used two years ago in an attempt to alter the path of an dimorphos.

    美國國家航空航天局的 "雙小行星重定向試驗"(或稱 DART 任務)是一項首創的小行星偏轉技術,兩年前曾被用於試圖改變一個小行星的運行軌跡。

  • NASA crashed a spacecraft into the asteroid at 13,645 miles per hour to test its plan to defend planet Earth against potential future impacts.

    美國國家航空航天局(NASA)以每小時 13,645 英里的速度將飛船撞向小行星,以測試其保護地球免受未來潛在撞擊的計劃。

  • And now, a European spacecraft and two shoebox-sized satellites have launched to survey the results of NASA's DART mission.

    現在,一個歐洲航天器和兩個鞋盒大小的衛星已經發射升空,對美國宇航局的 DART 任務成果進行勘測。

  • We'll need to wait a while, though, before we hear those results.


  • The spacecraft and its two CubeSat companions are slated to arrive at Dimorphos and the asteroid it orbits, named Didymos, in late 2026.

    該航天器及其兩顆立方體衛星同伴計劃於 2026 年底抵達迪莫弗斯及其軌道上的小行星(名為 "迪迪莫斯")。

  • They'll conduct an investigation at the crash scene to see whether or not their attempt to redirect this asteroid was a success.


  • Alright, we have heard a lot about emerging and potential uses of artificial intelligence lately, but here's one that's news to me.


  • We soon may have the ability to wear AI.


  • Technical outerwear brand Arcteryx and wearable technology startup Skip teamed up to create a pair of pants that basically give your legs robo-power.

    技術外衣品牌 Arcteryx 和可穿戴技術初創公司 Skip 聯手打造了一條褲子,基本上可以為你的雙腿提供機器人動力。

  • They do a lot of the work for you.


  • They're calling their gear movewear, but they could also say they're giving whole new meaning to the term fancy pants.

    他們稱自己的裝備為 "運動裝"(movewear),但也可以說,他們賦予了 "花褲子 "一詞全新的含義。

  • Check it out.


  • These aren't your ordinary hiking pants.


  • They contain a battery-powered exoskeleton to help you get outdoors.


  • They're the first of a new type of clothing the creators are calling movewear.

    它們是一種新型服裝的首批產品,創造者稱之為 "movewear"。

  • The same way that sleepwear is something that you wear when you want to sleep, movewear is something that you wear when you want to move.


  • You can think of it like an e-bike for walking.


  • The pants are called Mogo, which is short for mountain goat, an animal that we think sort of embodies the sort of motivations and abilities that this would give you.

    褲子的名字叫 Mogo,是山羊的簡稱,我們認為山羊這種動物體現了褲子賦予你的動機和能力。

  • Mogo is the result of a four-year collaboration between technical outerwear brand Arcteryx, best known for its waterproof Gore-Tex shell jackets, and wearable technology startup Skip.

    Mogo 是技術外衣品牌 Arcteryx 與可穿戴技術初創公司 Skip 歷時四年合作的成果,Arcteryx 以生產 Gore-Tex 防水外殼夾克而聞名。

  • On the way up, it really kind of offloads on those big muscle groups that are working their hardest.


  • We like to say it gives you about 40% more power in your legs on the way up with every step.

    我們想說,它能讓你在每一步的上升過程中,雙腿的力量增加 40%。

  • And then supports their knees on the way down.


  • There's a lot of artificial intelligence built into these pants.


  • It understands how you move, predicts how you're going to want to move next, and then assists you in doing that so that the assistant doesn't feel like you're walking to the beat of the robot or is moving independently.


  • And so that's where a lot of the real cutting-edge technology is.


  • There have been a lot of developments in exoskeletons, right?


  • But they're all in an academic lab or in a hospital.


  • So the hospital will spend $100,000 to get an exoskeleton that's very capable, but then the user only gets it for 30 minutes every week.

    是以,醫院將花費 10 萬美元購買一個功能強大的外骨骼,但使用者每週只能使用 30 分鐘。

  • I think when people think about an exoskeleton, they think about this big bionic frame or they think it's like Avatar or something like that.


  • The challenge for us really was how do we put that in a pair of pants?


  • It was a lot easier for someone to wrap their head around or to put their legs in, so to speak.


  • Skip and the advanced concepts team at Arcteryx created prototype after prototype.

    Skip 和 Arcteryx 的先進概念團隊創造了一個又一個原型。

  • Every little element of it, we've just obsessed over.


  • And ran test after test.


  • We've done a lot of work to make a lot of the complicated, sophisticated technology that goes into it look and feel as approachable and as similar to a garment as possible.


  • And so maybe you think about them like a pair of pants.


  • MoGo isn't the only recreational exoskeleton hitting the market.

    MoGo 並不是市場上唯一的休閒外骨骼。

  • Companies like Dansys and Hypershell have developed their own lightweight exoskeletons through Kickstarter campaigns.

    Dansys 和 Hypershell 等公司通過 Kickstarter 募捐活動開發了自己的輕型外骨骼。

  • And of course, the price for powered pants isn't cheap.


  • MoGo expects to be released in 2025 for $5,000.

    MoGo 預計將於 2025 年發佈,售價為 5,000 美元。

  • Movement and mobility, it's such a huge driver of quality of life.


  • It's such a huge driver of joy.


  • And it does become a luxury, right?


  • And that's a huge part of why we're building what we're building is we don't think it should be.


  • Today's story getting a 10 out of 10.

    今天的故事滿分 10 分。

  • A woman who got blocked out of her house by raccoons.


  • A whole slew of raccoons.


  • A Washington resident said she'd been given a couple of raccoons, some late night snacks.


  • But apparently, word of the snacks traveled fast because before she knew it, she had a whole tribe of furry masked friends staring her down, waiting around.


  • And there got to be so many of them and some aggressive to the point that she had to call the police to help her get inside of her home.


  • That's just raccoon-diculous.


  • All right, everyone, time for our shout out of the day.


  • The Falcons in San Ramon, California at Windermere Ranch Middle School, rise up.


  • Thanks to all of you for spending part of your day with me here on CNN 10.

    感謝大家在 CNN10 頻道與我共度一天的美好時光。

  • I'm Coy Wire.


  • I look forward to being right back here with you tomorrow.


Hello everyone, happy Friday Eve.


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