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  • I'll call you to come get your stuff and we can talk then leave the key Straight up max you're breaking my heart.


  • You're the only woman that I feel this way about Here ladies, I don't know what's going on here, but it would have been a lot sexier if I was in it Are You okay if you want to talk I'm here can I get a hit off that?

    你是唯一一個讓我有這種感覺的女人 女士們,我不知道發生了什麼 但如果我在裡面會更性感 你沒事吧,如果你想和我談談 我在這裡,我可以得到一個打擊嗎?

  • You think these are good god, we're poor Oh Morning it's a beautiful day.

    你覺得這些是好東西嗎,天哪,我們好窮哦 早上好,今天天氣真好。

  • These shades belong down Think of me as a vampire without all the annoying marketing Bad news a pipe broke in the street.


  • So the water's off good news when I went out to get us two coffees I spoke to Juan and Javier to city workers and they assured me the water will be on no later than three I also stopped at the health food store and got us a fresh squeeze juice to split.


  • It's ginger apple strawberry I was the name of the hooker who had this apartment before me What is this from me says thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night I prefer my usual cash on the bedside table When I went to the cute coffee place I spoke to the counter girl now Boulangy Someone named Nabu Lange is making an appearance of the first sentence I have to sit down and she said her manager will be in at 11 So I thought I'd Chanel it up walk on over there introduce myself and your fabulous cupcakes.

    這是薑汁蘋果草莓 我是在我之前住在這間公寓的妓女的名字 這是什麼,我說謝謝你昨晚讓我睡在你的床上 我更喜歡床頭櫃上的現金 當我去可愛的咖啡館時,我和櫃檯女孩布蘭奇說了一句話 她說她的經理 11 點會來 所以我想我應該香奈兒走過去 介紹一下我自己和你的美味小蛋糕。

  • That's exactly what I was gonna do I'm just gonna go say goodbye to chestnut and get going.

    我正想這麼做呢 我得去跟栗子說再見 然後就走了

  • You know having only one cute outfit takes hours off getting dressed.


  • Oh That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn No way Look Chanel number two Tell me it's mad tell me it's mud.

    哦,好多新鮮的布魯克林 不可能,看香奈兒二號,告訴我這是瘋了,告訴我這是泥巴。

  • It's mud What is that a carrot There's carrots in the mud

    這是泥巴 那是什麼胡蘿蔔 泥巴里有胡蘿蔔

I'll call you to come get your stuff and we can talk then leave the key Straight up max you're breaking my heart.


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