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  • And Max for me for you for us just keep making those amazing cupcakes and I'll do the rest till you believe I Believe everything you just said and that children are the future Max it's me.


  • I Know it's you Sleep with a knife under your pillow.


  • It's the only home security system I can afford And I'm a cutter I Can't sleep on that couch.


  • I think IKEA might be the Scandinavian word for sciatica And there's weird sounds in the street, and I don't have my white noise machine Well, that's Puerto Rican noise.

    我想宜家可能是斯堪的納維亞語中坐骨神經痛的意思 街上有奇怪的聲音,我又沒帶白噪聲機 那是波多黎各的噪音。

  • You'll get used to it And I just lay down here and get a little sleep.


  • I don't even let the men.


  • I sleep with sleep with me.


  • I Can't get into your issues right now.


  • I just need to sleep.


  • I ain't get in then What is that Potato chips, I sleep eat Cool ranch and bacon dude, they're delicious Because of your breakup with Robbie just get in I have to be in the city to babysit in five hours Great you're like a nightlight.

    那我就不進去了 那是什麼 土豆片,我睡覺時吃的 酷牧場和培根,夥計,它們很好吃 因為你和羅比分手了,快進去吧

  • You're so blonde Thank you Max someone's in the living room Max someone's in the bedroom What's up, babe Robbie what are you doing here?

    你真是金髮碧眼 謝謝 馬克斯 有人在客廳 馬克斯 有人在臥室 怎麼了 寶貝 羅比 你在這幹什麼

  • We broke up still Yes, still you hit on me and then she caught you with someone else in these very sheets, which I'm hoping she washed Oh, I get it.

    我們還是分手了 是的,還是你勾引我 然後她在這床單上發現你和別人在一起 我希望她能洗掉 哦,我明白了

  • You blew me off cuz you like the ladies, which is cool I like the ladies too.


  • And right now I see two ladies I like Robbie if I were gonna go lesbian, she would be the last les I'd be in Listen you've really hurt her stop She sleep eats trans fats.

    現在我看到了兩位我喜歡的女士,羅比 如果我要去拉拉,她會是我最後一個LES 聽著,你真的傷害了她停止 她睡覺吃反式脂肪。

  • Thanks to you here stuff all of these in your mouth.


  • Got it your thing.


  • I'll be quiet Robbie this isn't cool at all Showing up here after what you did you go girl.


  • I have something to say to you and you had better listen What are you the relationship ghost Robbie just go I can't say what I need to in front

    我有話對你說,你最好聽著 你是什麼關係鬼羅比只是去我不能說我需要什麼在前面

And Max for me for you for us just keep making those amazing cupcakes and I'll do the rest till you believe I Believe everything you just said and that children are the future Max it's me.


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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

破產姐妹》--分手場景剪輯3 (2 Broke Girls – And the Break up Scene clip3)

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    Jimmy Chan 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 12 日