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  • As society develops, the roads become more crowded and cars grow in number.


  • There are numerous variables and unforeseeable situations hiding on the unlimited amount of roads.


  • Even so, the many cars of Korea race towards their destinations like water flowing.


  • This is thanks to the smart traffic system, ITS.


  • ITS in Korea.


  • ITS is a traffic system which combines many transport systems and traffic facilities with high technology and information to increase the efficiency and safety of the road and then to operate and manage it scientifically.


  • After an explosive increase in cars after a fast economic growth, in 1993, ITS was in the stage of reviewing for introduction in order to maximize the traffic infrastructure's efficiency.

    1993 年,隨著經濟的快速增長,汽車數量呈爆炸式增長,為了最大限度地提高交通基礎設施的效率,智能交通系統正處於審查引進階段。

  • In 1998, the Seoul World ITS Congress was hosted in Korea and pilot projects were carried

    1998 年,韓國主辦了漢城世界智能交通系統大會,並開展了試點項目。

  • And from then on, major establishments were made and as of now, Korea is applying ITS to all its expressways 100%.

    從那時起,韓國就開始大力發展智能交通系統,到目前為止,韓國的所有高速公路都 100% 採用了智能交通系統。

  • As a result, the average speed has increased by 15 to 20 percent and fuel consumption and gas emission has decreased.

    是以,平均車速提高了 15%至 20%,燃料消耗和氣體排放也有所減少。

  • Also, various industries using the sharing of information have been introduced.


  • Korea's ITS is being applied to an abundance of areas such as the running of cars, fee payments, speed control and parking.


  • BIS, Bus Information System.


  • The bus info system collects the location information of buses, processes and transmits said information at the traffic info center and then makes it possible for the users to check such information through mobile and at bus stops in real time.


  • Info on bus run routes, current locations, arrival times, bus interval times and last arrival times can be distributed, increasing the satisfaction of the users and vitalizing public transport.


  • AFC, Automatic Fare Collection.


  • The transport card has all public transport payment systems integrated and related info sent to a pre-arranged traffic integration card company where the profit is divided into respective public transport companies.


  • The users can enjoy a highly convenient service and the transportation company can run an efficient management system.


  • As of now, Korea is running a one-card all-pass service in which the nation's buses, subways, taxis and trains are all integrated.


  • FTMS, Freeway Traffic Management Systems.


  • FTMS collects various info from the expressways using vehicle detection sensors, CCTVs, DSRC and VDS, reprocesses said info at the traffic info center and distributes info through electronic displays, navigation, traffic broadcasting and smartphones.

    FTMS 通過車輛檢測傳感器、閉路電視、DSRC 和 VDS 收集高速公路上的各種資訊,在交通信息中心重新處理這些資訊,並通過電子顯示屏、導航、交通廣播和智能手機發布資訊。

  • ETCS, Electronic Toll Collection System.


  • ETCS is a system in which the terminal inside the car and the transponder by the roadside use radio communications in order to pay the toll fee without the car having to haul.

    ETCS 是一種系統,車內的終端和路邊的應答器通過無線電通信來支付通行費,而無需汽車牽引。

  • Through this, the payment process can be accelerated and the traffic jams which occur at toll gates can be reduced.


  • As of now, the usage of the high-pass system is at 71% and the CO2 which is reduced through high-pass is akin to planting 2 million pine trees per year.

    目前,高通量系統的使用率為 71%,通過高通量系統減少的二氧化碳相當於每年種植 200 萬棵松樹。

  • ATES, Automatic Traffic Enforcement System.


  • The automatic enforcement system uses the sensor on the road to sense and film unlawful cars and then send related information to the traffic info center.


  • Said info is sent to the police stations and bills are released.


  • PIS, Parking Information System.


  • The parking information system uses various sensors in finding out the parking lot situation in real time and sends all information to the traffic info center.


  • The traffic info center reprocesses this and allows the users to select closer parking lots.


  • NTIC, National Traffic Information Center.


  • In Korea, 66 traffic info centers are being run which find out various info related to the road and all info collected here are gathered at the National Traffic Info Center and reprocessed assisting the government central organizations, private enterprises and people to use the road more efficiently.

    在韓國,有 66 個交通信息中心負責收集與道路相關的各種資訊,所有收集到的資訊都將彙集到國家交通信息中心,並進行再處理,以幫助政府中央機構、私營企業和民眾更有效地使用道路。

  • CITS, Cooperative ITS.

    CITS,合作 ITS。

  • Now Korea is preparing for the future of ITS.


  • With the use of the CITS system which provides to the drivers in real time nearby road situations, abrupt stops or danger information such as falling objects, there will be a huge decrease in traffic accidents and social costs will also be reduced considerably.

    CITS 系統可實時向駕駛員提供附近的路況、急剎車或危險資訊(如高空墜物),使用該系統後,交通事故將大幅減少,社會成本也將大大降低。

  • Additionally, autonomous vehicles can be linked to the road infrastructure and a cooperative automated driving highway system project in which safe and efficient driving can be done is also being carried forward.


  • Korea has been leading the way in sharing the Korean ITS establishment experience with more countries and has exported ITS technology to 37 nations from 2006 to now.

    韓國一直帶頭與更多國家分享韓國建立智能交通系統的經驗,從 2006 年至今,韓國已向 37 個國家出口了智能交通系統技術。

  • Success was made especially through the implementing of the traffic management system in Azerbaijan


  • Baku city in 2008, bus information and traffic card system in Colombia's Bogota city in 2011 and an e-ticketing system which operates the traffic card system for all public transport in Athens, Greece in 2014.

    2008 年,巴庫市建立了公交資訊和交通卡系統;2011 年,哥倫比亞波哥大市建立了公交資訊和交通卡系統;2014 年,希臘雅典建立了電子票務系統,為所有公共交通營運交通卡系統。

  • Korea will supply high-tech ITS to more nations in Southeast Asia and Central and South America reducing social costs and increasing traffic competitiveness.


  • Traffic jamless roads and convenient public transport, pleasant happy driving and above all safe drivers.


  • Korea, the global leader of ITS makes a high-tech traffic environment possible.


  • Best partner for your better transport, ITS in Korea.

    最好的合作伙伴,為您提供更好的運輸服務,韓國 ITS。

As society develops, the roads become more crowded and cars grow in number.


由 AI 自動生成

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智能交通系統_韓國製造_英文版 16' (Intelligent Transport Systems_made in KOREA_English Version 16')

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    史詠瑄 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 11 日