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  • More than 5 million people in Florida are under evacuation orders with the impending arrival of hurricane Milton It's the most powerful category 5 storm with ferocious winds of up to 270 kilometers an hour Let's take you live to Tampa, Florida Now Milton is expected to hit the Tampa area later And as we were saying with ferocious winds of up to 160 miles an hour, that's around 270 kilometers an hour and as we were saying in the introduction there that's why President Joe Biden has warned that leaving now is a matter of life and death as The state's undertaken its largest evacuation effort in years well they say that it's going to make landfall in the coming hours and has the potential to be one of the most destructive to Ever be recorded in the region Well, of course it comes less less than a fortnight after hurricane Helene another powerful hurricane hit Florida Steve Nibbs has more An evacuation siren on the streets of Reddington Shores in Florida Debris is still parred up after storm Helene two weeks ago and now people are being told they have to leave again Mandatory evacuation orders are in place for nearly six million people as hurricane Milton approaches Many are heading to safety as authorities warn that storm surges could be up to 15 feet With warnings that if you stay when told to leave you may not survive We can rebuild homes.

    隨著颶風 "米爾頓 "的即將到來 佛羅里達州超過500萬人被命令撤離 這是最強的5級風暴 風速可達每小時270公里 我們帶您到佛羅里達州坦帕市現場直播 米爾頓預計將在晚些時候襲擊坦帕地區 正如我們所說 風速可達每小時160英里這就是為什麼喬-拜登總統警告說現在離開是生死攸關的事 因為該州正在進行多年來最大規模的疏散工作 他們說它將在未來幾小時內登陸,並有可能成為該地區有史以來最具破壞性的天氣之一在颶風 "海倫 "襲擊佛羅里達不到兩星期之後,另一場強力颶風 "海倫 "也襲擊了佛羅里達,史蒂夫-尼布斯(Ste

  • We can rebuild businesses.


  • We can get people back on their feet But only if they go they're safe and they survive the storm We're not going to be able to bring people back who who stay behind in 10 or 15 feet of storm surge Hurricane Milton is intensifying now a category 5 with speeds around 165 miles per hour This crew from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association dubbed hurricane hunters flew through it yesterday and felt its power On The ground residents are doing what they can to protect their properties before they leave but there's real fear here apprehensive ain't really anxious We have two young kids Scary Over 50 counties are now under a state of emergency, but not everyone is deciding to flee We got four five-gallon cans Tommy Hall and his family live near Venice Beach and they've chosen to weather the incoming Storm, we've got gas food two generators Portable air conditions to push around to room the room.

    我們可以讓人們重新站起來,但前提是他們安全地離開,並在風暴中倖存下來。 我們無法讓那些在 10 或 15 英尺風暴潮中滯留的人回來。"米爾頓 "颶風正在加強,目前已達到 5 級,時速約為 165 英里。被稱為 "颶風獵人 "的美國國家海洋和大氣協會的工作人員昨天飛過颶風米爾頓,感受到了它的威力,當地居民在離開之前都在盡力保護自己的財產,但這裡確實存在恐懼、我們有四個五加侖的罐子 湯米-霍爾(Tommy Hall)和他的家人住在威尼斯海灘附近,他們選擇抵禦即將到來的暴風雪,我們有煤氣、食物和兩臺發電機 便攜

  • So I Think we might do okay But weather forecasters are now warning of the severity and danger of this storm.


  • It has dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours Tracking hurricane Milton forecaster John Morales broke down on air because of fears of what's to come everything that's going on Really does affect you emotionally And yeah my delivery of Of trying to carry an audience through these type of emergencies, I think it's become Certainly not the same not alarmist.

    10小時內氣壓下降了50毫巴 跟蹤颶風的密爾頓預報員約翰-莫拉萊斯在直播中崩潰了,因為擔心即將發生的一切,這一切真的會影響你的情緒,是的,我的傳遞試圖通過這些類型的緊急情況帶領觀眾,我認為它已經變得 當然不一樣,不是危言聳聽。

  • I would was before I am alarmed Milton strength has already brought flooding along the Mexican coast and downed power lines and trees But the u.s Is bracing itself for much worse with officials saying that Milton has the potential to be one of the most destructive hurricanes on record When it makes landfall later today Steve nibs BBC News well our correspondent Gordon Carrera's in Tampa in Florida and he's been talking to people who have been preparing for the arrival of hurricane Milton Here in Tampa.

    米爾頓颶風已經造成墨西哥沿岸洪水氾濫,電線和樹木倒塌,但美國正準備應對更嚴重的情況,官方稱米爾頓颶風有可能成為有記錄以來破壞力最大的颶風之一,它將在今天晚些時候登陸史蒂夫-尼布斯 英國廣播公司新聞(BBC News) 我們的記者戈登-卡雷拉正在佛羅里達州坦帕市與人們交談,他們已經在坦帕市為米爾頓颶風的到來做好準備。

  • There is a sense of time running out ahead of Milton's really now imminent Arrival the streets in the city have been eerily quiet Hardly anyone's around the few people who we have seen have been preparing their homes or their offices for the storm Boarding things up maybe moving things around I think one of the things that's quite shocking is just that you can see around me the devastation which is still here from Hurricane Helene which hit two weeks ago and there's an enormous amount of debris around particularly where I am in Tampa and the concern is that the massive surge which will come with Milton could lift up all this debris move it around cause even more damage and the fear is that the surge with Milton could be 12 feet or perhaps even more high compared to about half that or less with Helene so could be very significant Indeed there's a lot of work going on already to think about how the community will respond afterwards But first of all, they've got to get through that storm, which is now just really hours away from arriving here Gordon Carrera on at the ground there Well, the National Hurricane Center in the United States expects hurricane Milton to make landfall as an extremely dangerous hurricane The BBC's Sophie Raworth explains why climate change is thought to be behind the ferocity of the storm Well, Hurricane Milton will be the second powerful storm to hit Florida in less than two weeks and it is currently traveling across the Gulf of Mexico You can see its path there and warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico have helped it become a dangerous Hurricane that is expected to make landfall as early as tomorrow Now scientists say that climate change is to blame with much warmer seas supercharging these hurricanes These are the normal range of temperatures for the Atlantic and this should be just about here where they are now But look how much warmer the waters are this year at or near the hottest temperatures on record The oceans absorb most of the extra heat that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap near Earth's surface So warmer seas mean more water evaporates and that allows storms to strengthen and grow Sophie Raworth there.

    在米爾頓即將到來之前,人們有種時不我待的感覺 城市裡的街道安靜得可怕 幾乎沒有人在附近 我們看到的少數人都在為自己的家或辦公室準備迎接風暴尤其是在我所在的坦帕市 人們擔心米爾頓颶風帶來的巨大浪湧 會掀起這些殘骸 使其四處移動 造成更大的破壞他們必須度過這場風暴,現在距離風暴到達這裡只有幾個小時的時間了 戈登-卡雷拉(Gordon Carrera)在那裡的地面上、美國國家颶風中心預計,颶風米爾頓將以極度危險的形式登陸 英國廣播公司的索菲-拉沃斯(Sophie Raworth)解釋了為什麼氣候變化被認為是風暴

  • Well, let's speak to Professor Miles Allen a climate physicist at the University of Oxford Welcome to the program A lot of people want to know how much climate change might be playing a part in this because of course There always is a hurricane season in the United States, but you don't regularly see storms of this ferocity category five That's right.

    歡迎收看我們的節目 很多人都想知道氣候變化在其中扮演了多大的角色 因為在美國總是有颶風季節 但你不會經常看到如此猛烈的風暴 5級 沒錯

  • I mean we've always had hurricanes in this part of the world Hurricanes are these giant engines for turning energy from warm ocean temperatures into kinetic energy of the air and Of course if you just if you Increase the the octane in the fuel so to speak by warming up sea surface temperatures as Sophie Raworth was saying You allow hurricanes to get more intense and we have seen an intensification and lots of indicators of hurricane activity Since the 1980s the longer-term picture is is a bit less clear But that coincides with a period of rapidly rising sea surface temperatures much of which is down to human influence on climate and In terms of what might come next in terms of this storm You know when you track this as a physicist what could come next?

    颶風是將溫暖的海洋溫度產生的能量轉化為空氣動能的巨大引擎,當然,如果像索菲-拉沃斯(Sophie Raworth)所說的那樣,通過提高海面溫度來增加燃料的辛烷值,就能讓颶風變得更加猛烈。但這恰好與海面溫度迅速上升的時期相吻合,其中大部分是由於人類對氣候的影響。

  • Well crucially for a storm activity or for this storm itself.


  • We are getting much better at Helping enormously in terms of saving lives, of course, it can't really I mean it can help people protect their properties But they still do enormous damage So one of the really good news stories here is how well forecast hurricanes are compared to what they would have been a few decades ago But the longer term outlook is worrying of course because we are as sea surface temperatures continue to warm We will see more intense storms of this nature How many more you know, it's it's like rolling a dice, you know If the dice is a little bit loaded You can't say every time you roll it exactly how many sixes you're going to get But some but but you know, we are loading it in that direction and when you look at the history of the intensification of These hurricanes and linking that to climate change.


  • What lessons can you draw from that?


  • I mean, of course, we remember Hurricane Katrina.


  • That was a category 5 Hurricane that was what nearly close to 20 years ago now What can you draw from the lessons in the past decade or two?

    那是一場 5 級颶風,距今已近 20 年,您能從過去的十幾年中汲取哪些經驗教訓?

  • I mean the important lesson is climate change is making certain types of extreme weather more intense It's also making other kinds of extreme weather less intense in other parts of the world and we are having to cope with a changing climate as a result of Human influence as a result of rising greenhouse gas concentrations, but the really important message I think I'd really like your viewers to get is that this is this is we can stop it We could we could stop global warming within a generation if we put our minds to it the combination of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide we produce from burning fossil fuels and Responsible disposal of the remainder and in that regard I mean Britain's got a pretty good track record of reducing the amount of fossil of carbon dioxide We produce from fossil fuels and the announcement last week of the government that we're going to start Responsibly disposing of carbon dioxide back under the North Sea is also very welcome So there are steps in the right direction, but we've a long way to go.


  • Okay, Professor Myles Allen Thank you very much for taking us through those elements of the story climate physicists there at the University of Oxford.

    好的,麥爾斯-艾倫教授 非常感謝你帶我們瞭解牛津大學氣候物理學家的故事。

  • Thank you very much Just to say we have more on the developments surrounding Hurricane Milton on the BBC News website where we continue to run a live page It has a live stream as well and there's plenty of updates, of course as we continue to track that storm


More than 5 million people in Florida are under evacuation orders with the impending arrival of hurricane Milton It's the most powerful category 5 storm with ferocious winds of up to 270 kilometers an hour Let's take you live to Tampa, Florida Now Milton is expected to hit the Tampa area later And as we were saying with ferocious winds of up to 160 miles an hour, that's around 270 kilometers an hour and as we were saying in the introduction there that's why President Joe Biden has warned that leaving now is a matter of life and death as The state's undertaken its largest evacuation effort in years well they say that it's going to make landfall in the coming hours and has the potential to be one of the most destructive to Ever be recorded in the region Well, of course it comes less less than a fortnight after hurricane Helene another powerful hurricane hit Florida Steve Nibbs has more An evacuation siren on the streets of Reddington Shores in Florida Debris is still parred up after storm Helene two weeks ago and now people are being told they have to leave again Mandatory evacuation orders are in place for nearly six million people as hurricane Milton approaches Many are heading to safety as authorities warn that storm surges could be up to 15 feet With warnings that if you stay when told to leave you may not survive We can rebuild homes.

隨著颶風 "米爾頓 "的即將到來 佛羅里達州超過500萬人被命令撤離 這是最強的5級風暴 風速可達每小時270公里 我們帶您到佛羅里達州坦帕市現場直播 米爾頓預計將在晚些時候襲擊坦帕地區 正如我們所說 風速可達每小時160英里這就是為什麼喬-拜登總統警告說現在離開是生死攸關的事 因為該州正在進行多年來最大規模的疏散工作 他們說它將在未來幾小時內登陸,並有可能成為該地區有史以來最具破壞性的天氣之一在颶風 "海倫 "襲擊佛羅里達不到兩星期之後,另一場強力颶風 "海倫 "也襲擊了佛羅里達,史蒂夫-尼布斯(Ste

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颶風米爾頓發出警告,佛羅里達州數百萬人撤離 | BBC 新聞 (Hurricane Milton warning sees millions in Florida evacuate | BBC News)

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