During the colonial era, as Europeans encountered cultures in Asia, Africa, and the Americas, they looked for signs of religion with their own Christianity-shaped mold in mind. But it turns out people have a lot of ways of making sense of their lives, of organizing community and relating to otherworldly forces. And many of them don't look like what European colonizers understood as religion. Like, in 1553, Richard Eden wrote that indigenous people on what's now the Canary Islands went naked without shame, religion, or knowledge of God. Paintings of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas kept this narrative going, showing colonizers looming large with a priest along for the ride, heroically bringing religion to people assumed to have none.
在殖民時代,當歐洲人接觸到亞洲、非洲和美洲的文化時,他們帶著自己的基督教模式去尋找宗教的痕跡。但事實證明,人們有很多方式來理解自己的生活,組織社區,並與其他世界的力量建立聯繫。而其中許多並不像歐洲殖民者所理解的宗教。比如,1553 年,理查德-伊登寫道,在現在的加那利群島上,原住民赤身裸體,沒有羞恥感,沒有宗教信仰,也不認識上帝。克里斯托弗-哥倫布抵達美洲時的畫作延續了這一說法,畫中的殖民者高高在上,帶著一名牧師,英勇地將宗教帶給被認為沒有宗教信仰的人們。