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  • This morning, a dramatic sign-off fit for Sin City.


  • Las Vegas' iconic Tropicana Hotel coming down in spectacular fashion.

    拉斯維加斯標誌性的 Tropicana 酒店即將倒塌,場面壯觀。

  • The implosion marking the end of an era on the Vegas Strip.


  • When the hotel debuted in 1957, it was dubbed the Tiffany of the Strip for its lavish decor and star-studded guests like Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr.

    酒店於 1957 年開業,因其奢華的裝飾和伊麗莎白-泰勒、弗蘭克-辛納屈和小薩米-戴維斯等明星住客而被譽為 "Strip 的蒂凡尼"。

  • Did the Strip look anything like it does today when the Tropicana first opened?

    Tropicana 酒店剛開業時,Strip大道的樣子和現在一樣嗎?

  • Not at all, not at all.


  • It was really bringing something elevated to Las Vegas.


  • It was even the first to bring Vegas the famous Feather Showgirls when it opened the legendary Follies Brugere.

    它甚至是第一個為拉斯維加斯帶來著名的 "羽毛歌舞女郎 "的地方,當時它開設了傳奇性的布魯日歌舞劇院(Follies Brugere)。

  • The trop also a fixture in pop culture, appearing in Elvis Presley's Viva Las Vegas, The Godfather.


  • Welcome to Las Vegas.


  • And as a James Bond favorite in Diamonds Are Forever.


  • I hear that the hotel Tropicana is quite comfortable.

    我聽說 Tropicana 酒店非常舒適。

  • But after 67 years, general manager Eric Knowles says the beloved resort has dealt its final hand.

    但在 67 年後,總經理埃裡克-諾爾斯(Eric Knowles)說,這個備受喜愛的度假勝地已經打出了最後一手牌。

  • It's a bit emotional, but bittersweet.


  • The closure making way for a new vision in Vegas.


  • The property set to become the site of a new MLB stadium for the A's who are joining the Golden Knights, the Raiders, and the Aces as part of the city's big bet on sports entertainment.

    作為該市體育娛樂大賭注的一部分,A's 將與 Golden Knights、Raiders 和 Aces 一起成為新的 MLB 體育場。

  • What does the implosion celebration symbolize to you?


  • I think it's like the mythological phoenix.


  • It's in the fire or something else is reborn.


  • This is a welcome to the baseball team for the A's as well as a farewell to the Tropicana.


  • We've been loading explosives since Tuesday morning.


  • Hours before we were given exclusive access to the blast zone with the duo behind the show.


  • What does it take to implode two 23-story buildings of steel?

    兩棟 23 層高的鋼結構建築要怎樣才能發生內爆?

  • Forethought, forethought a lot of insurance.


  • And 2,000 pounds of explosives.

    還有 2000 磅炸藥。

  • A little bit, it makes a little difference.


  • All in all, the implosion lasting less than 30 seconds as the Tropicana's nearly seven decades of history goes out with a bang.

    總之,內爆只持續了不到 30 秒鐘,Tropicana 酒店近 70 年的歷史就這樣戛然而止。

  • Now guys, I have to say it was really impressive to watch this happen, to see how fast those towers could drop and just poof, gone.

    現在,夥計們,我不得不說,看著這一切的發生真的令人印象深刻,看到那些大廈能以如此快的速度落下,然後 "噗 "的一聲,就不見了。

  • The skyline here in Vegas changed.


  • Now as for that MLB stadium, despite some skeptics, the city says they are confident the A's are gonna come here to Las Vegas.

    至於 MLB 體育場,儘管有人持懷疑態度,但拉斯維加斯市政府表示,他們有信心讓運動家隊來到拉斯維加斯。

  • They hope to have that stadium open by 2028.

    他們希望該體育場能在 2028 年投入使用。

  • All right, okay Liz, thank you so much.


  • All nighter in Vegas for Liz.


  • Hey, thanks for watching.


  • Don't miss the Today Show every weekday at 11 a.m.

    不要錯過每週日上午 11 點的《今日秀》。

  • Eastern, 8 Pacific on our streaming channel, Today All Day.

    東部時間,太平洋時間 8 點,在我們的流媒體頻道 "今日全天 "上播出。

  • To watch, head to slash all day or click the link right here.

    如需觀看,請訪問 slash all day 或點擊此處鏈接。

This morning, a dramatic sign-off fit for Sin City.


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