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  • Stress originated as we evolved over thousands of years to help us meet challenges.


  • It kicks off a series of energy-demanding changes that prime your body and mind for action.


  • Too much stress for too long, however, can cause harm.


  • Chronic stress redirects energy normally spent on cell maintenance and repair. Deep rest can counter the negative effects of chronic stress.

    慢性壓力會將通常用於細胞維護和修復的能量重新定向。 深度休息可以抵消慢性壓力的負面影響。

  • Our ancestors knew the power of deep rest, and now we do too, through our modern way of knowing, through our scientific lens, all the way down to the cellular level.


  • Meditation, yoga, prayer, tai chi, qigong, knitting, painting, gardening, or sound bath - all of these can lead to deep rest states.


  • Regardless of form, such practices send signals to our brain telling us we are safe. They bring about changes deep within our molecular biology, protecting our chromosomes from DNA damage and promoting cellular restoration.

    無論形式如何,這些做法都會向我們的大腦發出信號,告訴我們是安全的。 它們在我們的分子生物學深處帶來變化,保護我們的染色體免受 DNA 損傷,促進細胞修復。

  • This includes improving the function of our mitochondria, the batteries in our cells that give us energy.


  • Our research shows that deep rest practices lead to long-lasting and pervasive benefits, both to your psychological well-being and your physical health. So, you might find new value in doing almost nothing, in really letting yourself feel the ease of the present moment.

    我們的研究表明,深度休息的做法會給你的心理健康和身體健康帶來持久而廣泛的益處。 是以,你可能會發現幾乎什麼都不做,真正讓自己感受當下的輕鬆的新價值。

  • Your body will thank you.


Stress originated as we evolved over thousands of years to help us meet challenges.


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