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  • Ugh, look at this weather.


  • I'm really looking forward to the summer holidays.


  • I just need to get away and lie on a beach. Hello, this is Georgie from BBC Learning English.

    我只想離開這裡,躺在沙灘上。你好,我是 BBC 英語學習中心的 Georgie。

  • Today, we're looking at phrasal verbs for travel.


  • Let the learning plane take off. If you look forward to something, it means you're anticipating something good or exciting happening in the future.


  • He's really looking forward to his summer holiday by the beach. Get away, in the context of travel, means to escape from your usual responsibilities and go on holiday.

    他非常期待在海邊度過暑假。在旅行中,"離開 "意味著擺脫平時的責任,去度假。

  • Ugh, I'm feeling burnt out.


  • I'd love to get away for a few days and spend time in the countryside. If you pick someone up, it means you collect them and take them to another location, usually in a vehicle like a car.


  • This verb can be separated.


  • The taxi picked the woman up from her house and took her to the airport.


  • The taxi picked up the woman from her house and took her to the airport. If you tell someone to hurry up, you're demanding they go faster, usually because you have limited time.


  • Hurry up!


  • We're going to miss our flight. Set off means to begin your journey.

    我們要趕不上飛機了。出發 "是指開始旅程。

  • Grandpa set off at 6 a.m. to make sure he arrived at the airport early for his flight. Check in is a common phrasal verb for travel.

    外公早上 6 點就出發了,以確保他能提前到達機場登機。Check in 是旅行中常用的短語動詞。

  • It means to register your arrival at an airport, at the hotel, or some kind of facility.


  • After checking in at the hotel reception, she gave them the room key. Finally, the plane takes off when it leaves the runway, and lands when it arrives at the destination.


  • Remember, don't freak out.


  • Just come back to BBC Learning English and work on your phrasal verbs with the free worksheet on our website.

    回到 BBC 英語學習網站,利用我們網站上的免費工作表練習短語動詞。

  • See you next time.


Ugh, look at this weather.


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