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  • Humanoids, androids, geminoids, and replicants, call them what you will, but the idea of a machine that mimics human movement, appearance, thoughts, and emotions has been a preoccupation of humans for thousands of years.

    人形機器人、機器人、geminoids 和複製人,隨你怎麼稱呼它們,但幾千年來,人類一直在關注一種能模仿人類動作、外表、思想和情感的機器的想法。

  • There were the ancient Egyptians, who built statues of gods that, when hit by the sun, appeared to talk to astonished crowds, and Leonardo da Vinci, who designed one of the very first robots, a robotic knight which was able to sit, stand, and move its arms.


  • Those, of course, were one-off curiosities, but now robotics is big business and has been for years.


  • The manufacturing sector has relied on robots on production lines for decades, and consumers have embraced things like automated vacuum cleaners, toys, and teaching aids.


  • Most of the robots we use today don't look like us, but the advent of AI has propelled the industry forward.


  • And 2024 saw record levels of funding for humanoid robotics.

    而在 2024 年,仿人機器人技術的資金投入達到了創紀錄的水準。

  • So why the obsession with making robots human?


  • An often-cited reason is the embodiment theory, that is, we're creating machines that need to function in a human-designed world.

    一個經常被引用的原因是 "體現理論",即我們創造的機器需要在人類設計的世界中運行。

  • Take a door, for instance.


  • A robot needs to be human-sized to navigate getting through one.


  • Too tall or wide and it won't fit, too short and it can't reach the door handle.


  • To turn the handle, the robot will need dexterous hands.


  • And having two legs means it can step over any obstacle, climb stairs, and generally take up less space.


  • Then there's the societal argument.


  • Some say we create machines that look like us because it helps with interaction and collaboration.


  • We simply respond better to things if we can identify with them.


  • Some psychologists also think that it adds credibility.


  • If robots take human form, then they're seen as more intelligent.


  • There is a flip side, though, and it's known as the uncanny valley.

    不過,也有相反的一面,這就是所謂的 "不可思議谷"。

  • First coined by robotics professor Masahiro Mori in 1970, the hypothesis states that we generally react positively to human-like machines, but as they become more human-like, we develop unease or even repulsion.

    該假說由機器人學教授森雅弘(Masahiro Mori)於 1970 年首次提出,指出我們通常會對類似人類的機器做出積極反應,但當它們變得更像人類時,我們就會產生不安甚至排斥。

  • Curiously, the hypothesis goes on to state that as robots become almost indistinguishable from humans, we once again view them positively.


  • Getting the uncanny valley right, then, is a big focus for developers.

    是以,如何正確處理 "不可思議谷 "是開發人員關注的焦點。

  • One of the most high-profile proponents of human-like androids is Elon Musk.

    埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)是最受矚目的類人機器人支持者之一。

  • Tesla unveiled the first generation of its robot Optimus in 2022, and the company is hoping to deploy the robots in its factories by the end of 2024.

    特斯拉於 2022 年推出了第一代機器人 Optimus,該公司希望到 2024 年底在其工廠中部署這種機器人。

  • They'll be available for purchase more widely the year after.


  • This is a key reason behind why we're making these robots.


  • We want them to work for us.


  • Globally, there is a massive shortage of workers in key sectors like manufacturing.


  • According to one estimate, up to 8 million factory jobs globally could be left unfilled by 2030.

    據估計,到 2030 年,全球可能會有多達 800 萬個工廠崗位空缺。

  • Having robots to do some of these repetitive and mundane tasks could go some way to filling that gap.


  • They can also help fill dangerous jobs.


  • NASA, for instance, has developed Valkyrie, a humanoid robot it says can be used in challenging environments such as natural disaster areas or offshore oil rigs.

    例如,美國國家航空航天局(NASA)開發了 Valkyrie 人形機器人,並稱這種機器人可用於自然災害區或海上石油鑽井平臺等挑戰性環境。

  • The end goal is to send Valkyrie to space, where it can focus on tasks like maintaining the spacecraft, freeing up exploration time for human astronauts.

    最終目標是將 Valkyrie 送上太空,讓它專注於維護飛船等任務,為人類太空人騰出探索時間。

  • However, there are still hurdles to overcome.


  • Making a human-like machine is more complex and more expensive than ordinary robotic systems, and with more components, there are more things that can go wrong.


  • Bias is another issue.


  • Like in AI, some critics point out we're creating machines that simply perpetuate stereotypes.


  • Robots in healthcare are often given more female characteristics, and those doing manual labor, male ones.


  • And then there are the worst-case scenarios, often depicted in science fiction.


  • Could robots gain consciousness and turn on their creators, like in Ex Machina or Blade Runner?

    機器人會不會像《機械姬》(Ex Machina)或《銀翼殺手》(Blade Runner)中那樣,獲得意識並背叛自己的創造者?

  • Could they be built with the purpose of harming humans, like in The Terminator?


  • One thing is certain, growing investment into the sector means we're going to see a lot more robots around us.


  • Billionaire venture capitalist Vinod Khosla predicts we could see a billion bipedal robots by 2040, and Goldman Sachs estimates that the global market for humanoid robots could reach $38 billion by 2035.

    億萬富翁風險投資家維諾德-科斯拉(Vinod Khosla)預測,到 2040 年,我們將看到 10 億個雙足機器人,而高盛(Goldman Sachs)估計,到 2035 年,仿人機器人的全球市場規模將達到 380 億美元。

Humanoids, androids, geminoids, and replicants, call them what you will, but the idea of a machine that mimics human movement, appearance, thoughts, and emotions has been a preoccupation of humans for thousands of years.

人形機器人、機器人、geminoids 和複製人,隨你怎麼稱呼它們,但幾千年來,人類一直在關注一種能模仿人類動作、外表、思想和情感的機器的想法。

由 AI 自動生成

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B1 中級 中文 美國腔

為什麼我們要製造外形和動作都像人類的機器人? (Why we build robots that look and move like humans)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 09 日