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  • In just a few years, China has built this world-class fusion research campus from scratch, while the U.S. still lacks anything like it.


  • It's a sign of China's growing investment in nuclear fusion, what many scientists consider the holy grail of clean energy.


  • If American companies don't lead on this, then the jobs, the wealth won't develop here, they'll develop in China.


  • We'll break down the race to achieve and commercialize nuclear fusion, and what's at stake if China wins.


  • Fusion has the potential to create nearly limitless energy with no carbon emissions and very limited radioactivity.


  • In fusion, you combine two small atoms like hydrogen to form a single heavier one, and that releases a huge amount of energy.


  • To make the atoms collide and fuse, they're heated to an extremely high temperature to form a plasma, which is basically a mix of positively and negatively charged particles.


  • Up until probably five years or so ago, Fusion was seen as a long-term fundamental scientific challenge.


  • There was a lot of open collaboration and discussion among scientists from around the world.


  • George Tynan is a global fusion expert who has worked with several of China's top universities, as well as China's first nuclear fusion research institute.

    George Tynan 是全球核聚變專家,曾與中國多所頂尖大學以及中國首家核聚變研究所合作。

  • In the last five years or so, there's the beginning realization that this may not just be interesting science, but there may be a possibility that this could become an important practical technology.


  • He says he hasn't been back to Chinese labs since before 2020, partly because the U.S. government has discouraged it.

    他說,自 2020 年之前,他就沒有再去過中國實驗室,部分原因是美國政府不鼓勵他去。

  • Some scientists say fusion energy could be on the grid as early as the 2030s.

    一些科學家表示,聚變能源最早可在 2030 年代投入使用。

  • China became a leader in the field after it joined the international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject called ITER in 2003.

    2003 年,中國加入了名為 "國際熱核聚變實驗堆 "的國際核聚變研究和工程大項目,成為該領域的領導者。

  • Since then, it has invested heavily in domestic fusion infrastructure, research and workforce.


  • One of the leading candidates for a viable and practical fusion reactor is called a tokamak, a machine that confines plasma using strong magnetic fields.


  • The U.S. has two main government-funded tokamaks.


  • China has three.


  • Its fourth is expected to be completed in 2027.

    第四個項目預計將於 2027 年完工。

  • China has 10 times as many PhDs in fusion science and engineering as the U.S.

    中國聚變科學與工程領域的博士人數是美國的 10 倍。

  • And the Chinese government has launched new fusion education programs in China with a goal of training 1,000 new plasma physicists.

    中國政府已經在中國啟動了新的核聚變教育計劃,目標是培養 1000 名新的等離子體物理學家。

  • They work very long hours.


  • Some of the experiments in China can operate on a 24-7 basis.


  • I've seen them running multiple shifts.


  • That's partly because most Chinese tokamaks use superconducting magnetic coils, which can be left on for days or even weeks at a time.


  • The U.S. is moving towards superconducting magnets, but has mostly been using copper magnets, which dissipate a lot of energy and need to be cooled down after being on for just a few seconds.


  • American fusion infrastructure in public facilities is quite old.


  • They are honestly not of the leading edge.


  • They do not compare with the things that China has.


  • The U.S.


  • Department of Energy says the D3D tokamak continues to be a world-leading device, and an update to the NSTX-U tokamak is almost complete.

    能源部表示,D3D 託卡馬克仍然是世界領先的設備,NSTX-U 託卡馬克的更新工作也已接近完成。

  • But some U.S. scientists say China has a habit of copying U.S. designs.


  • For example, that new tokamak China is building.


  • Some U.S. scientists say it's a copy of one designed by Commonwealth Fusion Systems, the largest private fusion company in the U.S.

    一些美國科學家說,這是由美國最大的私營聚變公司聯邦聚變系統公司(Commonwealth Fusion Systems)設計的仿製品。

  • And that's just one example.


  • The East tokamak, the idea for that experiment was actually originally generated here in this country in the 1990s.

    實際上,東方託卡馬克實驗的想法最初是在 20 世紀 90 年代由這個國家提出的。

  • But for a variety of budgetary reasons, the decision was made not to pursue that.


  • And then in the early 2000s, they built that device with largely homegrown technology.


  • China's Institute of Plasma Physics didn't respond to requests for comment.


  • Helion Energy, a U.S. company, accused Chinese companies ENN and HH Maxx of copying its plans, too.

    美國公司 Helion Energy 也指責中國公司 ENN 和 HH Maxx 抄襲其計劃。

  • One company launched a direct copycat program pursuing Helion's design, and another publicly stated its intent to replicate key aspects of Helion's approach.

    一家公司直接模仿 Helion 的設計,另一家公司則公開表示有意複製 Helion 方法的關鍵部分。

  • ENN and HH Maxx didn't respond to requests for comment.

    ENN 和 HH Maxx 沒有迴應置評請求。

  • China also appears to be following a commercialization program similar to the roadmap that hundreds of U.S. fusion scientists and engineers first published in 2020.

    中國似乎也在實施一項商業化計劃,該計劃與數百名美國核聚變科學家和工程師於 2020 年首次公佈的路線圖相似。

  • DOE has really not built anything within this plan.


  • The Chinese have basically implemented and built the test stands that will enable them to commercialize.


  • The DOE says it is building new facilities and that its fusion science and tech roadmap will be released next spring.


  • It also says the new plan is different from China's public sector-led approach, and the report won't have all the details, so it would be difficult for China to copy it.


  • There's a long history in China of being fast followers, of taking the knowledge learned and then investing it into domestic Chinese industry.


  • And we've seen this play out in solar power, electric vehicles most recently, in high-speed rail.


  • The Chinese government is also spending double what the U.S. is spending on fusion.


  • In December 2023, the Chinese government launched a new state-owned company to pool resources from across the country.

    2023 年 12 月,中國政府成立了一家新的國有企業,以彙集全國各地的資源。

  • China's goal is to build the first industrial prototype fusion reactor by 2035 and to begin large-scale commercial production of fusion energy by 2050, according to a 2022 scientific report.

    根據 2022 年的一份科學報告,中國的目標是到 2035 年建成第一個工業聚變反應堆原型,到 2050 年開始大規模商業化生產聚變能源。

  • In the U.S., industry experts say the fusion budget hasn't been enough to keep up with inflation.


  • So far, the U.S. has attracted far more private investment than China.


  • Of all the fusion companies founded since 1992, over 50 percent are U.S. companies.

    在 1992 年以來成立的所有融合公司中,50% 以上是美國公司。

  • Just 4 percent are Chinese.

    只有 4% 是中國人。

  • This is the key thing that the United States can leverage.


  • But China's private sector is quickly catching up, though U.S. industry experts say it's often difficult to distinguish between private and public funding in China.


  • Energy Singularity, a startup in Shanghai, built its own tokamak in just two years.

    上海的一家初創公司 Energy Singularity 僅用兩年時間就建成了自己的託卡馬克。

  • The company says it expects to have a device that can feed power to the grid before 2035.

    該公司表示,預計在 2035 年前就能生產出可以向電網供電的設備。

  • Even if the U.S. wins the race to fusion, we have to make sure that we can then scale up.


  • We're concerned that there simply is not enough capacity in the United States, in like-minded countries, to support the real exponential growth that we expect to see.


  • One of China's advantages is that it already dominates manufacturing supply chains.


  • Important manufactured goods like power electronics, capacitors, China has really cornered the market on.


  • China is also building more nuclear reactors than any other country, which some industry experts say would give it an advantage when commercial fusion is reached.


  • We should expect it to be a net loss to American global influence around the world.


  • That China will leverage this technology as something that they can support their Belt and Road allies with.

    中國將利用這項技術為 "一帶一路 "盟友提供支持。

  • Their customers will need to buy from them and do business with them for the rest of the century.


  • U.S. fusion experts seem optimistic about the private sector's progress.


  • But they say the industry still needs support from the government to win this race.


  • We must establish and leverage public-private partnerships.


  • Commercial space came about because NASA invested over $500 million in a public-private partnership that supported SpaceX and Blue Origin.

    商業航天之所以出現,是因為美國國家航空航天局向支持 SpaceX 和藍色起源公司的公私合作伙伴關係投資了 5 億多美元。

  • This is not something that's out of nowhere.


  • Fusion is a very hard problem to solve.


  • It takes sustained effort, sustained over many, many years, even over decades.


  • Maintaining that level of energy and effort will be the biggest challenge in this country.


In just a few years, China has built this world-class fusion research campus from scratch, while the U.S. still lacks anything like it.


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中國為實現清潔能源 "聖盃 "不惜斥資美國 | WSJ 美國 vs. 中國 (China Is Outspending the U.S. to Achieve the ‘Holy Grail’ of Clean Energy | WSJ U.S. vs. China)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 09 日