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  • You What is it on Sunday morning one of our you twos took these pictures the Soviets are putting medium-range ballistic missiles into Cuba One Gentleman Our cities in the southeast as far north as Washington DC are in range of these weapons and in the event of a launch We'll have only five minutes warning in those five minutes.

    週日早上,我們的一個 "U2 "拍到了這些照片 蘇聯正在古巴部署中程彈道導彈 先生 我們東南部的城市,最北到華盛頓特區 都在這些武器的射程之內 一旦發射,我們只有五分鐘的預警時間

  • They could kill 80 million Americans Well, it's clear we cannot permit Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba we have to get those missiles out The Soviet understands only one language action respects only one word force I Got a bad feeling about what's going on in there, sir I think we have to issue pre-invasion orders for our forces.

    很明顯,我們不能允許蘇聯在古巴部署核導彈 我們必須把飛彈撤走 蘇聯人只懂一種語言 只尊重一個詞 "武力" 我對那裡發生的事情有種不祥的預感,長官 我認為我們必須對我們的部隊發佈入侵前命令

  • No choice is gonna cost lives.


  • Anyway, we go We're talking about possible nuclear war.

    總之,我們走 我們在談論可能發生的核戰爭。

  • We've got a bunch of smart guys We lock them in a room that they come up with some solutions The whole spectrum of airstrikes is a minimum response the Joint Chiefs will accept.


  • No, no There is more than one option here You're in a pretty bad fix.


  • Mr. President.


  • Well, maybe you haven't noticed you're in it with me I was dead Kennedy's are gonna destroy this country if we don't do something about this a Lot of things are going wrong today It's making everyone nervous When what things go wrong people will become more nervous and it will be very hard to avoid going to war three two One good evening my fellow citizens This is a setup they want a war Jack and they're arranging things to get one What happens to you?

    也許你還沒注意到 你和我在一起 我已經死了 如果我們不做點什麼 肯尼迪會毀掉這個國家的 今天很多事情都出了問題 這讓每個人都很緊張 當什麼事情出了問題 人們會變得更緊張

  • I'll be evacuated with the president and while you're under a rock somewhere What am I supposed to do with your five children?

    我會和總統一起撤離,而你卻躲在某個地方 你的五個孩子該怎麼辦?

  • Sometimes there is only one right choice and you thank God when it's so clear Live right to my face Teddy We need you to talk to them and nobody plays us off each other and nobody ever ever gets between us Which for a second somebody else's president you mean that I said for a second First airstrike start in 28 hours The world's watching everything we're doing I'm prepared to wait for my answer until hell freezes over I am the commander-in-chief of the United States and I say when we go to war

    有時只有一個正確的選擇 當它如此清晰時,你要感謝上帝 當著我的面,泰迪,我們需要你和他們談談 沒有人玩弄我們,也沒有人介入我們之間 哪怕只有一秒鐘,別人的總統

You What is it on Sunday morning one of our you twos took these pictures the Soviets are putting medium-range ballistic missiles into Cuba One Gentleman Our cities in the southeast as far north as Washington DC are in range of these weapons and in the event of a launch We'll have only five minutes warning in those five minutes.

週日早上,我們的一個 "U2 "拍到了這些照片 蘇聯正在古巴部署中程彈道導彈 先生 我們東南部的城市,最北到華盛頓特區 都在這些武器的射程之內 一旦發射,我們只有五分鐘的預警時間

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