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  • Morning Meditation To begin, find yourself seated in an upright position, closing your eyes and placing your palms facing upwards.

    晨間冥想 開始時,保持坐姿,閉上眼睛,手心朝上。

  • Let your breath be slow, soft, and deep.


  • Really feel the sweetness of the air, an appreciation for being alive here in this moment.


  • On your next inhale, let your breath fill up, starting at the very bottom of your stomach, flowing all the way up through your chest, and as soon as it hits the top of your throat, hold your breath at the top.


  • Feel yourself beginning to energize for the day.


  • And exhale with a sigh.


  • As you allow yourself to come into this moment, just return to slow, deep breaths in and out.


  • Welcome in all of the highest, most loving, positive energy of the universe into this space right now.


  • Welcome in guidance and support of the highest, most loving kind.


  • Feel not only your presence in this moment, but the presence of the positive energy all around you and within you.


  • Trust and know, you are guided, you are supported.


  • Now bring awareness into your heart chakra in the center of your chest.


  • Bring all of your awareness here now, not on the surface of your skin, but a couple inches inward.


  • Yes, really focus in on this energy center.


  • Feel a connection to your heart, and as you focus on this energy center, allow yourself to think of an intention that you would like to set for today.


  • Something to help give you purpose and meaning.


  • As you think of your intention for the day, feel it in your heart.


  • Not as something that you wish to do, or something you hope to accomplish, but instead feel this intention as if it has already happened, it is already true, and living inside your heart.


  • Feel the shift that happens in your heart center, when you intend in a way that feels as if it has already happened.


  • This feeling amps up your trusting and knowing that you are on the right path.


  • As you feel the beauty of this intention in your heart, you allow yourself to reflect on the importance of living a life on purpose.


  • You see and feel the intention you've just set, not only for today, but for a life of purpose and meaning.


  • In your heart, allow yourself to imagine some of your deepest dreams and desires, as if they've already happened, and they're living as memories inside your heart.


  • What are the things you most desire to do in this life, to bring you fulfillment?


  • What service do you wish to be of in this world?


  • What do you see yourself doing that gives you great joy and a dear sense of purpose?


  • See all of this happening inside your heart.


  • Feel this happening inside of your heart.


  • And as you have these feelings amplified inside your heart center, imagine before you now an image of something you are ready to let go of.


  • Something you know is time to release, forgive.


  • You know it's not serving you and you're ready to let go.


  • See it in front of you.


  • And with all of these feelings in your heart about living your life on purpose, you declare that you are ready to let go of anything that no longer aligns with the feeling in your heart.


  • As you declare this, and you feel this deep within you, you smile to yourself, and you watch as the image of whatever is before you, that you are ready to release, begins to disappear.


  • Just like that.


  • You see it vanishing, without any effort on your part, besides the recognition that the feeling you have in your heart is greater than the attachment you have to that which no longer serves.


  • It's that simple.


  • Feel the release.


  • This process of focusing on what you truly desire, as you watch what no longer serves, let go, is an excellent way to forgive.


  • You are forgiving whatever it was that you were holding onto that was no longer serving you when you just let it go.


  • And let your focus on love be greater than your focus on that which you no longer wish to give power to.


  • Continuing to focus on your heart, let it begin to build with a sense of appreciation for this moment.


  • Feeling deep gratitude for the work you have done here this morning.


  • Feeling appreciation for all that is going well in your life, and for everything that you are intending upon to have come.


  • Feel a power in the gratitude for your intention, the gratitude for this morning, and bring your palms up in a prayer pose directly in front of your heart.


  • As you say out loud or in your mind, thank you, and when you are ready, gently open your eyes to the room around you, knowing that you have set yourself up for a beautiful day by using this morning meditation.

    當你大聲或在心裡說 "謝謝 "時,當你準備好時,輕輕睜開眼睛,看著周圍的一切,因為你知道,通過這次晨間冥想,你已經為美好的一天做好了準備。

Morning Meditation To begin, find yourself seated in an upright position, closing your eyes and placing your palms facing upwards.

晨間冥想 開始時,保持坐姿,閉上眼睛,手心朝上。

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這套強大的六階段晨間冥想具有您想要的一切引導式冥想功能 (This Powerful 6-phase Morning Meditation has Everything You Could Want in a Guided Meditation)

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    Winnie 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 07 日