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  • Welcome, everybody, to NI Connect.

    歡迎大家來到 NI Connect。

  • I'm so, so excited to be here.


  • Wasn't that an inspirational video?


  • I love it.


  • This is our first NI Connect since being acquired by Emerson.

    這是我們被 Emerson 收購後的首次 NI Connect。

  • And we will talk a lot more about that over the next couple of days.


  • I'm really, really excited to be here.


  • A very warm welcome to our customers, our partners, and our employees.


  • Though we are now Emerson Test and Measurement, the NI brand and what it represents remains exactly the same.

    雖然我們現在是 Emerson Test and Measurement,但 NI 品牌及其所代表的意義卻完全保持不變。

  • We're so excited to be part of Emerson and expand on the vision of boundless automation into test organizations.

    我們很高興能成為 Emerson 的一員,並將無限自動化的願景擴展到測試組織中。

  • As the first president of Emerson's newly created Test and Measurement group, I remain humbled and honored by what this role represents and the long history and legacy that comes with it.

    作為 Emerson 新成立的測試與測量集團的首任總裁,我對這一職位所代表的意義以及與之相關的悠久歷史和傳統感到謙卑和榮幸。

  • For those of you that have been part of the NI community for a very long time, you might appreciate the weightiness of this responsibility.

    對於那些已經在 NI 社區工作了很長時間的人來說,你們可能會體會到這一責任的分量。

  • Nearly 50 years ago, three ambitious engineers, led by Dr. T, started NI with a vision that the PC could revolutionize test and measurement.

    將近 50 年前,以 T 博士為首的三位雄心勃勃的工程師創立了 NI,他們的願景是讓 PC 徹底改變測試和測量技術。

  • This vision drove a culture of intense innovation in products like GPIB, LabVIEW, which you're going to hear a ton about this week, and PXI.

    這一願景推動了公司在 GPIB、LabVIEW(本週你們將聽到很多關於它的資訊)和 PXI 等產品上的大力創新。

  • In 1986, we introduced LabVIEW as a game-changing graphical programming language that was critical to NI achieving its vision for a software-centric approach to test.

    1986 年,我們推出了 LabVIEW,這是一種改變遊戲規則的圖形編程語言,對於 NI 實現以軟件為中心的測試方法的願景至關重要。

  • Over the next 40 years, LabVIEW has achieved a cult-like status as it extracts data from PC-based data acquisition devices, powers robots, and of course, drives hundreds of thousands of test systems around the world.

    在隨後的 40 年中,LabVIEW 從基於 PC 的數據採集設備中提取數據,為機器人提供動力,當然也驅動著全球成千上萬的測試系統,是以獲得了崇拜者般的地位。

  • LabVIEW is so core to NI's identity that the words, the software is the instrument, is literally engraved on the streets of our campus here in Austin.

    LabVIEW 是 NI 的核心特徵,"軟件就是儀器 "這句話就像刻在奧斯汀校園的街道上一樣。

  • As we continue to look forward, our intent is to continue to help engineers and enterprises achieve their business and product performance goals through our software-centric approach to test.


  • This approach makes it easier for engineers and enterprises to tackle simple measurement tasks, like measuring current consumption on a PCB in the lab, or whole enterprise challenges, like managing a fleet of 100 manufacturing test stations.

    這種方法使工程師和企業更容易處理簡單的測量任務,如在實驗室測量印刷電路板上的電流消耗,或應對整個企業的挑戰,如管理由 100 個製造測試站組成的車隊。

  • To achieve this, we understand that product investment is critical, and this includes hardware and software.


  • It also involves our people.


  • I have inherited an amazing team here at NI that is made up of some of the smartest people that I've ever worked with that can be sometimes a little aggravating, but they're extremely, extremely smart.

    我在 NI 繼承了一個了不起的團隊,他們都是我共事過的最聰明的人,有時會讓人覺得有點委屈,但他們都非常非常聰明。

  • Their drive and commitment to you, our customers, and our partners is incredible.


  • Seeing them help you solve your toughest challenges is so inspiring to me.


  • Over the next couple of days, we're excited to share more about the investments that we're making in LabVIEW+, Intelligent Test, and PXI Instrumentation.

    在接下來的幾天裡,我們將與大家分享更多有關我們在 LabVIEW+、智能測試和 PXI Instrumentation 方面的投資。

  • So again, I welcome you to NI Connect.

    是以,我再次歡迎您加入 "NI Connect"。

  • Thank you so much for joining us here in Austin, and thank you for being a part of this wonderful NI community.

    非常感謝你們來奧斯汀參加我們的會議,感謝你們成為這個美妙的 NI 社區的一員。

Welcome, everybody, to NI Connect.

歡迎大家來到 NI Connect。

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測試與測量集團總裁 Ritu Favre | 簡介 (Test and Measurement Group President Ritu Favre | Introduction)

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    IOU-CHENG HSIAO 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 07 日