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  • Hi, I'm Rob Fernandez with Cirrus, and today we'll be covering the 4200 Series Benchtop Tester, including how to set up your tester and run your first test.

    大家好,我是 Cirrus 的 Rob Fernandez,今天我們將介紹 4200 系列臺式測試儀,包括如何設置測試儀和進行首次測試。

  • Let's take a quick look at the 4200 Series.

    讓我們快速瞭解一下 4200 系列。

  • It was designed to test for continuity, isolation, opens, and miswires.


  • It can also analyze components, such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes, and perform 4-wire resistance measurements.


  • It's compact, lightweight, and self-contained, for easy mobility around the production floor.


  • The testers come standard with 128 test points, but are expandable up to 1,024 test points using 128 test point expansion boxes.

    測試儀標配 128 個測試點,但使用 128 個測試點擴展盒可擴展至 1 024 個測試點。

  • While both testers are fast and versatile, the 4250 can high-pot up to 1,500 volts DC.

    這兩款測試儀都具有快速和多功能的特點,而 4250 則能承受高達 1,500 伏的直流電壓。

  • It's also available in 2,000 volts DC or 1,000 volts AC.

    它還提供 2,000 伏直流電或 1,000 伏交流電。

  • Since both testers have the same base features, we'll be focusing today's video on the 4250.

    由於兩款測試機具有相同的基本功能,我們今天的視頻將重點放在 4250 上。

  • On the back of your tester, you'll find inputs for digital I.O., serial, your probe, USB to PC, USB for peripherals, such as a barcode scanner, an Ethernet port, Wi-Fi, and power.

    在測試儀的背面,您可以找到數字輸入端、串行輸入端、探頭輸入端、連接電腦的 USB 輸入端、連接條碼掃描儀等周邊設備的 USB 輸入端、以太網端口、Wi-Fi 和電源。

  • To power on your tester, simply plug in the power supply into the back of the tester and press the button to power on.


  • In order to attach your device to the tester, the 4250 utilizes the Cirrus adapter system.

    為了將設備連接到測試儀,4250 採用了 Cirrus 適配器系統。

  • Simply take the adapters that fit your cable and position them onto the front of the tester.


  • For this demonstration, we'll be testing a batch of simple cables.


  • The 4250 is powered by the easy-to-use Cirrus OS, which has a wide variety of features, including multiple languages.

    4250 採用易於使用的 Cirrus 作業系統,具有多種功能,包括多種語言。

  • You can also share test programs and printers across multiple units on the same network.


  • So let's go ahead and create our first test.


  • The easiest way to create a test is to have the 4250 learn a known good cable.

    創建測試的最簡單方法是讓 4250 學習已知的好電纜。

  • Notice how quickly the tester learns the cable and then displays a list of connections for you to review.


  • If the connections all look correct, go ahead and click Save As.

    如果連接看起來都正確,請點擊 "另存為"。

  • Then select New.


  • Here, you can name your test program.


  • For this demonstration, we'll go ahead and just call it Test.

    在本演示中,我們將繼續稱其為 "測試"。

  • Now, go ahead and select your test.


  • You can do that by pressing the Load button and selecting your test.

    按下 "加載 "按鈕並選擇測試即可。

  • Your program should now show as the loaded test at the top of the screen.


  • You're now ready to begin testing.


  • Remove your known good cable from the tester.


  • Grab your first cable from the batch and attach it to the front.


  • With the cable attached, go ahead and select Test.

    連接好電纜後,選擇 "測試"。

  • The tester will run a low-voltage test.


  • For this demonstration, we've also included an intermittence test, at which point you can manipulate the cable and help expose any faults in the wire.


  • As no errors have been found, the cable has passed.


  • Go ahead and disconnect your cable from the front.


  • Place it in your good batch, and you're ready to test your next cable.


  • To demonstrate the high-voltage capabilities of the 4250, we've attached a demo cable with more components.

    為了展示 4250 的高電壓功能,我們附上了一條帶有更多組件的演示電纜。

  • We've already created a test for this cable using the tester's Learn function.

    我們已經使用測試儀的 "學習 "功能為這條電纜創建了一個測試。

  • However, if you have to edit your test after it's been created, select the Edit button.

    但是,如果在創建測試後需要對其進行編輯,請選擇 "編輯 "按鈕。

  • Here, we can select High Voltage and turn the High Voltage test on.

    在這裡,我們可以選擇 "高電壓 "並打開 "高電壓 "測試。

  • Perhaps there are also certain specifications you need to change, like your connection resistance.


  • Simply select Low Voltage, and then Connection Resistance.


  • For this test, we'll go ahead and put in 10 ohms.

    在這次測試中,我們將輸入 10 歐姆。

  • Once finished, hit OK, and then select Save.

    完成後,點擊 "確定",然後選擇 "保存"。

  • Finally, hit Continue.

    最後點擊 "繼續"。

  • We're now ready to test our cable with components.


  • Like before, it will quickly run through the Low Voltage test, at which point the tester will prompt you to start the High Voltage test.


  • Simply select Start Test.

    只需選擇 "開始測試 "即可。

  • Once the High Voltage test has been cleared, you'll see the Passed on the screen.

    高壓測試通過後,螢幕上將顯示 "通過"。

  • However, let's go ahead and introduce an open error.


  • Go ahead and click Retest.

    點擊 "重新測試"。

  • The tester, upon identifying the failure, will display Failure, as well as additional details.

    測試儀識別故障後,將顯示 "故障 "和其他詳細信息。

  • Such as the test that failed, which component was missing, and where the missing connection is.


  • In this case, J4-01 and J1-08.

    在這種情況下,J4-01 和 J1-08。

  • If the operator can identify the error and correct it, they can simply click Retest to run it again.

    如果操作員能找出錯誤並加以糾正,只需單擊 "重新測試 "即可再次運行。

  • As the error has been corrected, the cable will now show as Passed.


  • This has been a demonstration of the 4200 Series Benchtop Tester from Cirrus.

    這是 Cirrus 4200 系列臺式測試儀的演示。

  • If you would like more information, contact us using the link in the description, or visit us at


  • If you make cables, you should Cirrus it!

    如果你製作電纜,就應該使用 Cirrus 電纜!


Hi, I'm Rob Fernandez with Cirrus, and today we'll be covering the 4200 Series Benchtop Tester, including how to set up your tester and run your first test.

大家好,我是 Cirrus 的 Rob Fernandez,今天我們將介紹 4200 系列臺式測試儀,包括如何設置測試儀和進行首次測試。

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4200 系列 | 產品演示 | Cirris - 電纜和線束測試儀 (4200 Series | Product Demo | Cirris - Cable and Harness Testers)

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    Robert Chen 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 07 日