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  • Hello, my name is Chris Sparrow with Sirius SYNC, and today we're here to do a demo of the new 8100 voltage tester and an overview of its specifications.

    大家好,我是 Sirius SYNC 的 Chris Sparrow,今天我們將在這裡演示新型 8100 電壓測試儀,並概述其規格。

  • The 8100 is a low voltage cable harness tester that comes in a base unit of 256 test points and is expandable to 100,000 test points in 256 test point increments.

    8100 是一款低壓電纜線束測試儀,基本單元有 256 個測試點,可按 256 個測試點的增量擴展到 100,000 個測試點。

  • It has the ability to test for shorts, opens, miswires, and connection resistance, depending on your tester specification, and also that's new with the 8100 is the ability to do custom instructions.

    根據測試儀的規格,它還能測試短路、開路、錯線和連接電阻,8100 的新功能還包括自定義指令。

  • The front of the tester has 64 headers that you would connect your interface cables, as well as bumpers for the ejector latches and a front probe port.

    測試儀的前部有 64 個接頭,用於連接接口電纜、彈出閂的緩衝器和前部探頭端口。

  • On the back of the 8100, you have your inputs and outputs for your expansion capabilities.

    在 8100 的背面,有用於擴展功能的輸入和輸出。

  • It is a 16 pin ribbon style cable that is connection between your test boxes, a QR code that allows you to scan using your favorite scanning app.

    它是一條 16 針帶狀電纜,用於連接測試盒和二維碼,您可以使用自己喜歡的掃描應用程序進行掃描。

  • It'll redirect you to a website that allow you to download user manuals, getting started guides, as well as our EasyWire software to get you started.

    它會將您重定向到一個網站,讓您下載用戶手冊、入門指南以及 EasyWire 軟件,以便開始使用。

  • You also have your grounding point and your USB power interface that also connects to your laptop that is running EasyWire that control the tester.

    您還可以將接地點和 USB 電源接口連接到運行 EasyWire 的筆記本電腦上,從而控制測試儀。

  • Of note, the 8100 tester does not require an external power supply.

    值得注意的是,8100 測試儀不需要外部電源。

  • It is actually powered by the USB port itself.

    實際上,它是由 USB 端口本身供電的。

  • If needed, you can expand your 8100 tester to more test points by using expansion boxes.

    如有需要,您可以使用擴展盒將 8100 測試儀擴展到更多測試點。

  • You simply would use a expansion cable, plug it into the out portion of the base unit and plug it in to the in portion of the expansion module.


  • To connect your 8100 to a PC, simply take the supplied USB cable and plug one end to the base unit of the USB tester, and the other end to the USB port of your PC.

    要將 8100 連接到電腦,只需將隨附的 USB 電纜一端插入 USB 測試儀的底座,另一端插入電腦的 USB 端口。

  • The 8100 has the ability to test complex harness assemblies.

    8100 能夠測試複雜的線束組件。

  • For today, we will use a simple demo board to help demonstrate the 8100's capabilities.

    今天,我們將使用一個簡單的演示板來幫助演示 8100 的功能。

  • We will be testing this cable with our 8100 tester that will be interfacing with the demo board.

    我們將用 8100 測試儀測試這條電纜,該測試儀將與演示板連接。

  • To do that, we will use a ribbon cable to interface to the transition board to the front of the 8100 tester.

    為此,我們將使用帶狀電纜將過渡板連接到 8100 測試儀的前端。

  • Our demo board will have a mating military circuit connector, an ECC spring pro block, and two easy hooks to help us test our cable.

    我們的演示板將有一個配套的軍用電路連接器、一個 ECC 彈簧塊和兩個簡易掛鉤,以幫助我們測試電纜。

  • The 8100 is controlled by our EasyWire software.

    8100 由我們的 EasyWire 軟件控制。

  • EasyWire is our premium software that gives you granular control over your testing capabilities.

    EasyWire 是我們的高級軟件,可讓您對測試功能進行精細控制。

  • When launching EasyWire on your PC, you will be given a login screen.

    在電腦上啟動 EasyWire 時,會出現一個登錄螢幕。

  • You can change different users that give you different login access, but for now, we will just use the master login.


  • When EasyWire loads, your main screen will house all your test programs.

    加載 EasyWire 後,主螢幕將顯示所有測試程序。

  • You will be faced with different buttons.


  • A few of them to highlight is your edit, verify, and test buttons, as well as the help button over here on the bottom right.


  • The help button in EasyWire gives you access to frequently asked questions and troubleshooting articles.

    通過 EasyWire 中的幫助按鈕,您可以訪問常見問題和故障排除文章。

  • To help us create a test program using the 8100, we will click the create test program button, and you'll be presented with two different choices, learn with EasyWire adapters or smart adapters, or learn create using traditional fixturing.

    為了幫助我們使用 8100 創建測試程序,我們將點擊 "創建測試程序 "按鈕,您將看到兩種不同的選擇:使用 EasyWire 適配器或智能適配器學習,或使用傳統夾具學習創建。

  • Because we're not using smart lights, we will use learn create using traditional fixturing.


  • For this demonstration, we have already set up a test program.


  • To review it, we will highlight the test program and click the edit button to open the test program editor.


  • You'll be presented with six tabs.


  • We will want to work through each tab individually to help us set up our test program.


  • This first tab, define connectors, is where we will list or assign the different mating connectors that we'll be using within our program.

    在第一個選項卡 "定義連接器 "中,我們將列出或指定程序中使用的不同配接連接器。

  • Here you will see that we have assigned the different connectors from the connector library.


  • Tab two is where we will be able to assign the system test points to the connectors.


  • If we are using smart lights, we can also assign them here.


  • Tab three, set test defaults.


  • This is where we can go through and set our test program defaults.


  • We have the ability to set our low voltage connection resistance and our insulation resistance settings.


  • We can also change to a different test method if desired.


  • Here we can also set our operator notes, operator inputs, and configure our test reports.


  • For more information on these, there are resources in the description.


  • Tab four, define instructions.


  • Here we will have the ability to add different instructions for what the tester will be looking for.


  • You have two options to create your test programs within EasyWire.

    在 EasyWire 中創建測試程序有兩種選擇。

  • You can allow the 8100 to automatically learn the test instructions, or you can manually enter the instructions using the different instruction options at the bottom.

    您可以讓 8100 自動學習測試指令,也可以使用底部的不同指令選項手動輸入指令。

  • Tab five, view nets.


  • Here you'll be able to see all the different nets that you've created using the instruction from tab four.


  • Tab six, label points.


  • Here you can change the name of your points to match your documentation.


  • Once your test program is created, you'll be ready to test.


  • To start the test, click the start button.

    要開始測試,請單擊 "開始 "按鈕。

  • And if the test passes, you'll be presented with a good screen.


  • You can see that this was accomplished fairly quickly.


  • Now to test a fault or a bad cable, let's introduce an error.


  • I'm going to disconnect one of the pins to create an open.


  • Here you will see we have a bad cable and we have a wire missing between test point J2-3 and J1-J.

    在這裡,你會看到我們的電纜壞了,測試點 J2-3 和 J1-J 之間少了一根線。

  • If the operator can identify and fix the bad wire, you can hit retest and the test will pass.


  • With the wrist strap and your test program in a build mode, simply grab a loose wire and EasyWire will identify what cavity that loose wire should be populated to.

    在腕帶和測試程序處於構建模式的情況下,只需抓住一根鬆散的導線,EasyWire 就會識別出該鬆散導線應填充到哪個空腔中。

  • This has been a Sirius 8100 demo.

    這是天狼星 8100 的演示。

  • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the information in the description.


Hello, my name is Chris Sparrow with Sirius SYNC, and today we're here to do a demo of the new 8100 voltage tester and an overview of its specifications.

大家好,我是 Sirius SYNC 的 Chris Sparrow,今天我們將在這裡演示新型 8100 電壓測試儀,並概述其規格。

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8100 | 產品演示 | Cirris - 電纜和線束測試儀 (8100 | Product Demo | Cirris - Cable and Harness Testers)

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    Robert Chen 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 07 日