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  • The 8100 is the next-generation harness tester from Cirrus.

    8100 是 Cirrus 的新一代線束測試儀。

  • Like its industry-trusted predecessor, the Cirrus CR, the 8100 is a reliable tester, assembly tool, and rework aid.

    與深受業界信賴的前身 Cirrus CR 一樣,8100 也是一款可靠的測試儀、裝配工具和返工輔助工具。

  • The compact and budget-friendly 8100 is a versatile tool designed to seamlessly integrate into your workstation setup.

    8100 結構緊湊、經濟實惠,是一款多功能工具,可無縫集成到您的工作站設置中。

  • Each unit can contain up to 256 test points, and the system can be expanded to 100,000 points by attaching additional units.

    每個單元最多可包含 256 個測試點,通過附加單元可將系統擴展到 100,000 個點。

  • The 8100 can analyze continuity and resistance in cable and harness assemblies.

    8100 可以分析電纜和線束組件的連續性和電阻。

  • It can also test components such as resistors, diodes, and capacitors.


  • The capable 8100 design supports traditional interfacing and quick-to-setup smart light modules for your interface cables.

    功能強大的 8100 設計支持傳統接口和快速安裝的智能燈模塊,可用於接口電纜。

  • Control the 8100 using the powerful Cirrus EZ Wire software.

    使用功能強大的 Cirrus EZ Wire 軟件控制 8100。

  • EZ Wire's continuous test feature can be useful during assembly, rework, or troubleshooting.

    EZ Wire 的連續測試功能在裝配、返工或故障排除過程中非常有用。

  • Audible feedback can alert operators of potential errors before they occur.


  • EZ Wire provides graphical instructions on the screen and LED prompts on the harness board.

    EZ Wire 在螢幕上提供圖形訓示,在線束板上提供 LED 提示。

  • This technique guarantees the cable is wired according to the specifications.


  • Call your Cirrus representative to discuss your test and assembly requirements.

    請致電 Cirrus 代表,討論您的測試和裝配要求。

The 8100 is the next-generation harness tester from Cirrus.

8100 是 Cirrus 的新一代線束測試儀。

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Cirris 8100 線束測試儀 (Cirris 8100 Harness Tester)

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    Robert Chen 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 07 日