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  • What are the best of the best Netflix movies?

    最棒的 Netflix 電影有哪些?

  • That is the question we hope to answer today.


  • Welcome back everyone, Matthew here with Cinegold and today we're checking out the top 10 highest rated movies on Netflix according to IMDB.

    大家好,我是 Cinegold 的馬修,今天我們來看看 IMDB 評出的 Netflix 上評分最高的 10 部電影。

  • One quick note, we're going to leave animated films off this list because they always seem to have a much higher rating.


  • If you want to see those, let me know in the comments below, but for now we'll save those for another day.


  • Alright, let's go ahead and check out number 10.

    好了,讓我們來看看第 10 項。

  • At number 10 with an IMDB score of 7.5 is Tick Tick Boom.

    第 10 位是《Tick Tick Boom》,IMDB 評分 7.5。

  • It follows a young theater composer who dreams of writing the next great American musical.


  • It's a biographical story about late American composer Jonathan Larson and stars Andrew Garfield who would be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role.


  • This adaptation of the stage musical of the same name blends Larson's original music with an engaging narrative, creating an emotional and inspiring journey especially for budding artists.


  • It's a solid watch for musical lovers and anyone chasing their dreams.


  • At number 9 with a 7.6 rating is The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind.

    馭風少年》以 7.6 的評分排在第 9 位。

  • It tells the true story of a boy from Malawi who saves his village from famine by building a windmill and water pump from scraps.


  • The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind was directed by and stars British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor in his directorial debut.


  • It's an inspiring film that is a testament to the human spirit and shows that even one person can make a difference.


  • If you're in the mood for a powerful true story, The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind is definitely worth checking out.


  • At number 8 with a 7.6 IMDb score is The Two Popes.

    第 8 位是《雙教皇》,IMDb 評分 7.6 分。

  • You might notice some movies with the same IMDb score.

    您可能會注意到一些電影的 IMDb 分數相同。

  • In those situations I used Rotten Tomatoes as the tiebreaker.


  • As for The Two Popes, it explores the relationship between Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the future Pope Francis, as they confront their past and envision a new path forward for the church.


  • It stars Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Price, who both got Academy Award nominations for their roles.


  • The Two Popes masterfully blends moments of tension and humor, offering a nuanced exploration of faith, tradition, and change within the Catholic Church.


  • At number 7 with a 7.7 IMDb score is Roma.

    羅馬》(Roma)以 7.7 的 IMDb 分數排在第 7 位。

  • It follows the life of a live-in housekeeper who works for an upper middle class family in 1970s Mexico.

    影片講述了一位住家女管家的生活,她為 20 世紀 70 年代墨西哥的一個上層中產階級家庭工作。

  • Roma was directed by Alfonso Cuaron, whom you might remember from the movies Gravity and Children of Men.

    羅馬》由阿方索-卡隆(Alfonso Cuaron)執導,你可能還記得他的電影《地心引力》(Gravity)和《男人幫》(Children of Men)。

  • Roma was a huge critical success for Netflix, racking up 10 nominations at the 91st Academy Awards, for which it would win 3 including for Best Director and Best Cinematography.

    羅馬》為 Netflix 帶來了巨大的成功,在第 91 屆奧斯卡金像獎上獲得了 10 項提名,並贏得了包括最佳導演和最佳攝影在內的 3 項大獎。

  • I actually just put Roma as my number 1 most visually stunning movie on Netflix, so if you're interested in a film with jaw-dropping visuals and a powerful story, you definitely want to check it out.

    實際上,我剛剛把《羅馬》列為 Netflix 上視覺效果最震撼的電影之首,所以如果你對一部視覺效果令人瞠目、故事情節震撼人心的電影感興趣,一定要去看看。

  • At number 6 with a 7.7 is The Trial of the Chicago Seven.

    芝加哥七人審判》以 7.7 分排名第六。

  • It's based on the true story of seven anti-Vietnam War protesters charged with conspiracy and inciting a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

    該片根據真實故事改編,講述了七名反越戰抗議者在 1968 年芝加哥民主黨全國代表大會上被控共謀和煽動騷亂的故事。

  • Aaron Sorkin, who is most famous for screenwriting such classics as Moneyball and The Social Network, would write and direct this 2020 historical courtroom drama.

    亞倫-索金(Aaron Sorkin)因編劇《金錢球》(Moneyball)和《社交網絡》(The Social Network)等經典作品而聞名,他將在 2020 年編劇並執導這部歷史法庭劇。

  • It's another heavily nominated film, this time getting 6 Academy Award nominations including for Best Picture, but unfortunately it would win 0.

    這又是一部獲得大量提名的影片,這次它獲得了包括最佳影片在內的 6 項奧斯卡提名,但遺憾的是,它沒有獲得任何獎項。

  • It's got lots of strong performances and an excellent overall cast, and is yet another excellent story from Sorkin.


  • If you find yourself searching endlessly for good movies to watch on Netflix, why not let me do the work for you.

    如果您發現自己在 Netflix 上無休止地尋找好看的電影,何不讓我為您代勞呢?

  • I scour the depths of Netflix every week to find the best of the best in every genre, so make sure to hit the subscribe button now and enjoy the best that Netflix has to offer.

    我每週都會在 Netflix 搜索各種類型的最佳影片,所以請確保現在就點擊訂閱按鈕,享受 Netflix 提供的最佳影片。

  • At number 5 with a 7.7 rating is Beast of No Nation.

    排名第五的是《野獸之國》(Beast of No Nation),收視率為 7.7。

  • It follows Agu, a young boy forced to become a child soldier in an African country, torn apart by civil war.


  • Beast of No Nation didn't win any Academy Awards, but did get for a few others.


  • Most notable about the film were the great performances, especially Idris Elba in one of the best roles of his career.

    這部影片最值得一提的就是演員們的精彩表演,尤其是伊德里斯-艾爾巴(Idris Elba),這是他職業生涯中最出色的角色之一。

  • It's also notable for being Netflix's first original film, so it definitely seems like they wanted to start out on a high note.

    這部電影也是 Netflix 的首部原創電影,是以他們肯定想在一開始就給觀眾留下深刻印象。

  • And it's still an incredible film 10 years later and still very much worth recommending.

    10 年後的今天,它仍然是一部令人難以置信的電影,仍然非常值得推薦。

  • Number 4 with a 7.8 is Society of the Snow.

    第 4 名是 "雪地社會",得分 7.8。

  • This film follows the harrowing true story of a rugby team stranded in the Andes Mountains after a plane crash.


  • Society of the Snow is the most recent movie on this list, releasing on Netflix in January 2024.

    雪國社會》是本榜單中最新的電影,將於 2024 年 1 月在 Netflix 上映。

  • This true story became quite remarkable due to the survivors' decision to eat the corpses of their dead friends and family in order to keep themselves alive.


  • Society of the Snow won 12 awards at the 38th Goya Awards, including Best Picture, and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best International Feature Film.

    雪國社會》在第 38 屆戈雅獎上獲得包括最佳影片在內的 12 個獎項,並獲得奧斯卡最佳國際劇情片提名。

  • It's definitely one of the most powerful films released on Netflix in a while and well worth checking out.

    這絕對是 Netflix 上近期上映的最有震撼力的影片之一,非常值得一看。

  • And number 3 with a 7.8 is All Quiet on the Western Front.

    第三名是《西線無戰事》(All Quiet on the Western Front),得分 7.8。

  • It follows a group of young German soldiers during World War I as they face the harsh realities of war, questioning their humanity in the chaos of the front lines.


  • This is an adaptation of the classic 1929 novel and is a brutal yet powerful depiction of the horrors of war.

    這部影片改編自 1929 年的經典小說,對戰爭的恐怖進行了殘酷而有力的描述。

  • All Quiet on the Western Front would receive 9 Academy Award nominations, winning 4, and 14 British Academy Film Award nominations, where it would win Best Film.

    西線無戰事》獲得了 9 項奧斯卡提名,其中 4 項獲獎,14 項英國電影學院獎提名,並獲得最佳影片獎。

  • It's a film with stunning cinematography, outstanding performances, and an unforgettable story.


  • It's probably the best war movie on Netflix.

    這可能是 Netflix 上最棒的戰爭片。

  • Number 2, also with a 7.8 is The Irishman.

    排名第二的也是 7.8 分,是《愛爾蘭人》。

  • A World War II vet gets involved with a crime family and rises through the ranks as a hitman and confidant to powerful people.


  • The Irishman is one of the highest rated films on all of Netflix and even with its epic 3.5 hour runtime, it still to keep viewers captivated from beginning to end.

    愛爾蘭人》是 Netflix 上評分最高的影片之一,即使是長達 3.5 小時的史詩級片長,它依然能讓觀眾從頭至尾沉醉其中。

  • It was nominated for 10 Academy Awards including for Best Picture, but it would end up winning zero.

    該片獲得了包括最佳影片在內的 10 項奧斯卡提名,但最終零獲獎。

  • It's been pretty much unanimously acclaimed though with loads of movie legends attached to it including Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and even bringing Joe Pesci out of retirement.

    這部電影幾乎獲得了一致好評,包括馬丁-斯科塞斯、羅伯特-德尼羅、阿爾-帕西諾在內的眾多電影傳奇人物都參與其中,甚至還讓喬-佩西(Joe Pesci)從退休狀態中走了出來。

  • It's definitely one of the all time great Netflix films.

    這絕對是 Netflix 有史以來最棒的電影之一。

  • And the number 1 movie on our list with a 7.9 IMDB score is Marriage Story.

    而在我們的榜單上,排名第一的電影是《婚姻故事》,IMDB 評分為 7.9 分。

  • A family goes through a painful divorce with the hopes of coming out whole on the other side.


  • Marriage Story is the highest rated Netflix original and as you can see there were no 8s, 9s, or 10s.

    婚姻故事》是評分最高的 Netflix 原創節目,正如你所看到的,沒有 8 分、9 分或 10 分。

  • Marriage Story though is a wonderful film that's written with humor, compassion, and a ton of depth.


  • It's loaded with talented actors, three of whom were nominated for their roles and one would go on to win Laura Dern for Best Supporting Actress.

    該片彙集了眾多才華橫溢的演員,其中三位演員獲得了提名,一位演員勞拉-鄧恩(Laura Dern)還獲得了最佳女配角獎。

  • It also got nominated for Best Picture and it really is a great movie that's deserving of its lofty status as the highest rated movie on Netflix.

    這部電影還獲得了最佳影片提名,它確實是一部偉大的電影,無愧於 Netflix 評分最高電影的崇高地位。

  • What do you think?


  • Which movies do you feel like don't belong and which movies do you feel like are missing?


  • Let me know in the comments below.


  • Once again, that's it for everyone.


  • I'll see you soon.


What are the best of the best Netflix movies?

最棒的 Netflix 電影有哪些?

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Netflix 評分最高的 10 部電影(根據 IMDB) (Top 10 HIGHEST RATED Netflix Movies (According to IMDB))

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    steven 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 06 日