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  • So, in order to be a great Formula One driver, you need to have the cognitive capabilities of a chess grandmaster, the strength, stamina and reactions of a fighter, and then you also have to have the endurance of a marathon runner.


  • It's these unique set of skills that would make it pretty much impossible for an average human to drive an F1 car.

    正是這些獨特的技能使得普通人幾乎不可能駕駛 F1 賽車。

  • My name is Clayton Green and I used to be F1 performance coach to Sir Lewis Hamilton back in the 2010 season.

    我叫克萊頓-格林,曾在 2010 賽季擔任劉易斯-漢密爾頓爵士的 F1 性能教練。

  • Here's a sketch of the Silverstone circuit that I put together.


  • Silverstone is a particularly unique Formula One Grand Prix.


  • It's extremely prestigious.


  • It's one that the drivers find distinctly challenging.


  • It's a wonderful blend of high-speed corners and heavy braking zones and it thoroughly entertains both the crowd and the drivers when they're racing.


  • So, Formula One drivers looking to get the quickest and best launch that they possibly can at the start of the race.


  • The average reaction time for an F1 driver is normally around 200 milliseconds.

    F1 賽車手的平均反應時間通常在 200 毫秒左右。

  • Sprinters like Usain Bolt are only a fraction quicker, launching into a sprint roughly 160 milliseconds after the starting pistol.

    像尤塞恩-博爾特(Usain Bolt)這樣的短跑運動員只比他們快一小部分,在發令槍響後大約 160 毫秒就開始衝刺。

  • But your typical human being like you and me, we tend to be more around 500 to 600 milliseconds.

    但像你我這樣的普通人,我們的時間往往在 500 到 600 毫秒左右。

  • F1 cars are so fast that just a 200-millisecond head start gives a driver a 10-metre lead.

    F1 賽車速度極快,只要領先 200 毫秒,車手就能領先 10 米。

  • Mental composure and quick references are essential for avoiding horrific crashes, which are all too easy in Silverstone's Hamilton Strait where drivers go full pelt before the first turn.

    在銀石賽道的漢密爾頓海峽(Hamilton Strait),車手們在第一個彎道前就會全力衝刺,要想避免可怕的撞車事故,沉著冷靜和快速反應是必不可少的。

  • This is the point one driver was hurled upside down over the safety barriers last year when another car swerved towards him from the left.


  • These are the kind of collisions you're constantly exposed to throughout Silverstone.


  • And to avoid this, F1 drivers train up their reflexes by exercises like this, where they tap off as many lights as possible in 30 seconds.

    為了避免出現這種情況,F1 賽車手會通過這樣的練習來訓練自己的反應能力,即在 30 秒內儘可能多地關閉車燈。

  • And F1 drivers are the best in the world at this exercise.

    而 F1 賽車手是世界上最擅長這項運動的。

  • The current world record is held by British driver Jenson Button, who was going so fast he was averaging two lights per second.

    目前的世界紀錄由英國車手簡森-巴頓(Jenson Button)保持。

  • Now, as our lap progresses, one of the bits that drivers most enjoy are the high-speed corners.


  • And around Silverstone, we're looking at areas such as Maggots and Becketts, where you're carrying immense speed, probably going at the full speed of the car, but doing still some small but dramatic changes in direction.


  • Traditionally, most of the Formula 1 circuits tend to go around in a clockwise direction.


  • If you're turning to the right, it means that the G-force is going to want to take your head off to the left.


  • You have a force of the equivalent of, like, 40 kilos hitting you in the back of the head that literally wants to take your head clean off your shoulders.

    你的後腦勺會受到相當於 40 公斤重的力量撞擊,簡直要把你的腦袋從肩膀上卸下來。

  • And you've got to resist that.


  • This kind of force would make it impossible for the average person to support their own head, causing them to lose sight of the track ahead and inevitably crash.


  • Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso both have neck sizes of 18 inches.

    劉易斯-漢密爾頓和費爾南多-阿隆索的脖子尺寸都是 18 英寸。

  • That's compared to 15 inches for the average man.

    相比之下,普通人的身高只有 15 英寸。

  • And this kind of neck strength prevents serious injury.


  • The pair had a near-fatal crash last year in the first lap of the Belgian Grand Prix, with Lewis Hamilton's car experiencing an immense 45g of force.

    去年,兩人在比利時大獎賽的第一圈比賽中發生了險些致命的碰撞,劉易斯-漢密爾頓的賽車承受了 45g 的巨大力道。

  • Hamilton's neck would have been hurled in several unpredictable directions as his car flipped.


  • This is the kind of collision that would give the average person at best severe whiplash and at worst a fatal break.


  • And it's comparable really only to things like fighter jets and fighter pilots, and the kind of extreme manoeuvres that they would have to pull in their planes.


  • Now, this is an example of a neck harness.


  • It's worn like so.


  • You would have someone literally pulling a force against the driver's head, and they have to tense up to stop their head from being moved.


  • So the neck musculature that the neck training is going to work on for the F1 driver, which are going to stop the head from being pulled forwards or sideways, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius muscle, and they're going to really have to be very strong and very adaptive to generate these forces quickly and change.

    是以,F1 賽車手的頸部訓練要訓練頸部肌肉,這些肌肉包括胸鎖乳突肌、斜方肌,它們必須非常強壯,適應能力非常強,才能快速產生和改變這些力量。

  • Braking a normal car requires an easy right or left tap of the car, but F1 cars are another ballgame.

    普通汽車的制動只需左右輕點即可,但 F1 賽車則是另一回事。

  • Stopping a Formula 1 car requires you to stamp really hard on the brake pedal and then just bleed the pressure off gradually.


  • The extreme weight of the G-force means you're essentially pushing against 100kg or 220lb again and again.

    極重的重力意味著你基本上是在一次又一次地推著 100 公斤或 220 磅的重物。

  • Imagine only using one leg to push up the weight of a baby elephant hundreds of times over the course of 90 minutes.

    試想一下,在 90 分鐘的時間裡,只用一條腿就能將一頭小象的重量推起數百次。

  • You'd be using all the muscles in your quadriceps, in your hamstrings at the back of the thigh, your glutes, and also your calf muscles as well.


  • Without leg strength, you'd simply be unable to brake the car, flying off the track and over the safety barriers at the first sharp turn on the Silverstone circuit.


  • There'll come a point, at least once in the race, possibly twice, when we need to change the tyres.


  • Coming into the pit lane...


  • And how do drivers pick up the fact they need to change tyres?


  • They use their inner ear balance, or vestibular function, to sense when their tyres have lost grip.


  • You might rely on your inner ear balance to sense when you're going up or down on a lift, for example.


  • Younger drivers, like Lando Norris, who practices on eSports steering wheels, aren't as in tune with this as older drivers like Lewis Hamilton.

    像蘭多-諾里斯(Lando Norris)這樣在電子競技方向盤上練習的年輕車手,並不像劉易斯-漢密爾頓(Lewis Hamilton)這樣的老車手那樣瞭解這一點。

  • Drivers such as Lewis Hamilton are particularly good at being able to pick up on those cues.

    劉易斯-漢密爾頓(Lewis Hamilton)等車手尤其善於捕捉這些線索。

  • And they'll be able to take you around that in-lap as quickly as possible and get you into your pit stop, even with pretty much zero grip left on those tyres.


  • Without being able to sense the loss of your tyre grip, each lap becomes increasingly uncontrolled and dangerous.


  • So the chances of your car swerving out of control and crashing before you even got to the pit stop are probably very high.


  • As we get into the last quarter of the race, what starts to get you will be the temperature as it builds up in the body and the muscular and mental fatigue.


  • Formula One cockpit is quite a unique environment.


  • Track temperature could easily be 50 degrees Celsius.

    賽道溫度很容易達到 50 攝氏度。

  • The tyres, they tend to run at 100 degrees Celsius.

    輪胎的溫度往往高達 100 攝氏度。

  • The front brakes are running at 1,000 degrees Celsius.

    前制動器的溫度高達 1 000 攝氏度。

  • You've sweated so much at this point in time.


  • You could easily have lost 3% to 5% of your body weight.

    您的體重很可能會減少 3% 至 5%。

  • Any losses of even 2% will start to have an impact on reaction times, decision making.

    任何哪怕是 2% 的損失都會開始影響反應時間和決策制定。

  • Even those slight differences will make a big difference to your overall lap time and how you finish the race.


  • This is an example of one overall that a driver might wear.


  • The material is fireproof, so very thick and hot.


  • In a cockpit that can reach up to 60 degrees, they need the cardio of an elite marathon runner to regulate their temperature.

    在高達 60 度的駕駛艙內,他們需要像馬拉松精英選手一樣的心肺功能來調節體溫。

  • They need to have a really well-conditioned cardiovascular system because their heart rate could easily be running at 170, 180 beats per minute for the entirety of a race.

    他們需要有一個非常良好的心血管系統,因為在整個比賽過程中,他們的心率很容易達到每分鐘 170 至 180 次。

  • That would be around about 80% of most people's maximum heart rate.

    這大約是大多數人最大心率的 80%。

  • Your elite marathon runners would be sustaining that kind of intensity for a two-hour marathon.


  • Being light and lean is essential for regulating heat.


  • The average driver is less than 70 kilos or 150 pounds and has less than 12% body fat.

    駕駛員的體重一般不超過 70 公斤或 150 磅,體脂不超過 12%。

  • A person weighing 90 kilos or 200 pounds with 20% body fat would struggle to deal with these harsh temperatures, losing focus and reaction speed in these final laps, ultimately making a controlled finish impossible.

    一個體重為 90 公斤或 200 磅、體脂率為 20% 的人將難以承受如此嚴酷的溫度,在最後一圈時會失去注意力和反應速度,最終無法在控制下完成比賽。

  • And it's a driver's physical and mental resilience to these pressures that ultimately decides the winner.


  • So still see yourself in an F1 car?

    你還認為自己會駕駛 F1 賽車嗎?

  • You might have a bit of work to do first.


So, in order to be a great Formula One driver, you need to have the cognitive capabilities of a chess grandmaster, the strength, stamina and reactions of a fighter, and then you also have to have the endurance of a marathon runner.


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天選之人才能開!為什麼普通人無法駕駛 F1 賽車? (Why The Average Human Couldn't Drive An F1 Car | WIRED)

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