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  • Snow, famous for melting in summer, but does it have to?


  • According to the snow storage industry, no, no it doesn't, for, with the help of technology, cash, and willpower, we humans have figured out how to store mountains worth of snow outside, through the summer, even when it's over 100 degrees out, or 40 degrees Celsius.

    根據儲雪行業的說法,不,不,不是這樣的,因為在技術、資金和意志力的幫助下,我們人類已經找到了如何在室外儲藏堆積如山的雪的方法,即使是在室外溫度超過 100 度或攝氏 40 度的情況下,也能將它們儲藏到整個夏天。

  • But why?


  • So rich people can slide around on a predictable schedule, of course, which, to be clear, is not how I would describe my beloved sport of skiing, but unfortunately researching this topic has deepened the anti-skiing sentiment among my writers, and I'm too busy to edit them down.


  • So with that in mind, let's talk about snow storage, aka, the complex, expensive, apocalyptic logistics abetting mother nature and the precious changing of her seasons to ski resorts' wretched, self-destructive will.


  • Wheeee!


  • You might already know that many ski resorts use artificial snow.


  • That, after all, is how they pulled off the 2022 Winter Olympics, and how some regular shmegular ski resorts stay open during periods of light snowfall.

    畢竟,他們就是這樣舉辦 2022 年冬奧會的,一些普通的滑雪勝地也是這樣在小雪期間保持開放的。

  • It's also how ski resorts survive in places like Alabama, or Lesotho, or Oregon, in July.


  • The key?


  • Enough money and manpower to produce, spread, pack, smooth out, shape, reshape, and build sick jumps out of enough fake snow to cover all your space.

    有足夠的資金和人力來製作、鋪展、包裝、抹平、塑形、重塑,並用足夠多的假雪搭建出足以覆蓋你所有空間的 "病態跳躍"。

  • Which, for that resort in Alabama, assuming just a 4-inch layer across their 9-acre skiable surface, is going to mean 130,680 cubic feet of fake snow, roughly enough to fill the Titanic, though only about a 588th the volume of the iceberg that sank it.

    對於阿拉巴馬州的那個度假村來說,假設在其 9 英畝的可滑雪面上只鋪設 4 英寸的雪層,這將意味著需要 130,680 立方英尺的假雪,大約足以填滿泰坦尼克號,儘管其體積只有導致泰坦尼克號沉沒的冰山的五百八十八分之一。

  • Hey, there's a good spot for a resort!


  • Most of this faux snow is made by snow guns, which shoot water droplets into the air, where they freeze and attract moisture in the atmosphere to form lovely little snow crystals.


  • A company called TechnoAlpen supplies 60% of the world's snow guns, including all the ones used at the 2022 Olympics, and a single one can cost about $50,000, to say nothing of the maintenance, energy, and water costs it brings.

    一家名為 TechnoAlpen 的公司供應著世界上 60% 的雪炮,包括 2022 年奧運會使用的所有雪炮,而一臺雪炮的成本約為 5 萬美元,更不用說其帶來的維護、能源和水成本了。

  • Actually, let's save a little bit, because one of TechnoAlpen's top snow guns uses 23 kilowatts of energy per hour, meaning that in 10 hours, one snow gun will use as much energy as, according to Con Ed, my writer's household used in the entire month of July.

    實際上,讓我們節省一點吧,因為 TechnoAlpen 的一款頂級雪炮每小時耗能 23 千瓦,也就是說,根據 Con Ed 的數據,10 個小時內,一把雪炮的耗電量相當於我的作者家庭整個 7 月份的耗電量。

  • At maximum efficiency, which is to say in unwindy, dry conditions with a temperature between negative 4 and positive 5 degrees Fahrenheit, or a negative 20 to negative 15 degrees energy drink, a snow gun can turn 20 cubic meters of water into about 35 to 40 cubic meters of snow an hourmeaning the gun we're describing would have to run for over four straight days to cover that Alabama resort ski service, using about as much water as the average Alabama resident does in four weeks in the process.

    在最高效率下,也就是在氣溫介於華氏負 4 度到正 5 度(或能量飲料溫度介於負 20 度到負 15 度)的不通風、乾燥條件下,雪槍每小時可將 20 立方米的水轉化為大約 35 到 40 立方米的雪--這意味著我們所說的雪槍必須連續運行四天以上才能覆蓋阿拉巴馬州度假村的滑雪服務,在此過程中使用的水量相當於阿拉巴馬州普通居民四周的用水量。

  • But snow guns get less efficient the warmer the temperature gets.


  • All those numbers assume max efficiency, but if it's 28 degrees Fahrenheit, just a bit below freezing, it takes that same machine 10 times as long to make the same amount of snow, if not a bit lessabove freezing, it won't work at all.

    所有這些數字都是以最高效率為前提的,但如果氣溫是華氏 28 度,略低於零度,同樣的機器需要 10 倍的時間才能造出同樣數量的雪,甚至更少。

  • Think about it this waysnow guns do their best supplementing snowfall in cold, wintry environments on days where it doesn't happen to be snowing.


  • In a naturally warmer place, or season, or place that's getting warmer year-round because of climate change, they're an imperfect solution.


  • If only, you might be thinking, I could keep some summer snow stockpiles so that if my snow guns flop in October I could still start ski seasonski-zinon the day I decide, the day for which I've already sold hotel rooms, the day rich people wish to slide!


  • Well congratulations, hypothetical resort-owning HI viewer, that's exactly the system some resorts have developed.

    那麼恭喜你,假設擁有度假村的 HI 觀眾,這正是一些度假村開發的系統。

  • Levy, a ski resort in Finland, stores 260,000 cubic meters of snow across four of their nine total stockpiles, guaranteeing they can open at least a couple of routes by November every year.

    利維是芬蘭的一個滑雪勝地,在其總共 9 個雪堆中的 4 個儲存了 26 萬立方米的雪,保證每年 11 月前至少能開放幾條滑雪路線。

  • That's when they host the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup, one of several autumnal ski events that climate change risks wiping off the calendar by not providing enough snowfall by the time they roll around.


  • Since they started storing snow in 2016, Levy hasn't had to cancel the World Cup once, unlike the first 11 men's races of FIS's 2023-2024 season, all of which were cancelled at other resorts.

    自 2016 年開始儲雪以來,列維沒有取消過一次世界盃賽,不像國際雪聯 2023-2024 賽季的前 11 場男子比賽,都是在其他度假村取消的。

  • Their stockpile is about 30-40% natural snow, all the rest is artificial, and gets made during the coldest months of the year when the snow guns are at peak efficiency.

    他們儲存的雪約有 30-40% 是天然雪,其餘全部是人造雪,在一年中最冷的幾個月裡,雪炮的效率達到最高。

  • In Davos, Switzerland, for example, they produce tons of snow in December and January, then store it away until it's time to lay out their cross-country track that opens in October.

    例如,在瑞士達沃斯,他們會在 12 月和 1 月造出成噸的雪,然後將其儲存起來,直到 10 月開始鋪設越野賽道。

  • The key to effective snow storage is both super obvious and super unintuitivecovering it up with a big blanket.


  • Of course, snow exposed to the summer sun will melt, so covering it up must help.


  • But at the same time, when I'm trying to stay cool in the summer, I don't exactly bundle up in a big blankie.


  • But these aren't just any big blankiesthey're made of special textiles that reflect sunlight on the mountain away from the snow, meaning the sun's heat doesn't get absorbed into the snow and melt it, and they're usually less than a centimeter thick.


  • The surface of the blankets is water-repellent, meaning the blankets don't absorb much of anything that could in turn absorb heat and melt the snow.


  • Underneath the blankets, the snow is insulated from the outside world and stays below 36 degrees Fahrenheit, 2 degrees other, even when it's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, 40 degrees boring, outside.

    在毯子下面,雪與外界隔絕,即使室外溫度超過華氏 100 度(即 40 度),雪也能保持在華氏 36 度(即 2 度)以下。

  • As you can imagine, these blankets are massive, and putting them out is an ordeal.


  • The Perseida Glacier, in Italy, gets covered in 10,000 sheets of geotextile, laid out by a crew of 11 people using two snowcats and a lot of rope, harnesses, and crampons.

    意大利的佩爾塞達冰川上覆蓋著 10,000 張土工布,由 11 人組成的團隊使用兩輛雪地車和大量繩索、安全帶和登山杖鋪設而成。

  • The sheets get weighed down on the edges with sandbags and pegs, and sewn together with handheld sewing machines, though at other resorts they just get taped.


  • The whole processthe laying, the sewing, all of ittakes a total of six weeks in good weather, and three months in bad.


  • And like everything in Ski World, it's expensive.


  • Of course there's the months of labor, the fuel in the snowcats, and what I have to assume is miles of thread in the sewing machines, plus about 1,000 backup sewing machines because if there's one thing handheld sewing machines are going to do, it's break if you look at them the wrong way.

    當然,還有幾個月的勞動力、雪地車的燃料,以及我必須假設縫紉機裡數英里長的線,外加大約 1 000 臺備用縫紉機,因為如果有一件事是手持縫紉機會做的,那就是如果你用錯了方法,它就會壞掉。

  • And I can't really estimate the cost of that for you very well, but I can tell you that a blanket from Snowsecure, one of the leading suppliers of this kind of thing, will cost you several hundred thousand euros.

    我真的無法很好地為您估算這筆費用,但我可以告訴您,一條來自 Snowsecure 的毯子將花費您幾十萬歐元,Snowsecure 是此類產品的主要供應商之一。

  • And who's to say how long-term of an investment that is, because blankets like these have to live outside in the elements, where they eventually get dirty and might start to tear, which is more than an aesthetic issue.


  • Heat can get in through a tear, or it can be absorbed into dirt that's caked into the textile.


  • One article I read said that resorts had to replace their blankets every couple of seasons, though plenty of lip servicemaybe some actual work, I don't knowis being paid to the idea of making more durable blankets and more eco-friendly fuel sources to run those snowcats on.


  • But how well does this whole system really work?


  • Well, really well.


  • One study of snow farming resorts found an average of 72% of the stockpiled snow survived over the summer.

    對雪場進行的一項研究發現,平均 72% 的儲備雪可以存活過夏。

  • At Davos, it's about 80%.

    在達沃斯,這一比例約為 80%。

  • At Levee, they kept more than 87%.

    在 Levee,他們保留了 87% 以上。

  • That's more than enough to get a resort going in the fall.


  • So forget the mind-boggling amount of water and energy it takes to do this.


  • Forget that all that water and energy contributes to the climate change that's causing the problem in the first place.


  • Forget that, in many ways, a meter-thick pile of wood chips and sawdust insulates a pile of snow about as well as one of those fancy-schmancy blankets.


  • We the people of the international ski community have defeated the sun and will ski wherever we please.


  • We will spit in the face of God if it gets us up and down a mountain faster.


  • So we will quadruple our writer's sa-


  • Whoa, hold on, scratch that, I didn't say-


  • Oh, I've gotta start editing these scripts before I read them.


  • Now, if you want to see my writers' beautiful, fairly compensated faces, or to support this channel, or to watch loads of great stuff from your favorite creators, you've gotta check out Nebula.


  • It's a streaming service I helped start, and not to brag, but it's getting big.


  • Let me make it as straightforward as I can.


  • Here are some things you can find on Nebula.


  • Abigail Thorne's short film, Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend, Lindsay Ellis' latest and greatest video essays, and the most ambitious project I've ever done, a reality game show called The Getaway, where myself and the whole Wendover team took six creators on a road trip full of lies and deception.

    阿比蓋爾-索恩(Abigail Thorne)的短片《德古拉的前女友》(Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend)、林賽-埃利斯(Lindsay Ellis)最新最棒的視頻隨筆,以及我做過的最雄心勃勃的項目--一檔名為《逍遙遊》(The Getaway)的遊戲真人秀節目,在節目中,我和整個溫多佛團隊帶領六位主創人員進行了一次充滿謊言和欺騙的公路旅行。

  • It's sort of like the traitors, if you secretly made everyone the traitor, then made them chase alpacas, make pancakes, and ride a drop tower with me.


  • Now here are some things you can't find on Nebula.


  • Ads, AI rip-offs of HI videos, bad vibes.

    廣告、HI 視頻的人工智能翻版、糟糕的氛圍。

  • Sound good?


  • It's better.


  • Also, you can get 40% off a Nebula subscriptionjust $36 for a year, or $3 a month.

    此外,訂閱《星雲》還可以享受 40% 的折扣--一年只需 36 美元,或每月 3 美元。

  • So head to slash HAI right now.

    是以,現在就前往 slash HAI。

Snow, famous for melting in summer, but does it have to?


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炎炎夏日還能滑雪,原來滑雪場是這樣在夏天儲存積雪的?! (How Ski Resorts Store Snow Over the Summer)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 05 日