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  • California is home to 83 members of this year's Forbes 400 list, worth a combined $1.3 trillion.

    在今年的福布斯 400 強榜單中,加州有 83 人上榜,總身價達 1.3 萬億美元。

  • That's four members less than last year, but still the top spot for more than one out of five 400 members.

    這比去年少了四名成員,但在五分之一以上的 400 名成員中仍位居榜首。

  • As a group, they're worth around triple the $489 billion the state's 92 members were worth a decade ago.

    作為一個群體,它們的價值約為十年前該州 92 個成員價值 4890 億美元的三倍。

  • But it's not the only hub for the three-comma club.


  • Ranking behind California are New York and Florida, followed by Texas.


  • Those four states are the most populous in the country, holding a third of all Americans but nearly 60 percent of the wealthiest ones.

    這四個州是美國人口最多的州,佔美國總人口的三分之一,但最富有的人卻佔近 60%。

  • Over the past decade, New York has lost 11 net members, five of whom moved to Florida.

    在過去十年中,紐約失去了 11 名淨成員,其中 5 人搬到了佛羅里達州。

  • Those transplants include the state's most famous resident, Donald Trump, who returns to the 400 list this year thanks to Trump Media and Technology Group, the social media company he took public in March.

    其中包括該州最著名的居民唐納德-特朗普(Donald Trump),他於今年 3 月將社交媒體公司特朗普媒體與科技集團(Trump Media and Technology Group)上市,從而重返 400 強榜單。

  • Here are the five states with the most billionaires from the 2024 Forbes 400 list.

    以下是 2024 年福布斯 400 富豪榜上億萬富翁最多的五個州。

  • At number five, Illinois.


  • Chicago is home to the youngest member of the Forbes 400, Lucas Walton, who is one of the eight grandchildren of Walmart co-founder Sam Walton.

    芝加哥是福布斯 400 強中最年輕成員盧卡斯-沃爾頓(Lucas Walton)的家鄉,他是沃爾瑪聯合創始人山姆-沃爾頓(Sam Walton)的八個孫子之一。

  • Aged 38, he's one of two listees under 40.

    他現年 38 歲,是兩名 40 歲以下上榜者之一。

  • Other list members, from the Hyatt Hotel brand's Pritzker family, are also breezing around the Windy City, including J.D. Pritzker, the state's billionaire governor.

    來自凱悅酒店品牌的普利茲克家族的其他成員也在風城遊玩,其中包括該州的億萬富翁州長 J.D. 普利茲克。

  • At number four, Texas.


  • Elon Musk, the richest person in the U.S. for the third year in a row, is all in on the Lone Star State, even announcing this year that he's moving his companies, SpaceX and Xthair, from California.

    連續三年蟬聯美國首富的埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)對孤星州情有獨鍾,今年甚至宣佈將把他的公司 SpaceX 和 Xthair 從加利福尼亞州遷出。

  • Texas produces more oil and natural gas than any other state, so perhaps unsurprisingly, nearly a third of its listees made their fortune in energy, including Randa Duncan-Williams and Kelsey Warren.

    得克薩斯州的石油和天然氣產量超過其他任何一個州,是以毫不奇怪,該州近三分之一的上榜者都是靠能源發家的,其中包括蘭達-鄧肯-威廉姆斯(Randa Duncan-Williams)和凱爾西-沃倫(Kelsey Warren)。

  • At number two, Florida.


  • The Sunshine State keeps attracting big wealth.


  • When Jeff Bezos relocated from Washington state, he spent $234 million on three homes on Indian Creek, the gated man-made island in Miami Beach dubbed the Billionaire Bunker.

    當傑夫-貝索斯從華盛頓州搬遷到邁阿密海灘的印第安溪時,他花了 2.34 億美元在這個被稱為 "億萬富翁碉堡 "的人工島上購買了三套住宅。

  • Nearly 30% of Florida's listees made their fortunes in finance and investments, including the second-richest Floridian, Ken Griffin, who made headlines in 2022 for moving his family and the headquarters of his hedge fund, Citadel, there from Chicago.

    佛羅里達州近 30% 的上榜者是在金融和投資領域發家致富的,其中包括排名第二的佛羅里達人肯-格里芬(Ken Griffin),他於 2022 年將家人和他的對沖基金 Citadel 總部從芝加哥遷至佛羅里達,成為頭條新聞。

  • The second most common industry that enriched the wealthiest Floridians is food and beverage, from which hails Subway's Elizabeth DeLuca and LaCroix Sparkling Water's Nick Caporella.

    弗洛裡達州最富有人群的第二大行業是食品和飲料業,其中包括 Subway 的 Elizabeth DeLuca 和 LaCroix Sparkling Water 的 Nick Caporella。

  • At number two, New York.


  • The world's financial capital is still a finance billionaire hub.


  • Nearly two-thirds of the Empire State's listees made their fortunes in the sector, including


  • Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor who started his career on Wall Street.

    邁克爾-布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg),紐約市前市長,在華爾街開始了他的職業生涯。

  • Other notable New Yorkers on the Forbes 400 include George Soros, Ralph Lauren, and Bill Ackman.

    福布斯 400 榜上其他著名的紐約人包括喬治-索羅斯、拉爾夫-勞倫和比爾-阿克曼。

  • And at number one, California.


  • Hollywood and Silicon Valley have made Californians rich, but none more than Mark Zuckerberg, who officially resides in Palo Alto, though these days he spends plenty of time at his 1,450-acre compound in Kauai, Hawaii.

    好萊塢和硅谷讓加利福尼亞人變得富有,但最富有的人莫過於馬克-扎克伯格,他的正式居住地在帕洛阿爾託,不過現在他有很多時間都花在夏威夷考埃島佔地 1450 英畝的大院子裡。

  • Nearly half of California's Forbes 400 wealth stems from tech moguls like Zuckerberg, including

    加州近一半的福布斯 400 富豪來自扎克伯格這樣的科技大亨,其中包括

  • Oracle's Larry Ellison, Google's Larry Page, and Sergey Brin.

    甲骨文的拉里-埃裡森(Larry Ellison)、谷歌的拉里-佩奇(Larry Page)和謝爾蓋-布林(Sergey Brin)。

California is home to 83 members of this year's Forbes 400 list, worth a combined $1.3 trillion.

在今年的福布斯 400 強榜單中,加州有 83 人上榜,總身價達 1.3 萬億美元。

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