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  • It's funny, man. People want to know how I'm always motivated. It's the unseen work. I'm out running at 2 o'clock in the morning, 1 o'clock in the morning, in the gym, long sessions by myself. You, that's real. How I'm able to just extract dopamine, the good dopamine whenever I want. Man, I've trained 99% of my life alone. No one had me on that. I did all of the work alone. And while I'm still hard on myself, I know what I did. So whenever times get bad for doing all this, who's going to carry the bones to love? That's real. I hate that people know me for that guy. Because that guy is not every fucking day. Like when they see me, they want that energy. That's not me every day. I can extract it immediately when I need you. Because when you train alone, and I lived alone for so many years in this misery, and you're able to get out by yourself. I can take myself to such a level of real, real passion and purpose. And like, the feeling I get is something I can't even explain by myself. I don't need anyone. That's why, that's why people come to me to motivate them. No one can motivate me. I have a resume full of fucking motivation. That whenever I'm down, like, Oh, hang on. Oh, you know, you know the truth. You know that you, you know, the darkness of the fucking dungeons and the fucking demons that fly, you know. And then from there, it's like, okay, you were there, you know, there was no one there to pick up the rucksack to pick up the boat, to pick up the log, to go in there. It was you. It was you. There was no path to fucking back at 300 and at 275 or 250 and 220. No, that was you. So those things that come out of me, that extract from me in the darkness, people are looking for that path back. Where is it? Oh, I don't need it. Because what I've done is in the fucking unseen work, I built Frankenstein. So whenever shit gets nasty, David Goggins goes, we had nobody anyway, motherfucker. So see how I'm talking to myself right now? That's me. That shit fires me the fuck up. That shit makes me fucking nuts. We had nobody anyway, motherfucker. Look around you.

    這很有趣人們想知道我是如何一直充滿動力的。這就是看不見的工作。我凌晨兩點出去跑步 凌晨一點,在健身房,一個人長時間訓練你,這才是真實的。只要我想,我就能提取多巴胺,好的多巴胺。我99%的時間都是一個人訓練沒人讓我這麼做我獨自完成了所有的工作。雖然我仍然對自己很苛刻,但我知道自己做了什麼。所以,每當做這一切的時候變得糟糕的時候,誰會帶著骨頭去愛呢?這是真的。我討厭人們因為那個人而認識我。因為那個人不是每天都有就像當他們看到我, 他們想要的能量。我不是每天都這樣當我需要你的時候 我可以立刻把它提取出來因為當你

  • There was no fucking team. It was you. There was no weight loss program. Mom and dad waking you up saying you can do it. You can be better. Trying to build belief. You built belief when you had nothing. Rock bottom. You did that. So as times get hard for me, the truth comes out.

    根本就沒有什麼團隊只有你自己沒有什麼減肥計劃爸媽叫醒你說你可以的你可以做得更好努力建立信念當你一無所有時,你建立了信念跌入谷底你做到了所以當我遇到困難時 真相就會浮出水面

  • And my truth is powerful as fuck. It's real. It's tangible. I feel it. It comes out of my brain as


  • I speak about it. I'm reliving every single dark moment of my life to be here.


It's funny, man. People want to know how I'm always motivated. It's the unseen work. I'm out running at 2 o'clock in the morning, 1 o'clock in the morning, in the gym, long sessions by myself. You, that's real. How I'm able to just extract dopamine, the good dopamine whenever I want. Man, I've trained 99% of my life alone. No one had me on that. I did all of the work alone. And while I'm still hard on myself, I know what I did. So whenever times get bad for doing all this, who's going to carry the bones to love? That's real. I hate that people know me for that guy. Because that guy is not every fucking day. Like when they see me, they want that energy. That's not me every day. I can extract it immediately when I need you. Because when you train alone, and I lived alone for so many years in this misery, and you're able to get out by yourself. I can take myself to such a level of real, real passion and purpose. And like, the feeling I get is something I can't even explain by myself. I don't need anyone. That's why, that's why people come to me to motivate them. No one can motivate me. I have a resume full of fucking motivation. That whenever I'm down, like, Oh, hang on. Oh, you know, you know the truth. You know that you, you know, the darkness of the fucking dungeons and the fucking demons that fly, you know. And then from there, it's like, okay, you were there, you know, there was no one there to pick up the rucksack to pick up the boat, to pick up the log, to go in there. It was you. It was you. There was no path to fucking back at 300 and at 275 or 250 and 220. No, that was you. So those things that come out of me, that extract from me in the darkness, people are looking for that path back. Where is it? Oh, I don't need it. Because what I've done is in the fucking unseen work, I built Frankenstein. So whenever shit gets nasty, David Goggins goes, we had nobody anyway, motherfucker. So see how I'm talking to myself right now? That's me. That shit fires me the fuck up. That shit makes me fucking nuts. We had nobody anyway, motherfucker. Look around you.

這很有趣人們想知道我是如何一直充滿動力的。這就是看不見的工作。我凌晨兩點出去跑步 凌晨一點,在健身房,一個人長時間訓練你,這才是真實的。只要我想,我就能提取多巴胺,好的多巴胺。我99%的時間都是一個人訓練沒人讓我這麼做我獨自完成了所有的工作。雖然我仍然對自己很苛刻,但我知道自己做了什麼。所以,每當做這一切的時候變得糟糕的時候,誰會帶著骨頭去愛呢?這是真的。我討厭人們因為那個人而認識我。因為那個人不是每天都有就像當他們看到我, 他們想要的能量。我不是每天都這樣當我需要你的時候 我可以立刻把它提取出來因為當你

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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

孤獨的力量 (The Power Of Loneliness)

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    Ben 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 04 日