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  • Let's look now at what we've been able to confirm about the Iranian missile attacks on Israel.


  • The full extent of damage not yet clear.


  • Our correspondents in Iran and Israel are not being allowed access to some locations but the BBC verified team has been looking at what we do know about the strikes.

    我們駐伊朗和以色列的記者未獲準進入某些地點,但 BBC 的核查小組一直在調查我們所知道的有關襲擊的情況。

  • Nawala Mughafi has the details.

    納瓦拉-穆加菲(Nawala Mughafi)為您詳細介紹。

  • Social media was inundated with videos showing a barrage of missiles launched from Iran towards Israel and our team has been working through the night to verify the location so let me take you through what we found.


  • These are missiles launching from Shiraz in Iran.


  • U.S. intelligence had warned the attack was incoming.


  • Iran said its targets included Israeli air bases and the Mossad headquarters.


  • We've been able to verify strikes in the vicinity of three key locations.


  • Navatim Air Base, Tel Nof Air Base and what's The lights piercing through the night sky are missiles heading towards the air base.

    納瓦提姆空軍基地、特拉諾夫空軍基地和什麼? 劃破夜空的燈光是飛向空軍基地的飛彈。

  • In just one video we can count at least nine missiles clearly hitting the ground.


  • Pro Hezbollah media say this air base was used in the killing of Hassan Nasrallah.


  • The Navatim Air Base is believed to house F-35 fighters but most were presumed to be airborne.

    納瓦蒂姆空軍基地據信駐有 F-35 戰鬥機,但據推測,大部分戰鬥機已經升空。

  • The second location we've looked at is the Tel Nof Air Base.


  • In this video you can see a crater not at the air base itself but at a school a few miles away.


  • We matched the school to recent social media photos plus the size and the shape of the surrounding area to satellite imagery.


  • We also verified videos of missiles hitting northern Tel Aviv.


  • A short distance from what's reported to be Israeli intelligence headquarters.


  • This video was taken from the balcony of a tower block.


  • Then we matched it to this video.


  • Here you can see the crater of that attack.


  • We've also spoken with a number of experts about Iran strategy.


  • US officials say Iran launched about a hundred and eighty ballistic missiles which are hard to intercept because of their high speed.


  • Fabian Hintz from the International Institute for Strategic Studies told us that the use of ballistic missiles in the attack indicates a deliberate strategy to minimize the warning and response time available to Israeli defenses.

    國際戰略研究所的 Fabian Hintz 告訴我們,在這次襲擊中使用彈道導彈表明,這是一種蓄意的戰略,目的是儘量減少以色列防禦系統的預警和反應時間。

  • The IDF have said that the missiles did hit some locations in Israel but that in coordination with the US-led defense coalition the majority were intercepted.


Let's look now at what we've been able to confirm about the Iranian missile attacks on Israel.


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我們對伊朗飛彈襲擊以色列事件的瞭解 | BBC News (What we know about Iran's missile attack on Israel | BBC News)

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    陳俊傑 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 03 日