It looks like I'm looking at a phone screen with eight different buttons. As I demoed in Meta's kitchen setup, asking for a recipe, and I saw how you can multitask between Instagram and a phone call, I could imagine wearing these glasses while I was cooking dinner to look at a recipe and also talk to a friend at the same time, all on this new type of computing device, all hands-free. Now, I'm curious to see how much lighter these devices get and how they will be priced.
看起來就像我在看一個有八個不同按鈕的手機螢幕。當我在 Meta 的廚房設置中演示,詢問食譜時,我看到了如何在 Instagram 和電話之間進行多任務處理,我可以想象在烹飪晚餐時戴上這副眼鏡,在查看食譜的同時還能與朋友通話,所有這一切都在這種新型計算設備上進行,完全不用動手。現在,我很想知道這些設備的重量會減輕多少,價格會是多少。