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由 AI 自動生成
  • This is Orion, our first fully functioning prototype, and, if I do say so, the most advanced glasses the world has ever seen.


  • I have tested a wide range of virtual reality and mixed reality glasses, plus recently some augmented reality ones.


  • And Met as Orion was the first time that I saw the potential for augmented reality glasses to become the next computing platform. What really distinguished Met as Orion prototype and the augmented reality category in general from the mixed reality headsets that Apple and Meta have in the market now is that, unlike those where you're seeing the world around you through cameras, with Orion, you're looking through a crystal display, which looks as clear as glass.

    而 "獵戶座 "Met 是我第一次看到增強現實眼鏡成為下一個計算平臺的潛力。與蘋果公司和 Meta 公司目前在市場上推出的混合現實頭盔不同的是,Met as Orion 原型和整個增強現實類別的真正區別在於,你是通過攝像頭來觀察周圍的世界,而 Orion 則是通過水晶顯示屏來觀察,它看起來就像玻璃一樣清晰。

  • So, it seems a lot more like glasses. Now, the Orion glasses connect to a small computing device about this big that can slide into your pocket, and a bracelet that looks like an Apple watch band.

    是以,它看起來更像是一副眼鏡。現在,Orion 眼鏡可以連接到一個可以滑入口袋的小型計算設備,以及一個看起來像蘋果手錶帶的手鐲。

  • That's to read the electrical signals that pass through your wrist when you're moving your hand.


  • Oh, that's great.


  • Does that feel okay?


  • Yeah.


  • All right.


  • So it's like a sensor?


  • Yeah. Now, they taught me the four hand movements to control the augmented reality.

    是啊他們教了我四個手部動作 來控制增強現實技術

  • This is select, this is home-screen, you have scroll up and scroll down.


  • And I was really impressed by how sensitive the wristband was.


  • It wasn't tight at all, and it was very lightweight.


  • It picked up all of my controls, even when my hand was in my pocket. Now, wearing the glasses, you select objects by looking at them and then you click on an object by pinching your fingers together.


  • When you turn off the home screen, it looks like you're just looking at the room around you. The demos were pretty straightforward.


  • I scanned a QR code with the glasses to set up a game.


  • I then played Pong with an Orion developer.


  • Wow.

  • Nice shot.


  • I used the glasses to scan a set of ingredients and to get a recipe for a smoothie.


  • And I could use the browser inside the glasses to pull up an interview that I did on

    我還可以用眼鏡內的瀏覽器調出我在 上接受的採訪。

  • It looks like I'm looking at a phone screen with eight different buttons. As I demoed in Meta's kitchen setup, asking for a recipe, and I saw how you can multitask between Instagram and a phone call, I could imagine wearing these glasses while I was cooking dinner to look at a recipe and also talk to a friend at the same time, all on this new type of computing device, all hands-free. Now, I'm curious to see how much lighter these devices get and how they will be priced.

    看起來就像我在看一個有八個不同按鈕的手機螢幕。當我在 Meta 的廚房設置中演示,詢問食譜時,我看到了如何在 Instagram 和電話之間進行多任務處理,我可以想象在烹飪晚餐時戴上這副眼鏡,在查看食譜的同時還能與朋友通話,所有這一切都在這種新型計算設備上進行,完全不用動手。現在,我很想知道這些設備的重量會減輕多少,價格會是多少。

  • Meta told me it's aiming for Orion to be priced like a high-end smartphone.

    Meta 告訴我,它的目標是讓 Orion 的售價與高端智能手機相當。

This is Orion, our first fully functioning prototype, and, if I do say so, the most advanced glasses the world has ever seen.


由 AI 自動生成

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B1 中級 中文 美國腔

Meta 的 Orion AR 眼鏡原型:CNBC 評論 (Meta's Orion AR glasses prototype: CNBC reviews)

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    kei 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 03 日