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  • He said that on January the 6th, the protesters ought to protest peacefully.

    他說,1 月 6 日,抗議者應該進行和平抗議。

  • And on January the 20th, what happened?

    1 月 20 日發生了什麼?

  • Joe Biden became the president.


  • Donald Trump left the White House.


  • It's really rich for Democratic leaders to say that Donald Trump is a unique threat to democracy when he peacefully gave over power on January the 20th, as we have done for 250 years in this country.

    民主黨領導人說唐納德-特朗普是對民主的獨特威脅,而他是在 1 月 20 日和平交出權力的,就像我們在這個國家 250 年來所做的那樣。

  • Did he lose the 2020 election?

    他是否輸掉了 2020 年大選?

  • Tim, I'm focused on the future.


  • Did Kamala Harris censor Americans from speaking their mind in the wake of the 2020 COVID situation?

    在 2020 年 COVID 事件之後,卡馬拉-哈里斯是否審查了美國人的言論?

  • That is a damning non-answer.


  • Yikes.

  • While you were probably sleeping last night, the highly anticipated vice presidential debate happened.


  • And while usually VP debates are pretty inconsequential, when you have an election like this one, which feels existential, even the usually mundane things become very high stakes.


  • And if one person understood the high stakes of last night, it was clearly Governor Walz, who was fitzing in his dungarees up there.


  • But we'll get into each candidate's performance.


  • Plus we'll check their facts and unpack what last night's performance means for November.

    此外,我們還將核實他們的事實,並解讀昨晚的表現對 11 月份意味著什麼。

  • Let's get into it.


  • Presidential debates always generate a ton of buzz and media coverage, and with them a lot of opportunity for misinformation.


  • In a world where the media landscape is increasingly divided, it's important to stay informed and get context into how the media is covering important issues.


  • For example, news outlets dissecting the key takeaways from last night's debate are a great example of how different the media reports on stories depending on their bias.


  • You can see that the left is highlighting


  • Vance's defensiveness and emotional reactions during the debate, portraying him as condescending and resistant to facts, while the right critiques the moderators for bias against Vance and focuses on Vance's criticisms of Harris's record on immigration.


  • For example, leftist publication,


  • The New Republic's headline says,


  • J.D. Vance lashes out after the smallest fact check in VP debate.


  • Meanwhile, right-leaning publication, The Blaze, published the headline, J.D. Vance hammers Tim Walz on immigration, energy policy, and the economy in lively but civil VP debate.

    與此同時,右傾刊物《The Blaze》發表了這樣的標題:J.D. Vance 在生動而文明的 VP 辯論中,就移民、能源政策和經濟問題向 Tim Walz 發起了猛烈的攻擊。

  • Very different takes.


  • And that's where ground news comes in and why I've been using them for a year.


  • Today's partner, Ground News, is a great tool for understanding the news.

    今天的合作伙伴 Ground News 是瞭解新聞的好工具。

  • They provide helpful context for these starkly different headlines about the same story.


  • You can see the overall bias distribution of the news sources covering this story.


  • Only 13% of the coverage is right-wing news sources, which is similar to the presidential debate and tells me maybe their readers just don't really care, I guess.

    只有 13% 的報道來自右翼新聞來源,這與總統辯論的情況類似,這告訴我也許他們的讀者並不真正關心這個問題。

  • On the right-hand side, you can see the overall factuality rating of the sources, with most sources receiving a high factuality rating so you know who you can trust.


  • Seeing factuality ratings like this, along with who owns the source, can be really helpful to provide more context to your own echo chamber.


  • You and your social media may have had one reaction to something J.D. Vance said, but it's important to understand the larger picture and what people outside your bubble are saying.

    您和您的社交媒體可能會對 J.D. Vance 的言論做出某種反應,但重要的是要了解更廣闊的視野以及您的 "保麗龍 "之外的人在說什麼。

  • And I'm able to get all this context and information thanks to Ground News.


  • And with the US election fast approaching, my favorite Ground News feature at the moment is their 2024 US election focused blind spot feed.

    隨著美國大選的臨近,我目前最喜歡的地面新聞功能是他們的 2024 年美國大選聚焦盲點推送。

  • With a bird's eye view of issues that tend to get more attention from the left or right than others, I can easily step out of my echo chamber and understand how partisan narratives shape reality and votes.


  • I'm always really impressed with Ground News and I genuinely think they're a great resource for identifying biases in the media.


  • So scan my QR code, click the link in the description, or go to to get 40% off the same vantage plan I use to stay informed, which comes to about $5 a month.

    掃描我的二維碼,點擊描述中的鏈接,或者訪問,就可以享受與我用來保持資訊暢通的 vantage 計劃相同的四折優惠,每月約 5 美元。

  • You get unlimited access to all Ground News has to offer while helping an independent team keep the media transparent.

    您可以無限制地訪問 Ground News 提供的所有內容,同時幫助獨立團隊保持媒體的透明度。

  • Thanks, Ground News.


  • First, the performance.


  • Because debates are, after all, a show, a charade for the American people to see the candidates perform under pressure and answer key questions about policy to get a better feel for what it would be like for them to be in power.


  • Which is why the VP debate is usually small potatoes because let's face it,


  • VPs don't really actually have that much power.


  • A key thing to remember, as we discuss Vance's accusations of all the things Harris hasn't managed to do while wielding the great and terrible power that comes with being a VP, such as photo ops and press conferences.


  • I already made an episode about how little power a VP actually has.


  • You can check that out after this.


  • Anyway, so when we tune into a debate, we're looking for a performance.


  • And there was a clear winner in last night's performance.


  • And it wasn't the bumbling Minnesotan governor,


  • I'm so sorry to say.


  • I was rooting for him.


  • He is so great at talking face-to-face with people.


  • And even his stump speeches on the campaign trail have been smart, down to earth and folksy.


  • But at the debate, Walls struggled.


  • He had clearly been heavily prepped, but it was too much information.


  • Instead of saying, here are the three things you need to talk about for each topic, he clearly tried to internalize a wide range of talking points for each topic, and then tried to very quickly and somewhat incoherently string all of the ideas together in each of his answers as though he were checking the words off a mental list, but forgetting the other words that have to go in between the buzzwords to make coherent points.

    他沒有說 "每個話題你需要談的三件事是這樣的",而是很明顯地試圖將每個話題的各種談話要點內化,然後試圖非常快速地、有點語無倫次地將所有觀點串聯在他的每一個答案中,就好像他在核對腦中清單上的單詞,卻忘記了在這些流行語之間必須有其他單詞才能構成連貫的觀點。

  • He was so focused on hitting those points that not only did he speak way too quickly, and listen, I'm a fast talker, okay?


  • That's probably the number one complaint


  • I get on these videos, is people want me to slow down, to which I say, no.


  • I watch and listen to literally everything at 1.5 to two times speed.

    我用 1.5 到 2 倍的速度觀看和收聽所有內容。

  • Now it's your turn to listen at 0.5 speed, okay?

    現在輪到你用 0.5 的速度聽了,好嗎?

  • This is for all the 1.5 to two times speed watchers and listeners out there who are able to listen to my shit at regular speed.

    這是為所有能以正常速度收聽我的節目的 1.5 倍速到 2 倍速的觀眾和聽眾準備的。

  • You're welcome.


  • Also, I'm not giving a speech or participating in a debate where the rules are vastly different.


  • I'm doing a song and dance on social media where attention spans are 0.5 seconds, so I gotta move fast.

    我在社交媒體上載歌載舞,而人們的注意力只有 0.5 秒,所以我必須快速行動。

  • Unfortunately for Walls, he was in a debate where speaking at a measured, smooth, articulate pace is an asset that he did not possess, but J.D. Vance did.

    不幸的是,華爾斯在辯論中發言時語速勻稱、流暢、口齒清晰,這是他所不具備的優點,而 J.D. Vance 卻具備。

  • And I think that surprised a lot of people, myself included, for a number of reasons.


  • First, the hype over Harris and the clear and easy victory she had against Trump in their debate put our expectations of Walls very, very high.


  • Though I will say I don't appreciate the media's reporting on him as a typical simpleton folksy Minnesotan as though we're all out here just fumbling around flyover country with our dumb, simple minds that can't think too fast or speak too good.


  • As a Minnesotan, I resent that.


  • As a governor of Minnesota and VP running mate, however, that is the caricature that has been painted of Walls, and that is one of his selling points, that he is down to earth and doesn't speak like a politician but instead like your friend's dad who helps you fix your carburetor.


  • And I think outside of the debate stage last night, he's done a fantastic job of selling that caricature in a way that's endearing to the American people, but it did not serve him well last night.


  • Another thing that surprised me and a lot of people was how smooth and articulate Vance was because he has also been painted by the left as a caricature, a weirdo who doesn't know how to speak like a human and who says horrible things about immigrants and women with impunity.


  • And I think his strengths are directly opposite Tim Walls'.


  • When he tries to talk to people out and about in a community and when he's asked direct and challenging questions by reporters who don't let him get away with things, he looks like a fool.


  • But when given free reign on a debate stage with an opponent who isn't as slick as him, he was able to make his lies sound believable and coherent.


  • And we'll get into why I think this is the most insidious and important takeaway of the night, but let's get into those lies because unlike the presidential debate, this VP debate was actually incredibly substantive and got into the weeds on a lot of issues which opened the door for a lot of lies, mostly from Vance.


  • Lie number one, Vance claimed the U.S.


  • is the cleanest economy in the entire world and argued that if Harris really cared about climate change, which Vance refused to confirm was a real thing, then she would bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.


  • instead of outsourcing them to dirty, dirty China.


  • While that's an interesting spin on climate denial that I think plays well into the Republican rhetoric that it doesn't exist, it is not true that the U.S. is the cleanest economy in the world.


  • The most widely cited measure of a country's green level is the Environmental Performance Index.


  • That score includes more than just the economy, but is a good measure of how green a country is generally.


  • The U.S. ranks 34 on that list behind all of Western Europe, most of Eastern Europe, as well as Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

    美國在該榜單中排名 34,落後於整個西歐、大部分東歐以及日本、加拿大、澳洲和紐西蘭。

  • So I'm not sure where he's getting the cleanest economy in the entire world talking point.

    所以,我不知道他從哪裡聽來的 "全世界最清潔的經濟體 "的說法。

  • China does rank far below us at 154th, but to say that bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

    中國的排名確實遠遠低於我們,排在第 154 位,但如果說將製造業工作崗位帶回美國

  • would improve clean air and water is disingenuous at best because we still have huge problems in this country with too much emissions, and it removes the blame from the shoulders of the companies doing the polluting, whether that's here or in China or anywhere.


  • We all have to breathe that air.


  • There is no our air versus China's air.


  • We're all trapped in the same bubble.


  • Also, companies tied to J.D. Vance, either from when he was a venture capitalist or from the billionaires who have funded his career, were actively moving manufacturing jobs abroad.

    此外,與J.D. Vance有聯繫的公司,無論是他擔任風險投資人時的公司,還是資助他職業生涯的億萬富翁的公司,都在積極地將製造業的工作崗位轉移到國外。

  • So this is, once again, an example of J.D. Vance saying and believing whatever will get him what he wants at any given moment.

    所以,這又是一個例子,J.D. Vance 在任何時候都會說和相信任何能讓他如願以償的話。

  • There are 25 million illegal aliens in the U.S., and they're stealing our housing and our jobs.

    美國有 2500 萬非法移民,他們偷走了我們的住房和工作。

  • When asked to explain how he plans to implement the largest mass deportation in history, as Trump has promised, Vance made the claim that there are 20 to 25 million illegal aliens in the country.

    當被要求解釋他計劃如何按照特朗普的承諾,實施史上最大規模的大規模驅逐時,萬斯聲稱該國有 2,000 萬至 2,500 萬非法移民。

  • That is false.


  • It's impossible to know the numbers, but several studies estimate it to be around 11 million people, half of what Vance claimed.

    我們不可能知道具體數字,但有幾項研究估計大約有 1100 萬人,是萬斯所說數字的一半。

  • The Office of Homeland Security report says it.


  • The Pew Research Center says it.


  • The Nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute says it.


  • And even the conservative think tank,


  • Center for Immigration Studies, has estimated 12 million.

    移民研究中心估計有 1 200 萬人。

  • So this is patently false.


  • Vance repeatedly throughout the night blamed all of the problems in America on either immigrants or manufacturing jobs outsourced overseas.


  • He blamed our housing shortage on too many immigrants.


  • And while it is absolutely true that there are many cities in this country struggling with homelessness epidemics and don't have additional shelters and housing for the migrants arriving from the border, that shortage is not because of immigrants.


  • Immigrants are being affected by it, but placing the blame on the shoulders of some of the most vulnerable people on the planet, many of whom are seeking asylum or simply to be able to provide a roof and food for their families, that is letting major corporations off the hook for the way they have absolutely destroyed the housing stock in this country.


  • People are struggling to find housing because wealth inequality is the highest it's ever been, because BlackRock owns all of our houses and landlords are price-fixing, and we've let free enterprise run amok with one of the things necessary for sustaining human life, shelter.


  • There is enough wealth in this country that everyone should be housed and fed, including the influx of immigrants at our borders.


  • We have enough wealth to support them.


  • It's just being hoarded by billionaires who buy out our politicians so they don't have to pay their fair share thanks to handy tax loopholes.


  • Politicians around the world who benefit from provoking fear in their base of supporters want everyone to think that the wealth is scarce and must be protected from those violent barbaric immigrants.


  • But the only reason the wealth is scarce is because the people in power and their billionaire benefactors have made it so.


  • But to distract us from noticing that and banding together in class solidarity, they villainize immigrants and sit back while we all fight over the scraps they've thrown to us.


  • It's truly some Mad Max dystopian shit, but people who aren't taught to see the bigger picture of how fucked we all are by this system because they come from a failing education system that is also being torn apart by politicians and their billionaire benefactors, they don't know to look at the bigger picture, and instead, when Vance and Trump say, hey, look, there's so many impoverished immigrants here struggling to find housing along with you.

    這確實是 "瘋狂的麥克斯"(Mad Max)式的烏托邦,但那些沒有被教導過的人,因為他們來自一個失敗的教育系統,而這個系統也被政客和他們的億萬富翁恩人搞得支離破碎,所以他們不知道要看大局,相反,當萬斯和特朗普說,嘿,看,這裡有這麼多貧困的移民在和你們一起掙扎著找房子。

  • No, no, no, don't look at the man behind the curtain.


  • It's actually those very immigrants who are stealing your affordable housing and murdering everyone on site while they're at it.


  • So the problem must be solved by closing down the borders and being very, very afraid of brown people.


  • Last night, J.D. Vance also blamed unemployment on immigrants in what was truly such a fucking twisted argument,

    昨晚,萬斯(J.D. Vance)還把失業問題歸咎於移民,真是他媽的歪理邪說、

  • I would be remiss not to point it out here.


  • He said that the reason why wages are depressed is because immigrants are coming in undercutting our wages and taking our jobs from us, as though it is the immigrants' fault that they're being paid $3 an hour to pick our strawberries, as though if those manual labor jobs in the fields were available,

    他說,工資之所以不景氣,是因為移民的到來壓低了我們的工資,搶走了我們的工作,好像他們拿著每小時 3 美元的工資來摘我們的草莓是移民的錯,好像那些田裡的體力活都是他們的錯、

  • Americans would be flocking to them, as though the owners of those farms who are paying immigrants $3 an hour under the table would happily and readily hire Americans and pay them federal minimum wage, which would more than double their labor costs, if only these deviant migrant workers didn't keep coming and demanding to be paid $3 an hour, or as though we have an absolute surplus of red-blooded American construction workers desperate for jobs, but all these immigrants keep coming in and demanding to work long hours for criminally little pay while ruining their bodies.

    美國人將蜂擁而至,就好像那些在桌子底下支付移民每小時 3 美元工資的農場主,如果不是這些離經叛道的移民工人不斷湧入並要求每小時 3 美元的工資,他們會很樂意僱傭美國人並支付聯邦最低工資,這將使他們的勞動力成本增加一倍以上;又好像我們有絕對過剩的熱血沸騰的美國建築工人急需工作,但所有這些移民不斷湧入,要求長時間工作,領取低得令人髮指的工資,同時毀掉他們的身體。

  • All of these arguments demonizing immigrants bet on Americans' short-sighted inability to connect the dots, and that's why they work, because a lot of us aren't very good at connecting the dots.


  • I don't have job, immigrant has job, therefore immigrant take my job.


  • Again, manufacturing scarcity so billionaires can continue to profit while the rest of us fight amongst each other like ants trying to grab up the scraps they're throwing us.


  • You are far closer to homelessness and starvation wages than you are to being a millionaire, but the brainwashing of the American condition has you identifying with and empathizing with and humanizing businesses and billionaires more readily than humans crossing the border in search of safety and stability, because we've been conditioned to believe that we're all temporarily embarrassed millionaires, and that scarcity is caused by the most vulnerable among us, and J.D. Vance and Trump did not invent this, but they are capitalizing on it in a moment when the entire world is turning nationalistic and demonizing migrants in order to protect their billionaire benefactors from having to answer to the angry mobs they should be answering to.

    比起成為百萬富翁,你更接近無家可歸和飢餓的工資,但美國人的洗腦卻讓你更容易認同、同情和人性化企業和億萬富翁,而不是穿越邊境尋求安全和穩定的人,因為我們已經習慣於相信我們都是暫時陷入窘境的百萬富翁,而匱乏是由我們中最脆弱的人造成的,J. D. 萬斯和特朗普並沒有發明這一點,但他們卻在整個世界轉向民族主義和妖魔化移民的時刻利用了這一點,以保護他們的億萬富翁受益人不必對他們的行為負責。J.D.萬斯和特朗普並沒有發明這一點,但他們卻在全世界都轉向民族主義和妖魔化移民的時候利用了這一點,以保護他們的億萬富翁受益人,

  • Also, 90% of fentanyl in the U.S.

    此外,美國 90% 的芬太尼

  • is brought in through legal ports of entry by U.S. citizens.


  • I am so sick of this lie that illegals are using children as drug mules and smuggling them across the border in the night, and that's why we're all dying of drug overdoses.


  • It once again blames immigrants for the problems caused by U.S. citizens and U.S. companies.


  • Moving on.


  • Next lie, is Trump planning on registering pregnancies?


  • Walls claimed that Project 2025 wants to create a registration of pregnancies.

    Walls 聲稱,"2025 項目 "希望建立懷孕登記制度。

  • That's not true.


  • Project 2025 says the Trump administration should use every available tool, including the cutting of funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place within its borders.

    Project 2025 稱,特朗普政府應利用一切可用工具,包括削減資金,確保每個州準確報告其境內發生的墮胎數量。

  • So no registry of pregnancies, but definitely a tracking of abortions, many of which happen due to complications from pregnancies.


  • That's not exactly reassuring.


  • Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, and it's true he has not officially adopted it and doesn't have to, but a lot of his policies align with Project 2025, and most of his advisors and people he would surround himself with if he were to become president again, had a hand in or are affiliated with someone who had a hand in the publication of Project 2025's manifesto.

    特朗普曾試圖與 "2025 計劃 "保持距離,他確實沒有正式採納 "2025 計劃",也沒有必要採納,但他的很多政策都與 "2025 計劃 "一致,如果他再次成為總統,他的大多數顧問和身邊的人都曾參與或隸屬於參與發表 "2025 計劃 "宣言的人。

  • So we can bet that Trump will do everything in his power to make as much of it a reality as possible if he's elected in November.

    是以,我們可以打賭,如果特朗普在 11 月當選,他一定會竭盡所能,儘可能多地將其變為現實。

  • Vance also claimed, like Trump did in his debate, that the Minnesota abortion law allows doctors to kill babies after they're born.


  • I'm coming at you live from Minnesota right now.


  • To be clear, no one is killing newborn babies in Minnesota.


  • The law doesn't have a specific cutoff date for how many weeks along a person can be to get an abortion.


  • Instead, the law says the government doesn't make that determination.


  • It's up to a pregnant person and their doctor.


  • And no ethically practicing doctor is going to perform an unnecessary abortion at nine months or murder a baby after it's born.


  • Full stop.


  • There are other regulations, like every ethical thing on the books for doctors, as well as, you know, laws against murder that keep them from doing that.


  • And there are mechanisms to remove or punish doctors who break those rules.


  • What Vance is referring to is the fact that the law does not require that doctors provide every life-saving option available to babies after they're born to make them live as long as possible if they have issues that prevent them from living.


  • So like if a baby is born and clearly will not live without extensive painful medical intervention, and even that would only prolong the baby's life by a very short time, and that short time would be excruciating, doctors are not required to intervene.


  • They're only required to provide care.


  • But conservatives groups have jumped on that very subtle change in wording from preserve life to provide care to say that in Minnesota, doctors are just letting babies die.

    但是,保守派團體抓住了措辭上的微妙變化,從 "保護生命 "到 "提供護理",說在明尼蘇達州,醫生只是在讓嬰兒死去。

  • That is not happening, period.


  • Vance went on to say that Republicans need to win back trust on the issue of family planning, and he and Trump want to pass pro-family policies to support women who are having babies and give people options for their future.


  • And this was a moment when I really wanted Walls to actually debate by asking him how, what pro-family policies?


  • How do you plan to make childcare more affordable like he claimed he would?


  • What is the plan?


  • Because the truth is they don't have one.


  • Their policies, as I stated in a recent episode about how conservatives ruined marriage, make having and caring for a child more dangerous, more expensive, and more impossible for more people, making having a child a very unattractive option for many people in this country, even the ones who desperately want to have a child.


  • Next lie, immigrants are bringing guns into the United States.


  • On gun reform, Vance once again blamed immigrants and Kamala Harris's open border policy for the large influx of guns on American streets.

    關於槍支改革,萬斯再次將槍支大量流入美國街頭歸咎於移民和卡馬拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的開放邊境政策。

  • That is not only patently and categorically false, but the opposite is true.


  • Guns are being smuggled into Mexico from the US because we have so many of them and they're so easy to get your hands on.


  • And Mexican drug cartels are paying Americans to smuggle those weapons into Mexico.


  • Over 200,000 guns per year, by some estimates, flow from the US into Mexico.

    據估計,每年有超過 20 萬支槍從美國流入墨西哥。

  • The gun crisis is not being caused by immigrants.


  • They are once again an easy scapegoat that they're hoping we will all fall for.


  • Saying that, well, passing regulations on guns just won't work because people will still find a way to illegally do it, so we just shouldn't even try to regulate it, is just so disingenuous because by that logic, we should stop regulating everything.


  • People illegally download movies and music every day despite anti-piracy regulations.


  • Guess we should just stop trying.


  • People steal every day despite criminal penalties against stealing.


  • Guess we should probably stop regulating it.


  • People drive cars without licenses every day.


  • Guess we should stop requiring licenses.


  • What's the point?


  • It's the stupidest, most illogical rhetoric, and yet Republicans have stuck with it for decades because somehow it works, despite clear and convincing evidence that a good guy with a gun does not stop a bad guy with a gun.


  • It does not happen.


  • And JD Vance saying, well, we just need to put stronger doors on the fronts of our schools because this is just a fact of life we have to deal with is abhorrent.

    而 JD Vance 說,好吧,我們只需要在學校門口裝上更結實的門,因為這只是我們必須面對的一個生活事實,這種說法令人憎惡。

  • And I hope everyone who is watching, especially those who have to send their kids to school every day, saw through his on that one, especially because Walz's answer was in line with what polls show most Americans want, common sense gun control, background checks, red flag laws, licenses, not an all out ban so that we can all round people up and take away all their guns.


  • And then finally, line number five,


  • Vance claimed that Trump saved Obamacare.


  • False.


  • Trump did everything in his power over and over again to try to repeal Obamacare.


  • And when asked how he would replace it at the last debate, he said he had concepts of a plan.


  • This one was just stupid.


  • And then the night ended with the most damning question for Vance.


  • And that was simply whether or not


  • Trump won the election in 2020.

    特朗普贏得了 2020 年的大選。

  • And despite Vance's smooth talking all night, despite his ability to make his lies sound like thought out measured truths, this was one thing he couldn't get around because one certain red line you cannot cross in Trump's world is admitting he lost the 2020 election.

    儘管萬斯整晚都在花言巧語,儘管他有能力讓自己的謊言聽起來像是經過深思熟慮的有分寸的事實,但這是他繞不過去的一個問題,因為在特朗普的世界裡,有一條紅線是不能逾越的,那就是承認自己輸掉了 2020 年的大選。

  • So Vance repeatedly said, we had a peaceful transfer of power in 2020, and now he wants to look to the future.

    是以,萬斯一再表示,我們在 2020 年實現了權力的和平移交,現在他想展望未來。

  • Despite repeatedly being asked, did Trump lose the 2020 election?


  • A simple question and a fatal inability to answer it that I hope left a lot of people with the memory of January 6th fresh in their minds so they don't forget, despite his smooth talking, that Vance's running mate did that and has said he'd do it again.

    一個簡單的問題,一個致命的無法回答的問題,我希望讓很多人對 1 月 6 日記憶猶新,這樣他們就不會忘記,儘管萬斯的競選夥伴說得頭頭是道,但他做到了,而且還說他會再做一次。

  • But despite Vance's slip up at the end of the night and a number of very clear lies on his part, the main takeaway I was left with after the debate last night was this.


  • Vance can make Trumpian policies sound well thought out, articulate, and sanitized in a way that is particularly insidious.


  • With Trump, it's easy to point out his lies, to focus on his poor delivery, because he does present his ideas with brute force that is distasteful to a lot of Americans.


  • But Vance takes that rhetoric and repackages it for polite company.


  • He takes his elite training from Yale Law School and turns around and uses it to weave seemingly coherent narratives out of complete lies.


  • It's disinformation 2.0.

    這是造謠 2.0。

  • He uses his elite Yale Law degree to articulately try to convince you not to believe elites and experts.


  • Repeatedly last night, he said, "'We cannot trust experts.


  • "'We can only trust the wisdom "'and common sense of Donald Trump.


  • "'Do not turn to economists for information "'about how the economy is doing.


  • "'Turn to Donald Trump.


  • "'He knows because of his wisdom and common sense.'"


  • Or he says, "'We wanna win back people's trust on family planning, "'and all we wanna do is just introduce pro-family policies.


  • "'We wanna protect your housing and your livelihood "'from the threat of immigrants at our border.'"

    "'我們要保護你們的住房和生計'" "'免受邊境移民的威脅'"

  • And he cordially and politely took Trumpian policies and made them more digestible for an audience that isn't well-versed in what is fact and what is fiction.


  • And last night's debate felt like old school pre-Trump era debates, where the candidates are cordial to one another and stuck to policy instead of name-calling.


  • Which on the one hand was a breath of fresh air after nearly a decade of Trump insanity, but on the other hand marks a very dark turn towards the normalization of a fascist platform that Trump popularized, but that figures like J.D. Vance, who have the degrees, training, and smarts to fine-tune it, will normalize.

    這一方面是特朗普瘋狂近十年後的一縷清風,但另一方面也標誌著一個非常黑暗的轉折,那就是特朗普普及的法西斯主義綱領將走向正常化,而像J.D. Vance這樣擁有學位、培訓和聰明才智的人將對其進行微調,使其正常化。

  • This has the very real possibility of coaxing the U.S. public into passive acceptance of truly heinous and fascist policies wrapped in familiar-sounding rhetoric and convenient lies.


  • Because as I've said before, that's how fascism typically happens, not with coups and explosive altercations, but quietly, as society is gently rocked into passive compliance so the fascists can infiltrate, pass the necessary laws, and put their plans into action while covering it up with the veneer of politics as usual.


  • Do not be mistaken, this is not politics as usual.


  • And I think this is not only happening with characters like Vance fine-tuning Republican rhetoric to sound more palatable, it's also happening in the Democratic Party as well, where key figures are celebrating that dick war criminal Cheney is on our side, where Kamala keeps repeatedly saying that she wants to make sure we have the most lethal military in the world, where racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant rhetoric infects both sides, and Democrats and Republicans alike are ready to pass historically restrictive immigration bills that embolden a border security force with a documented history of abuse and mishandling of immigrants at the border, where last night's debate started with a question not about how each candidate might ease tensions in the Middle East or how they might quell Israel's increased violence in recent weeks, but instead whether they would support a preemptive strike by Israel against Iran, a loaded question insinuating what most Western media and politicians have been touting, which is the lie that Israel is simply de-escalating through escalation, meaning somehow that by asserting the Palestinian population, by blowing up apartment buildings in Beirut, by killing innocent civilians through terroristic pager and cell phone bombs, that Israel is working to de-escalate tensions in the region.


  • Israel has a right to defend itself, but when Iran retaliates, they're being terrorists.


  • The double standard is staggering.


  • The blind support for whatever Israel does is staggering.


  • I made a whole episode chronicling the history of US-Israel relations, and I still struggle to fathom how people rationalize these positions.


  • And it's happening on both sides of the aisle.


  • And while I have been screaming from the rooftops for months that we need to vote in Harris because Trump is much, much worse,


  • I stand by that and I will vote for her, and I still think you should too because the prospect of a second Trump term means not just chaos and increased hostility in the Middle East, but also a decimation of our rights here at home.


  • But last night's debate made me feel really cynical, if I'm being honest, about both parties.


  • And that hope I was feeling at the beginning of Harris' run is fizzling because it's so clear to me that while we can and will continue to do the hard work of pushing our politicians to do what's right, and I want to have that conversation with Harris and not Trump, that will be an uphill battle, one that's still very much worth fighting, but one that will be disheartening and slow.


  • Voting is the beginning of a conversation, so you need to vote in the person who you'd rather have a conversation with.


  • I want that to be Harris and Walls, but that conversation is gonna be long and hard.


  • In the end, history tells us that vice presidential debates don't have a lasting impact on the outcome of an election.


  • For example, Dan Quayle's VP debate was a debacle for him, and yet he and his running mate, George H.W. Bush, won in a landslide in 1988.

    例如,丹-奎爾(Dan Quayle)的副總統辯論讓他一敗塗地,但他和他的競選夥伴喬治-H-W-布什(George H.W. Bush)卻在 1988 年以壓倒性優勢獲勝。

  • The goal of the VP debate is, frankly, for the candidates to do no harm to their ticket, and I think both sides achieved that goal.


  • The long-term impacts of this debate are likely less about who will win this November and more about Vance's longevity as a leader in the Republican Party, a party well aware of Trump's age and failing mental capacities, and looking to the next generation to further sow their fascist seeds.

    這場辯論的長期影響可能與誰將在今年 11 月獲勝關係不大,而與萬斯作為共和黨領袖的壽命關係更大,因為共和黨清楚地意識到特朗普的年齡和智力衰退,並期待下一代進一步播撒法西斯主義的種子。

  • They may have found that in J.D. Vance last night.

    昨晚,他們可能在J.D. Vance身上發現了這一點。

  • Special thanks to members on Patreon who support this podcast.

    特別感謝 Patreon 上支持本播客的會員。

  • Go to slash lijamiller to join.

    請訪問 slash lijamiller 加入。

  • Extra special shout-out to my multi-platinum patrons,


  • T. Latranger-Lucas, Joshua Coles, Thomas Johnson,

    T.Latranger-Lucas, Joshua Coles, Thomas Johnson、

  • Anthony Giles, Tay, and Brett Piontek.


  • Your generosity makes this channel what it is, so thank you.


  • If you'd like ad-free, uncensored access to all these videos, check out my Patreon today.

    如果您想無廣告、無刪減地觀看所有這些視頻,請立即查看我的 Patreon。

  • If you liked this episode,


  • I highly recommend you check out my episode from Monday discussing how Republicans are laying the groundwork to steal this election.


  • Thanks so much for watching.


  • Have a good day.


  • Bye-bye.


  • ♪♪


He said that on January the 6th, the protesters ought to protest peacefully.

他說,1 月 6 日,抗議者應該進行和平抗議。

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副總統辯論中的所有謊言 (All The Lies From The VP Debate)

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    Jack 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 02 日