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  • Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

    您好。這裡是 BBC Learning English 頻道的 6 分鐘英語。我是尼爾

  • And I'm Beth.


  • Every country has its own favourite foods. So when people leave home and move to a different country, getting used to the new food there can be a surprise.


  • Food can have strange-sounding names. If you know what a toad is, it's an animal very similar to a frog. You might be surprised to hear that a famous English meal is Toad in the


  • Hole. Don't worry though, it's made with sausages, not toads.


  • In this programme, we're exploring people's first impressions of a new culture through its food. We'll be hearing how two womenone a refugee, the other a dieticianadapted to the food of their new home. And as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.


  • But first, I have a question for you, Neil. A British summer wouldn't be complete without a traditional cream teascones, cream and jam, eaten with a cup of tea. It sounds lovely but strangely there have been many arguments over cream teas. So is the cream tea debate about… a. Whether to drink tea or coffee?

    但首先,我有個問題要問你,尼爾。沒有傳統的奶油茶--烤餅、奶油和果醬,再配上一杯茶,英國的夏天是不完整的。聽起來很不錯,但奇怪的是,關於奶油茶的爭論一直不斷。那麼,關於奶油茶的爭論是關於...... a. 喝茶還是喝咖啡?

  • b. Whether to put cream or jam onto the scone first?


  • c. Whether strawberry or raspberry jam is better?


  • Well, I think the controversy is whether to add cream or jam first.


  • OK, Neil. I'll reveal the correct answer later in the programme.


  • Natalia Tuchenko arrived in the Netherlands after leaving her home in Ukraine following the Russian invasion. She moved in with Veronika Groszewska, who's originally from Poland, and her family, starting them on a journey to open their own restaurantsNatalia's

    娜塔莉亞-圖琴科在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭後離開家鄉來到荷蘭。她搬到了來自波蘭的 Veronika Groszewska 和她的家人家中,開始了自己開餐館的旅程。

  • Kitchen. Here's Natalia talking with BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain.


  • Of course, at first it felt like I am well out of what they call my comfort zone. When you stay in a certain environment, you get used to it. But when you move to another country where you live and work, you experience difficulties and you have to adapt to get used to local foods. Here they don't have some of the staples we had in Ukraine. Ingredients are different and so you start working with local foods, find replacements, cook with what you have.

    當然,一開始我覺得自己已經完全脫離了所謂的 "舒適區"。當你呆在一個特定的環境中時,你就會習慣它。但當你搬到另一個國家生活和工作時,你就會遇到困難,你必須適應當地的食物。這裡沒有我們在烏克蘭吃過的一些主食。食材也不一樣,所以你要開始與當地食物打交道,找到替代品,用你有的東西烹飪。

  • At first Natalia felt out of her comfort zone – a familiar situation in which someone feels secure and in control. She had to adapt to her new life in the Netherlands. She had to change in order to succeed in her new situation.


  • Some of the staple ingredients Natalia used in Ukraine weren't available in the Netherlands.


  • A staple is a basic and important type of food that is regularly eaten by a large portion of the population. So Natalia adapted her recipes, replacing Ukrainian with Dutch ingredients, to create a new kind of cooking which her customers loved.


  • Our second story involves Rachel Winter Roach, who left her home in England to work on the sunny island of Tobago in the southern Caribbean. Here Rachel explains some of the food challenges she faced through BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain.

    我們的第二個故事涉及瑞秋-溫特-羅奇(Rachel Winter Roach),她離開英國的家,來到加勒比海南部陽光明媚的多巴哥島工作。在這裡,瑞秋通過英國廣播公司世界服務節目《食物鏈》介紹了她所面臨的一些食物挑戰。

  • When I came out to the Caribbean, I was really in for a shock when it came to flavouring and seasoning food. And seasoning is really, really an integral part of food preparation


  • Here the seasoning is multiple, multiple layers. It took me a while to get used to it because everybody has their own way of seasoning and their own little tweaks and there are no quantities.


  • So it really takes a lot of practice, a lot of trial and error. And I think my family did not always appreciate the errors in the trials.


  • When Rachel moved to Tobago, she was in for a shock. The phrase to be in for a shock means to be sure of experiencing a surprising or unpleasant situation. In Rachel's case, the surprise involved seasoningthe salt, herbs and spices added to food to enhance the flavour.

    當蕾切爾搬到多巴哥時,她大吃一驚。所謂 "大吃一驚",是指肯定會遇到令人驚訝或不愉快的情況。在雷切爾的例子中,驚喜涉及調味料--添加到食物中的鹽,草藥和香料,以增加食物的味道。

  • In the Caribbean, seasoning is a big deal. Everyone has their own seasoning recipe, including little tweaks or small adjustments which they have added themselves. It took time for


  • Rachel to develop her seasoning skills, mainly through trial and error – a way of solving problems by trying a number of different methods and learning from the mistakes you make along the way.

    蕾切爾主要通過 "試錯 "來提高自己的調味技能。"試錯 "是一種解決問題的方法,即嘗試多種不同的方法,並從途中所犯的錯誤中吸取教訓。

  • Whether you're fleeing war, starting a new job or enjoying a cream tea, it seems there's lots to learn about a place from its food, including Britain. So I think it's time to reveal the answer to my question, Neil. Why is the traditional British cream tea controversial?


  • Well I guessed it was because people disagree about whether cream or jam should go on the scone first.


  • Which was the correct answer. And anyone who says it's jam first is just wrong. OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learnt in this programme, starting with comfort zone – a situation in which you feel comfortable and in control.


  • To adapt means to change so as to successfully fit in with a new situation.


  • A staple is a basic and important type of food that is regularly eaten by a large portion of the population.


  • The phrase to be in for a shock means to be guaranteed to experience a surprising or unpleasant situation.

    驚弓之鳥 "指的是一定會遇到令人吃驚或不愉快的情況。

  • A tweak is a small adjustment to something in order to improve it.


  • And finally, if you solve a problem by trial and error, you try a number of different methods and learn from the mistakes you make.


  • Once again, our six minutes are up and remember to join us again next time here at 6 Minute

    我們的 6 分鐘時間又到了,記得下次再來參加我們的 "6 分鐘 "節目。

  • English. Goodbye for now!


  • Bye!


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

您好。這裡是 BBC Learning English 頻道的 6 分鐘英語。我是尼爾

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學習新的飲食文化 ⏲️ 6 分鐘英語 (Learning a new food culture ⏲️ 6 Minute English)

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    八美雅白 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 02 日