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  • We begin with the latest on Typhoon Graton, which is bearing down on the country, set to bring heavy winds and rain.

    我們首先關注颱風 "格拉頓 "的最新情況。"格拉頓 "正向該國襲來,並將帶來強風和暴雨。

  • A so-called Typhoon Day has been declared, meaning all schools, offices and businesses have closed their doors.


  • Graton has slowly been making its way around Taiwan's southwestern coast and is expected to swing northeast across the island.


  • It's now likely to make landfall on Wednesday night at the earliest, later than earlier predictions before hovering over the country for a few days.


  • Extreme rain warnings are in place in 15 counties and cities, especially along the south and east coasts.

    15 個縣市發佈了暴雨預警,尤其是南部和東部沿海地區。

  • Twenty-two roads or bridges are closed and over a hundred landslide warnings are in place in Hualien County on Taiwan's mountainous east.

    在臺灣東部山區的花蓮縣,有 22 座道路或橋樑被關閉,一百多個山體滑坡警報已經發布。

  • Around the country, dozens of people have been reported injured and one person is missing.


  • Flights have also been cancelled to outlying islands, leaving hundreds of passengers stranded.


  • Meanwhile, the crew from a Barbados-registered ship that flooded in the outer current of Typhoon Graton has been rescued, but an investigation is ongoing into oil that may have spilled from the ship.


  • While the typhoon is expected to weaken as it crosses Taiwan, officials are still warning of the potential for deadly floods and landslides.


  • Rick Glauert is live for us in the southern city of Tainan, where the storm is expected to make landfall.

    裡克-格勞爾特(Rick Glauert)正在南部城市臺南為我們進行現場報道,暴風雨預計將在這裡登陸。

  • Rick, how are things looking down there in Tainan?


  • Well, this is the harbour front of Anping, the ancient port district of Tainan.


  • Wind, rain picking up here, but it's the water level of the harbours and rivers that are concerning the 70,000 residents of this district, many people living just metres away from the water.

    這裡風大雨急,但港口和河流的水位卻令該區的 7 萬居民擔憂,許多人的住所離水面只有幾米遠。

  • We spent the morning with this district's chief.


  • He talked us through some of the preparations they're making as Typhoon Graton barrels towards this region.

    他向我們介紹了颱風 "格拉頓 "在向這一地區逼近時他們正在做的一些準備工作。

  • They've deployed 12 pumps to take water out of drains to prevent roads from flooding.

    他們出動了 12 臺水泵,從排水溝中抽水,防止道路被淹。

  • They've put barriers and sandbags over the front of underground car parks and houses to prevent them from flooding.


  • And in this district alone, for 70,000 people, they've set up 16 evacuation centres in places like schools and community centres should people need to flee their homes.

    僅在這個區,他們就為 7 萬人在學校和社區中心等地設立了 16 個疏散中心,以備人們需要逃離家園時使用。

  • This typhoon coming just a couple of months after the deadly typhoon Kemi, many people saying that lessons were learned there and the city officials we've been spending time with saying that they're confident in their preparations to keep this city safe.

    這次颱風是在致命颱風 "凱米 "幾個月後來襲,很多人都說從那次颱風中吸取了教訓,而與我們共事的市政官員也表示,他們對確保城市安全的準備工作充滿信心。

  • But this is a rare typhoon, both in its intensity and in its direction.


  • It's hitting Taiwan, not from the mountainous east, but from the west, hitting large urban centres like the city of Tainan.


  • There's also concerns that as the typhoon approaches the coast, that low pressure could cause a storm surge, increasing the risk of flooding.


  • So many preparations here in Tainan, but some of them still untested.


We begin with the latest on Typhoon Graton, which is bearing down on the country, set to bring heavy winds and rain.

我們首先關注颱風 "格拉頓 "的最新情況。"格拉頓 "正向該國襲來,並將帶來強風和暴雨。

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【即時新聞】連放三天!臺南準備迎接超強颱風山陀兒的到來 (Tainan Prepares for Super Typhoon Krathon's Arrival|TaiwanPlus News)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 02 日