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  • In this video, we're going to talk about how to calculate the momentum of a photon.


  • The formula for it is momentum is equal to Planck's constant divided by the wavelength of a photon.


  • Now for those of you who want to see the derivation for the formula, it starts from this equation.


  • E squared is equal to the rest mass of a photon times c squared squared plus the momentum times c squared.

    E 的平方等於光子的靜止品質乘以 c 的平方再加上動量乘以 c 的平方。

  • Now a photon is defined as not having any rest mass.


  • So this is zero.


  • It does have effective mass, but not any rest mass.


  • So we get this.


  • Now if we take the square root of both sides, we get that the energy of a photon is equal to the momentum times the speed of light.


  • Dividing both sides by c, we get that E over c is equal to the momentum.

    將兩邊都除以 c,我們可以得出,E 大於 c 等於動量。

  • Now E is equal to hf, it's Planck's constant times the frequency.

    現在,E 等於 hf,是普朗克常數乘以頻率。

  • And keep in mind the speed of light is equal to the wavelength of a photon times its frequency.


  • So if we were to isolate lambda, it would be c over f.

    是以,如果我們要將 lambda 分離出來,那就是 c 大於 f。

  • If we were to raise both sides to the negative one, we get that f over c is one over lambda.

    如果我們把兩邊都提升到負一,就會得到 f over c 是 one over lambda。

  • So we can write this as h times f over c and then replace f over c with what we have here.

    是以,我們可以將其寫成 h 乘以 f over c,然後用這裡的內容替換 f over c。

  • So h times one over lambda.

    所以 h 乘以 1,大於 lambda。

  • So we get that the momentum of a photon is Planck's constant divided by the wavelength.


  • So whenever the wavelength of a photon changes, the momentum of that photon will change as well.


  • So to finish this problem, let's replace h with this value, 6.626 times 10 to the negative 34 joules times seconds.

    是以,為了完成這個問題,讓我們用這個值來代替 h,即 6.626 乘以 10 的負 34 焦耳乘以秒。

  • And we're going to divide it by the wavelength.


  • So for part A, we have a 700 nanometer wavelength, or 700 times 10 to the negative 9 meters.

    是以,對於 A 部分,我們的波長是 700 納米,即 700 乘以 10 到負 9 米。

  • And so the momentum is going to be 9.466 times 10 to the negative 28 kilograms times meters per second.

    是以,動量將是每秒 9.466 乘以 10 的負 28 千克乘以米。

  • So that's the momentum of a photon of red light.


  • Now what about part B?

    那麼 B 部分呢?

  • What is the momentum of a 350 nanometer photon of UV light?

    350 納米紫外線光子的動量是多少?

  • So notice that the momentum has been reduced by a factor of 2.

    所以請注意,動量已經減少了 2 倍。

  • What happens to the, I mean the wavelength was reduced by a factor of 2.

    我是說波長縮短了 2 倍。

  • So what happens to the momentum of a photon if we reduce the wavelength?


  • Notice that it's on the bottom of the fraction.


  • Anytime you decrease the denominator of a fraction, the value of the whole fraction goes up.


  • So if you decrease the wavelength, the momentum is going to increase.


  • So let's use the same formula to calculate the new momentum.


  • So all we've got to do is change the wavelength from 700 to 350 nanometers.

    是以,我們要做的就是把波長從 700 納米改為 350 納米。

  • Of course, we could simply double our first answer, and that will give us the same answer as well.


  • So this is going to be 1.893 times 10 to the negative 27 kilograms times meters per second.

    是以,這將是每秒 1.893 乘以 10 的負 27 千克乘以米。

  • So that's the momentum of the photon of UV light.


  • At 350 nanometers.

    350 納米。

  • Now let's try this problem.


  • What is the effective mass of a 450 nanometer photon of blue light?

    450 納米藍光光子的有效品質是多少?

  • Now we could use this equation to get that answer.


  • Momentum is equal to Planck's constant divided by the wavelength.


  • Now we know that momentum is mass times velocity.


  • So when using this equation, this will be treated as effective mass times velocity.


  • The velocity of a photon is going to be the speed of light.


  • And that's going to equal Planck's constant times the wavelength.


  • So the effective mass is going to be, if we divide both sides by c, is Planck's constant divided by the wavelength times the speed of light.

    是以,如果我們把兩邊都除以 c,有效品質就是普朗克常數除以波長乘以光速。

  • So this is the formula that we could use to calculate the effective mass of a photon.


  • And notice that the only thing that can change here is the wavelength.


  • Planck's constant and the speed of light, they're both constant values.


  • So the only thing that changes is the wavelength.


  • As the wavelength of the photon increases, the effective mass of that photon decreases.


  • Anytime the wavelength goes up, the frequency of the photon goes down.


  • The energy that that photon carries goes down as well.


  • So now let's get the answer.


  • So we have Planck's constant, which is this number.


  • And then that's going to be divided by the wavelength, which is 450 nanometers, or 450 times 10 to the negative 9 meters.

    然後再除以波長,波長是 450 納米,即 450 乘以 10 得到負 9 米。

  • And then times the speed of light, 3 times 10 to the 8 meters per second.


  • So let's go ahead and plug that in.


  • So we get this value for the effective mass, 4.908.

    是以,我們得出有效品質為 4.908。

  • I guess we can round that to 4.91.

    我想我們可以把它四捨五入為 4.91。

  • Times 10 to the negative 36 kilograms.

    10 乘以負 36 千克。

  • It's very, very, very, very small.


  • Very close to zero.


  • But that is the effective mass of a 450 nanometer photon of blue light.

    但這只是 450 納米藍光光子的有效品質。

In this video, we're going to talk about how to calculate the momentum of a photon.


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B2 中高級 中文 美國腔

光子動量和有效品質 (Photon Momentum and Effective Mass)

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    kevin 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 02 日