So what happens now when a ray of light travels from one medium to another and here we have air and water, doesn't matter just two different mediums and the index of refraction for air and 1 equals 1 for water and 2 equals 1.33 Now notice that the light does not travel straight across the boundary at a line that's perpendicular or normal to the surface, it travels at an angle relative to the normal and when it crosses a boundary like that something else happens to the light besides it slowing down, it also changes direction, it bends or it refracts as we call it and in the case of light that travels from an index of refraction which is smaller to an index of refraction which is larger the bending will be what we call towards the normal so the angle between the normal and the ray will become smaller and so the light will do something like this and this will now be theta sub 2 notice that theta sub 2 is indeed smaller than theta sub 1 Well how do we actually find out what those angles are?
那麼,當光線從一種介質傳播到另一種介質時,會發生什麼呢?這裡有空氣和水,無所謂,只是兩種不同的介質,空氣的折射率 1 等於 1,水的折射率 2 等於 1。33 現在請注意,光線並不是直線穿過與表面垂直或法線的邊界,它是以相對於法線的角度穿過邊界的、當光線從折射率較小的地方傳播到折射率較大的地方時,會發生我們所說的向法線彎曲,是以法線和光線之間的夾角會變小,所以光線會發生類似這樣的變化,這就是θ sub 2,注意θ sub 2確實比θ sub 1小。