If you clicked on this video hoping to find some magical tip that you haven't already heard from those hundreds of other videos how to get straight A's, how I effortlessly get A's, you've come to the right place because this is a no BS, far truth, how I always got straight A's even at one of the hardest engineering schools in the world, even when I had really terrible teachers even when I was actually doing terrible in my classes and I thought I would fail.
如果你點擊這個視頻是希望找到一些神奇的竅門,而這些竅門你還沒有從其他成百上千的視頻中聽到過,那你就來對地方了,因為這就是一個沒有廢話、深入淺出的真相,告訴你我是如何在世界上最難的工科學校之一一直拿到全 A 的,即使我遇到了非常糟糕的老師,即使我在課堂上表現得非常糟糕,我以為我會掛科。