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  • I'll talk to you later.


  • Carly.


  • Carly.


  • Keep it together.


  • You can do this.


  • Stay with me Carly

    卡莉 我在這

  • Carly...


  • Carly


  • Carly, are you there?

    卡莉 妳在嗎?

  • You're here now.


  • There's no avoiding it.


  • Where?


  • The first step. Reminiscing and retracting

    第一階段 緬懷與收回

  • I don't wanna get up.


  • That's fine. You can lay here all day.

    不要緊 妳可以躺一整天

  • You can cry all night.


  • You are allowed to do all the things you've promised to yourself that you'll never do.

    那些自己發誓絕不去做的事 儘管去做

  • Like listen to an old voice message to hear his voice

    例如 聽舊語音訊息 只為了聽他聲音

  • Sorry I missed your call. I'm in subway right now. But I'll call you back later, okay?

    抱歉 沒接到電話 我在電車上了 晚點打給妳 好嗎

  • Or wish him message you. Just so you know, he was thinking of you too.

    或 期待收到他的簡訊 這樣妳才知道 他也在想妳

  • But at the same time, when she wouldn't. Because it would only make you miss him more.

    但同時 又不希望他傳來 因為這只會讓妳更想他

  • And you know you shouldn't, butyou text him. Maybe even call him.

    雖知道不行 但…還是傳訊給他了 甚至打給他

  • You've fight it. But you lose.

    內心有掙扎過 但…輸了

  • You watch the sappy rom coms.


  • It's cliché but go ahead. Eat from the crumbs.

    雖然有點老套 但…吃吧 盡情狼吞虎嚥

  • I miss everything about him.


  • What do you miss?


  • How steady he felt when I hug him tight.

    懷念緊緊抱著他時 充滿內心的安全感

  • The way he would rest his chin on top of my head.

    想念他下巴偎著我頭頂時的 那種感覺

  • Sharing his hand felt when he catch me through the crowd.

    懷念穿越人群時 他緊緊握著我的手

  • That look in his eyes when he accidentally ate the last cookies.

    想念他不小心吃掉最後一塊餅乾時 望向我的眼神

  • Sweety kisses after he worked out which made me cringed every time. But

    他健身完 會故意親我 每次我都拼命閃躲 但…

  • now it just make me smile.

    現在想起來 卻讓我微笑

  • I miss it all.


  • That's okay. You're allowed to. You're supposed to.

    沒關係 妳可以想念 這很正常

  • It's okay you do look like crap and not caring.

    想邋里邋遢 不修邊幅 也沒關係

  • Who do you try to impress anyway.


  • Do you see him?


  • Everywhere


  • Hey. It's okay to purposely avoid all those places in the pain.

    嘿 就儘管避開令人心痛的場所吧

  • You just wanna be alone.


  • You friend insist on taking you out. Butall you want is

    朋友們堅持帶妳去走走 但…妳想要的只是

  • To shut off all the lights.


  • Curl up in bed and cry some more.

    把自己蜷曲在床上 再哭一會

  • Your friends are try to help by saying:

    朋友們想幫妳走出來 於是說

  • You can do so much better.


  • I didn't like him in anyways.


  • I don't want to hear any of that.


  • It doesn't help at all.


  • I justwanna back in my life.


  • Or do you just miss the thought of him?

    還是 妳只是懷念有他的生活?

  • You miss the routine, the comfort, the body, that's all, right?

    想念那些甜蜜日常 安全感 肉體溫度 就只是這樣 對吧?

  • No. at this point, you just miss him.

    不 在這個時間點 妳就只是想他

  • And that's okay.


  • Carly


  • Carly. Are you there?

    卡莉 妳在嗎?

  • Yeah.

  • Do you wanna get up?


  • Actually, I do.

    其實 我想耶

  • How long was I there?


  • It doesn't matter. All that matter is that you're ready

    這不重要 重要的是 妳準備好了

  • For the next step


  • Release


  • I'm hungry.


  • I think you can put some effort into looking sort of decent.

    我想 妳該試著讓自己看起來像樣一點

  • What does that to do?


  • Brushing your hair? Maybe a little eye shadow. Some blush?

    梳個頭吧 再上點眼影 塗點腮紅?

  • Yea. No. you're right. No blush yet.

    好吧 妳是對的 先別上腮紅

  • Call up one or two of your close friends to catch up.

    約一兩個好姊妹 聊聊近況

  • You're ready to talk a little bit about your ex. But this time with a clear hair.

    已經能聊點前男友了 這次 頭髮是整齊的

  • You might see cute guys for their eyes but nothing stirs inside your heart.

    妳可能會與帥哥對到眼 但心中不會起任何漣漪

  • No butterflies, no sparks, no interest.

    不會小鹿亂撞 擦不出火花 激不起興趣

  • Because I still miss him. You'll for a while

    因為我還在想他 這還會持續一陣子

  • but at least the urge of contact him or check up become less frequent.

    但至少 不再一直有衝動想打給他

  • You just have to learn to suppress those urges now.


  • How long will I be here?


  • As long as you need to be.

    需要待多久 就待多久

  • You're up early. -I'm ready.

    今天真早! -我準備好了!

  • The next step. Rebuilding.

    下一階段 重建

  • One day becomes two. Two becomes a week.

    一天變成兩天 兩天變成一週

  • Weeks become months. And soon you're ready to prove to yourself that you can live on.

    幾週變成幾月 很快的 妳準備好證明自己能獨立生活了

  • You actually wanna go out. Socialize, meet new people.

    妳渴望出門走走 與人交流 認識新朋友

  • You talk, laugh, flirt.

    與人聊天 談笑 調情

  • Yes even flirt. Or whatever you call what you just did.

    沒錯 甚至調情 不管用哪個詞 總之就是妳剛剛做的動作

  • I'm a little rusty. -It's okay. It's been a while.

    我還不太習慣 -沒關係 畢竟有好一陣子了

  • As long as you're smiling again.

    只要能再度微笑 就好

  • You start doing things toward a better version of you.


  • Trying the fruit clans. Finally taking that trip to Europe.

    嘗試養生蔬果汁 終於去了趟歐洲

  • Trying yoga for the first time. cutting your hair

    第一次體驗瑜珈 剪頭髮…

  • Oh, okay. Nothing too crazy.

    噢 好吧 別那麼瘋

  • Running a marathon, checking out a museum,

    跑馬拉松 參觀博物館

  • cleaning out your old clothes.


  • You start to see life without him.

    開始發現 沒有他 也能生活

  • Carly.


  • It was the first time he came over.


  • I cooked spaghetti and he got a stain on it.

    我煮了義大利麵 他衣服弄髒了

  • I put it into a wash away.

    所以脫下來 拿去洗

  • We ended up talking for hours.


  • And he forgot it here.


  • You've made so much progress Carly. Please.

    卡莉 妳進步很多了 真的

  • I kept it in the closet as a reminder of that night.

    後來我把衣服留在衣櫃裡 紀念那晚

  • That was almost four years ago.


  • I thought he was the one.

    我曾相信 他就是對的人

  • We both did.


  • Yeah. It did feel special.

    沒錯 曾覺得這段感情很特別

  • It was.

    對 曾經

  • And it always will be.


  • Sometimes no matter how hard you try,

    有時 不管妳多努力

  • something can always hold you back for moving on.


  • A lingering memory, a false hope.

    一抹回憶徘徊 一絲虛妄期待

  • And you fold back a few steps.


  • But if you could be strong, you'll finally make it out.

    但 只要妳夠堅強 總有一天會走出來的

  • Renewed


  • The world is brighter, happier, lighter.

    世界變得更明亮 更愉悅 更輕盈

  • That huge weight of pain and fear has been left and all you feel is excitement.

    痛苦與恐懼不再是不可承受之重 妳只感受到興奮

  • Excitement for what's to come. Excitement for the possibilities.

    期待即將到來的事物 期待各種可能性

  • At this point, it's not even about finding another person to love.

    這時 甚至不用刻意去找個新戀人

  • It's about finding who you are as a person. As a human

    而是認識自己 從心出發

  • It's only when you don't have to consider anyone else that you could focus completely on your own life.

    不用再考慮他人 認真活出自己的人生

  • And creating the best possible version of yourself.


  • But there's no harm in smiling back at the cute guy in coffee shop.

    不過 對咖啡店的帥哥回以微笑也是無妨

  • Even the strong cry,


  • when no one's looking


  • we try


  • not to be scared on the outside,


  • but I know that there's strength from the fall,

    但我知道 失敗使人堅強

  • it's not weak, to be weak at all.

    容許自己脆弱 其實並不脆弱

I'll talk to you later.



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