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  • I can't go to sleep without my teddy T.E.D. held hands and said T.E.D. teddy One little alphablock went off to bed Four little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head I need a cuddle before I can sleep H.U.G. held hands and said H.U.G.

    沒有泰迪熊我睡不著 T.E.D. 牽著手說:"T.E.D. 泰迪熊" 一個小字母鎖上床睡覺了 四個小字母鎖在床上跳來跳去 一個掉了下來,撞到了頭 我需要抱抱才能睡覺 H.U.G. 牽著手說:"H.U.G.

  • One more alphablock went off to bed Three little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped her head Actually, I just can't get to sleep N.A.P. held hands and said N.A.P.

    又有一個字母鐘上床睡覺了 三個小字母鐘在床上蹦蹦跳跳 一個掉了下來,撞到了頭 其實,我就是睡不著 N.A.P. 手拉著手說 N.A.P.

  • One more alphablock went off to bed Two little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head C.O.T. held hands and said C.O.T.

    又有一個字母鎖上床睡覺了 兩個小字母鎖在床上蹦蹦跳跳 一個掉了下來,撞到了頭 C.O.T.手拉手說 C.O.T.

  • One more alphablock went off to bed One little alphablock jumping on the bed That's me!

    又有一個字母塊上床睡覺了 一個小字母塊在床上跳 那就是我!

  • I fell off and bumped my head I, I need a kiss goodnight L.I.P.S. held hands and said L.I.P.S.

    我摔了下來,撞到了頭,我需要一個吻,晚安,L.I.P.S. 牽著我的手說 L.I.P.S. 。

  • No more alphablocks jumping on the bed Alphablocks!

    不再有字母小精靈在床上跳來跳去了 字母小精靈

  • Feeling sleepy And so the pretty princess lay down on a big comfortable I need something to lie on Do something Red!


  • And as Little Red Riding Hood made her way through the forest The big bad wolf jumped out Please try again T.E.D.

    當小紅帽穿過森林時,大灰狼跳了出來 請再試一次 T.E.D.。

  • Who's been eating my porridge?


  • Growled the Daddy Bear No, that's Goldilocks My turn!

    熊爸爸咆哮道 不,該金髮姑娘上場了!

  • E.D.


  • Bed!

  • So the pretty princess lay down on a big comfortable bed And fell fast asleep Plenty of years passed Prickly plants grew all over the palace Preventing anyone from getting in But then an extremely brave and handsome prince came to the princess' rescue Did somebody say X?

    於是,漂亮的公主躺在一張舒適的大床上,很快就睡著了 很多年過去了,宮殿里長滿了刺人的植物,任何人都進不來。

  • No Oh yes you did Oh no I, oh wait, yes I did Wake up fair princess X!

    不,哦,是的,你做到了 哦,不,我,哦,等等,是的,我做到了 醒來吧,美麗的公主 X!

  • X!


  • And they lived happily ever after Alphablocks!


  • Moon!


  • What's a moon?


  • No We're on the moon No way Moo No, don't eat the moon No!

    不 我們在月球上 不可能 Moo No, don't eat the moon No!

  • Anyone for tea?


  • Lovely, but how will we get home?


  • Oooo Funny smell Truly terrible tootsies Try again Oooo Hoot!

    Oooo Funny smell Truly terrible tootsies 再試一次 Oooo Hoot!

  • Oooo Boo Boo Oooo Oooo Boo Boo Oooo Boo Boo Alphablocks!

    Oooo Boo Boo Oooo Boo Oooo Boo Alphablocks!

  • We'll grind the wheat and grind it well I'm the little white hen I'm ready to go, who can help me mix the dough?


  • Not I said the cat, not I said the pig Well fancy that Along came X X strikes again, I'm here to help the little red hen Mix Nice Now who will help me bake the bread?

    不是我說的貓,也不是我說的豬 好吧,看誰來了 X X 又來了,我是來幫小紅雞攪拌的 現在誰來幫我烤麵包?

  • But all the animals shook their heads Not I said the dog, not I said the cat, not I said the pig Well fancy that Along came H and O and T Hot!

    但所有的動物都搖了搖頭 我沒說是狗,我沒說是貓,我也沒說是豬 瞧瞧,H、O 和 T 也來了!

  • It's hot, said H, so carefully The bread smelled good Nice, said H, now who will help me eat this bread?

    很熱,H 說,所以要小心點 麵包聞起來很香 很好,H 說,現在誰來幫我吃這個麵包?

  • I will, said the dog, I will, said the cat, I will, said the pig Well fancy that Out came the words No way, not you lot, no chance, not today I'll only share it with my friends And this is where our story ends No, not enough, said the little red hen Then he had an idea Let's make it ten And that's the story of the little red hen Who liked to say no every now and then But he's learned a new word, can you guess?

    我願意,狗說,我願意,貓說,我願意,豬說 好吧,你看,就這樣說出來了 不可能,你們不可能,沒機會,今天不可能 我只和我的朋友們分享 我們的故事到此結束 不,不夠,小紅雞說 然後他有了一個主意 讓我們變成十個 這就是小紅雞的故事 他喜歡時不時地說 "不" 但他學會了一個新詞,你能猜出來嗎?

  • The little red hen can now say...


  • Yes!


  • Yes to the dog, yes to the cat, yes to the pig Well fancy that One day, Little Red Riding Hood decided to visit her grandmother Who lived on the other side of a deep, dark...


  • Moon Moon?


  • Don't you think wood might be better?


  • We like moon Just then, from behind a tree, out jumped a big, bad...

    我們喜歡月亮 就在這時,從一棵樹後面跳出一個又大又壞的...

  • Wolf Wolf, it's supposed to be wolf The wolf was called the big, bad wolf Because he was very big and very...

    狼",應該是 "wolf","狼 "被稱為 "大壞狼",因為它非常大,非常...

  • Good Good?


  • So the big, good wolf kept Little Red Riding Hood safe As they walked to her grandmother's...

    大灰狼保護小紅帽的安全 當她們走到外婆家的時候,大灰狼突然...

  • Boot, of course What else?


  • When the wolf saw grandma, he began to lick his lips Yum, yum, yum, growled the wolf I'm very, very hungry But the wolf was a very good wolf And indeed a very good...

    當狼看到奶奶時,它開始舔自己的嘴脣 百勝,百勝,百勝,狼吼道 我非常非常餓 但是狼是一隻非常好的狼 而且確實是一隻非常好的狼...

  • So he went into the kitchen and made them all lots of delicious...


  • Food Food And they all lived happily ever after The end Thank you for watching!

    食物 食物 他們從此過上了幸福的生活 結束 謝謝觀看!

I can't go to sleep without my teddy T.E.D. held hands and said T.E.D. teddy One little alphablock went off to bed Four little alphablocks jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head I need a cuddle before I can sleep H.U.G. held hands and said H.U.G.

沒有泰迪熊我睡不著 T.E.D. 牽著手說:"T.E.D. 泰迪熊" 一個小字母鎖上床睡覺了 四個小字母鎖在床上跳來跳去 一個掉了下來,撞到了頭 我需要抱抱才能睡覺 H.U.G. 牽著手說:"H.U.G.

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