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  • Silently, I long for you Reading your words, remorse fills my heart My eyes are blurred with tears I yearn we may soon reunite I know I was rebellious Thought I've hurt you in the past And my mistakes were many They cannot be made right When I do not see you My heart, it aches with pain While seasons turn, I'll wait for you My days and nights filled with remorse My death and distress are such The tears stream down my face How I wish to write past trance Confess my feelings to you, God Where are you, my beloved?

    默默地,我渴望著你 讀著你的文字,悔恨充滿了我的心 我的眼睛被淚水模糊了 我渴望我們能早日重逢 我知道我很叛逆 以為我過去傷害過你 我的錯誤很多 它們無法彌補 當我看不到你時 我的心、我的日夜充滿了悔恨 我的死亡和苦惱讓我淚流滿面 我多想寫下過去的恍惚 向你傾訴我的情感,上帝 你在哪裡,我的夫妻?

  • My heart yearns to see your face Where are you, my beloved?

    我的心渴望看到你的臉 你在哪裡,我的夫妻?

  • My heart burns for your embrace We are of the same heart and mind We shall be together forever We are of the same heart and mind Composing a love song together I often think of your voice Your smile recalling those happy days Your earnest words ring in my ears And will last long as I live These lonely years have been torment And it's hard to take How I dream of turning back time How I long to be by your side Where are you, my beloved?

    我的心在燃燒,渴望你的擁抱 我們心心相印,永遠在一起 我們心心相印,共同譜寫一首情歌 我常常想起你的聲音 你的微笑讓我回想起那些快樂的日子 你懇切的話語在我耳邊迴響,將伴隨我一生 這些孤獨的歲月讓我備受煎熬,難以承受 我多麼夢想時光倒流 我多麼渴望在你身邊 你在哪裡,我的夫妻?

  • My heart yearns to see your face Where are you, my beloved?

    我的心渴望看到你的臉 你在哪裡,我的夫妻?

  • My heart burns for your embrace We are of the same heart and mind We shall be together forever We are of the same heart and mind Composing a love song together We are of the same heart and mind Composing a love song together

    我的心為你的擁抱而燃燒 我們心心相印 我們將永遠在一起 我們心心相印 共同譜寫一首情歌 我們心心相印 共同譜寫一首情歌

Silently, I long for you Reading your words, remorse fills my heart My eyes are blurred with tears I yearn we may soon reunite I know I was rebellious Thought I've hurt you in the past And my mistakes were many They cannot be made right When I do not see you My heart, it aches with pain While seasons turn, I'll wait for you My days and nights filled with remorse My death and distress are such The tears stream down my face How I wish to write past trance Confess my feelings to you, God Where are you, my beloved?

默默地,我渴望著你 讀著你的文字,悔恨充滿了我的心 我的眼睛被淚水模糊了 我渴望我們能早日重逢 我知道我很叛逆 以為我過去傷害過你 我的錯誤很多 它們無法彌補 當我看不到你時 我的心、我的日夜充滿了悔恨 我的死亡和苦惱讓我淚流滿面 我多想寫下過去的恍惚 向你傾訴我的情感,上帝 你在哪裡,我的夫妻?

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B2 中高級 中文 美國腔

2023 英語基督教歌曲 | "哦,上帝,我想你" (2023 English Christian Song | "Oh God, I Miss You")

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    Lisa Kuma 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 01 日