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由 AI 自動生成
  • I'm running something called Private AI.

    我正在運行一個名為 "私人人工智能 "的系統。

  • It's kind of like ChatGPT, except it's not.

    它有點像 ChatGPT,只不過不是。

  • Everything about it is running right here on my computer.


  • I'm not even connected to the internet.


  • This is private, contained, and my data isn't being shared with some random company.


  • So in this video, I want to do two things.


  • First, I want to show you how to set this up.


  • It is ridiculously easy and fast to run your own AI on your laptop, computer, or whatever it is.


  • This is free, it's amazing, it'll take you about five minutes.


  • And if you stick around to the end, I want to show you something even crazier, a bit more advanced.


  • I'll show you how you can connect your knowledge base, your notes, your documents, your journal entries, to your own Private GPT, and then ask it questions about your stuff.

    我將向你展示如何將你的知識庫、筆記、文檔、日誌條目與你的私人 GPT 相連接,然後向它提出有關你的東西的問題。

  • And then second, I want to talk about how Private AI is helping us in the area we need help most, our jobs.


  • You may not know this, but not everyone can use ChatGPT or something like it at their job.

    您可能不知道,並不是每個人都能在工作中使用 ChatGPT 或類似功能。

  • Their companies won't let them, mainly because of privacy and security reasons.


  • But if they could run their own Private AI, that's a different story.


  • That's a whole different ballgame.


  • And VMware is a big reason this is possible.

    而 VMware 正是實現這一點的重要原因。

  • They are the sponsor of this video, and they're enabling some amazing things that companies can do on-prem in their own data center to run their own AI.


  • And it's not just the cloud, man, it's like in your data center.


  • The stuff they're doing is crazy.


  • We're gonna talk about it here in a bit.


  • But tell you what, go ahead and do this.


  • There's a link in the description.


  • Just go ahead and open it and take a little glimpse at what they're doing.


  • We're gonna dive deeper, so just go ahead and have it open right in your second monitor or something, or on the side, or minimize.


  • I don't know what you're doing, I don't know how many monitors you have.


  • You have three, actually, Bob.


  • I can see you.


  • Oh, and before we get started, I have to show you this.


  • You can run your own private AI that's kind of uncensored.


  • Like, watch this.


  • I love you, dude, I love you.

    我愛你 夥計 我愛你

  • So yeah, please don't do this to destroy me.


  • Also, make sure you're paying attention.


  • At the end of this video, I'm doing a quiz.


  • And if you're one of the first five people to get 100% on this quiz, you're getting some free coffee.

    如果您是前五名在測試中獲得 100% 高分的人之一,您將獲得免費咖啡。

  • Network Chuck coffee.


  • So take some notes, study up, let's do this.


  • Now, real quick, before we install a private local AI model on your computer, what does it even mean?


  • What's an AI model?


  • At its core, an AI model is simply an artificial intelligence pre-trained on data we've provided.


  • One you may have heard of is OpenAI's chat GPT, but it's not the only one out there.

    您可能聽說過 OpenAI 的哈拉 GPT,但它並不是唯一的一種。

  • Let's take a field trip.


  • We're gonna go to a website called

    我們要去一個叫 的網站。

  • Just an incredible brand name, I love it so much.


  • This is an entire community dedicated to providing and sharing AI models.


  • And there are a ton.


  • You're about to have your mind blown, ready?


  • I'm gonna click on models up here.


  • Do you see that number?


  • 505,000 AI models.

    50.5 萬個人工智能模型。

  • Many of these are open and free for you to use, and they're pre-trained, which is kind of a crazy thing.


  • Let me show you this.


  • We're gonna search for a model named Llama 2, one of the most popular models out there.

    我們將搜索一款名為 "Llama 2 "的機型,它是最受歡迎的機型之一。

  • We'll do Llama 2 7B.

    我們將進行喇嘛 2 7B。

  • I, again, I love the branding.


  • Llama 2 is an AI model known as an LLM or large language model.

    Llama 2 是一種人工智能模型,被稱為 LLM 或大型語言模型。

  • OpenAI's chat GPT is also an LLM.

    OpenAI 的哈拉 GPT 也是一名法學碩士。

  • Now this LLM, this pre-trained AI model was made by Meta, AKA Facebook.

    現在這個 LLM,這個預先訓練好的人工智能模型是由 Meta(又名 Facebook)製作的。

  • And what they did to pre-train this model is kind of insane.


  • And the fact that we're about to download this and use it, even crazier.


  • Check this out.


  • If you scroll down just a little bit, here we go, training data.


  • It was trained by over 2 trillion tokens of data from publicly available sources, instruction data sets, over a million human annotated examples.

    它由超過 2 萬億個來自公開來源的數據、指令數據集和超過一百萬個人工註釋示例進行訓練。

  • Data freshness, we're talking July, 2023.

    數據新鮮度,我們說的是 2023 年 7 月。

  • I love that term, data freshness.

    我喜歡 "數據新鮮度 "這個詞。

  • And getting the data was just step one.


  • Step two is insane because this is where the training happens.


  • Meta, to train this model, put together what's called a super cluster.

    為了訓練這個模型,Meta 組建了一個超級集群。

  • It already sounds cool, right?


  • This sucker is over 6,000 GPUs.

    這傢伙的 GPU 超過 6000 個。

  • It took 1.7 million GPU hours to train this model.

    該模型的訓練花費了 170 萬 GPU 小時。

  • And it's estimated it costs around $20 million to train it.

    據估計,它的訓練費用約為 2000 萬美元。

  • And now Meta's just like, here you go kid, download this incredibly powerful thing.

    現在 Meta 就像在說,給你,孩子,下載這個無比強大的東西。

  • I don't want to call it a being yet.


  • I'm not ready for that.


  • But this intelligent source of information that you can just download on your laptop and ask it questions.


  • No internet required.


  • And this is just one of the many models we could download.


  • They have special models like text to speech, image to image.


  • They even have uncensored ones.


  • They have an uncensored version of Allama too.


  • This guy, George Sung, took this model and fine tuned it with a pretty hefty GPU, took him 19 hours and made it to where you could pretty much ask this thing anything you wanted.

    這個叫喬治-宋的傢伙利用這個模型,並通過一個相當大的 GPU 對其進行了微調,他花了 19 個小時,終於做到了你可以問這個東西任何你想要的東西。

  • Whatever question comes to mind, it's not going to hold back.


  • So how do we get this fine tuned model onto your computer?


  • Well, actually I should warn you, this involves quite a bit of Allamas, more than you would expect.


  • Our journey starts at a tool called Allama.

    我們的旅程從一個名為 "阿拉瑪 "的工具開始。

  • Let's go ahead and take a field trip out there real quick.


  • We'll go to


  • All we have to do is install this little guy, Mr. Allama.


  • And then we can run a ton of different LLMs.

    然後,我們就可以運行大量不同的 LLM。

  • Llama2, Code Llama, told you lots of llamas.

    拉瑪 2,代號 "拉瑪",告訴你有很多拉瑪。

  • And there's others that are pretty fun like Llama2 Uncensored, more llamas.

    還有一些其他的遊戲也很有趣,比如《Llama2 Uncensored》,裡面有更多的駱駝。

  • Mistral, I'll show you in a second.


  • But first, what do we install Allama on?


  • We can see right down here that we have it available on Mac OS and Linux, but oh, bummer, Windows coming soon.

    我們可以看到,我們已經在 Mac OS 和 Linux 上提供了該軟件,但無奈的是,Windows 即將推出。

  • It's okay, because we've got WSL, the Windows Subsystem for Linux, which is now really easy to set up.

    沒關係,因為我們已經有了 WSL,Linux 的 Windows 子系統,現在設置起來非常簡單。

  • So we'll go ahead and click on download right here.


  • For Mac OS, you'll just simply download this and install it like one of your regular applications.

    對於 Mac OS,只需下載並安裝即可,就像安裝普通應用程序一樣簡單。

  • For Linux, we'll click on this.

    對於 Linux,我們將點擊這個。

  • We got a fun curl command that will copy and paste.

    我們有一個有趣的 curl 命令,可以複製和粘貼。

  • Now, because we're going to install WSL on Windows, this will be the same step.

    現在,因為我們要在 Windows 上安裝 WSL,所以這將是相同的步驟。

  • So, Mac OS folks, go ahead and just run that installer.

    是以,Mac OS 的用戶請繼續運行安裝程序。

  • Linux and Windows folks, let's keep going.

    Linux 和 Windows 的朋友們,讓我們繼續。

  • Now, if you're on Windows, all you have to do now to get WSL installed is launch your Windows terminal.

    現在,如果你使用的是 Windows 系統,要安裝 WSL,只需啟動 Windows 終端即可。

  • Just go to your search bar and search for terminal.


  • And with one command, it'll just happen.


  • It used to be so much harder, which is WSL dash dash install.

    以前的安裝難度很大,這就是 WSL 儀表盤的安裝。

  • It'll go through a few steps.


  • It'll install Ubuntu as default.

    它將默認安裝 Ubuntu。

  • I'll go ahead and let that do that.


  • And boom, just like that, I've got Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS installed, and I'm actually inside of it right now.

    就這樣,我安裝好了 Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS,現在我就在裡面。

  • So now at this point, Linux and Windows folks, we've converged, we're on the same path.

    是以,在這一點上,Linux 和 Windows 的朋友們,我們已經趨於一致,走在了同一條道路上。

  • Let's install Olama.

    讓我們安裝 Olama。

  • I'm going to copy that curl command that Olama gave us, jump back into my terminal, paste that in there, and press enter.

    我要複製 Olama 給我們的 curl 命令,跳回到我的終端,把它粘貼進去,然後按回車鍵。

  • Fingers crossed, everything should be going great, like the way it is right now.


  • It'll ask for my sudo password.

    它會詢問我的 sudo 密碼。

  • And that was it.


  • Olama is now installed.

    Olama 已安裝完畢。

  • Now, this will directly apply to Linux people and Windows people.

    現在,這將直接適用於 Linux 用戶和 Windows 用戶。

  • See right here where it says NVIDIA GPU installed?

    看到這裡顯示已安裝 NVIDIA GPU 嗎?

  • If you have that, you're going to have a better time than other people who don't have that.


  • I'll show you here in a second.


  • If you don't have it, that's fine.


  • We'll keep going.


  • Now let's run an LLM.

    現在,讓我們運行一個 LLM。

  • We'll start with Llama 2.

    我們從拉瑪 2 號開始。

  • So we'll simply type in Olama, run, and then we'll pick one, Llama 2.

    是以,我們只需輸入 Olama,運行,然後選擇一個,Llama 2。

  • And that's it.


  • Ready, set, go.


  • It's going to pull the manifest.


  • It'll then start pulling down and downloading Llama 2, and I want you to just realize this, that powerful Llama 2 pre-training we talked about, all the money and hours spent, that's how big it is.

    然後它就會開始下拉並下載 Llama 2,我希望你能意識到這一點,我們所說的強大的 Llama 2 前期培訓,所花費的所有金錢和時間,就是這麼大。

  • This is the 7 billion parameter model, or the 7B.

    這就是 70 億參數模型,或稱 7B。

  • It's pretty powerful.


  • And we're about to literally have this in the palm of our hands.


  • In like three, two, one.

    三 二 一

  • Oh, I thought I had it.


  • Anyways, it's almost done.


  • And boom, it's done.

    然後 "砰 "的一聲,就完成了。

  • We've got a nice success message right here, and it's ready for us.


  • We can ask you anything.


  • Let's try, what is a pug?


  • Now, the reason this is going so fast, just like a side note, is that I'm running a GPU, and AI models love GPUs.

    現在,這一切之所以進行得如此之快,就像一個附帶說明,是因為我正在運行 GPU,而人工智能模型喜歡 GPU。

  • So let me show you real quick.


  • I did install Llama on a Linux virtual machine.

    我在 Linux 虛擬機上安裝了 Llama。

  • And I'll just demo the performance for you real quick.


  • By the way, if you're running like a Mac with an M1, M2, or M3 processor, it actually works great.

    順便說一句,如果你使用的是裝有 M1、M2 或 M3 處理器的 Mac,它的運行效果會非常好。

  • I forgot to install it.


  • I gotta install it real quick.


  • And it'll ask you that same question, what is a pug?


  • It's going to take a minute.


  • It'll still work, but it's going to be slower on CPUs.

    它仍然可以工作,但 CPU 運行速度會變慢。

  • And there it goes.


  • It didn't take too long, but notice it is a bit slower.


  • Now, if you're running WSL, and you know you have an Nvidia GPU and it didn't show up, I'll show you in a minute how you can get those drivers installed.

    現在,如果你正在運行 WSL,而且你知道你有一個 Nvidia GPU,但它沒有顯示出來,我馬上就會告訴你如何安裝這些驅動程序。

  • But anyways, just sit back for a minute, sip your coffee, and think about how powerful this is.


  • The tinfoil hat version of me, stinkin' loves this.


  • Because let's say the zombie apocalypse happens, right?


  • The grid goes down, things are crazy.


  • But as long as I have my laptop and a solar panel, I still have AI, and it can help me survive the zombie apocalypse.


  • Let's actually see how that would work.


  • It gives me next steps.


  • I can have it help me with the water filtration system.


  • This is just cool, right?


  • It's amazing.


  • But can I show you something funny?


  • You may have caught this earlier.


  • Who is Network Chuck?


  • What?


  • Dude, I've always wanted to be Rick Grimes.


  • That is so fun.


  • But seriously, it kind of like hallucinated there.


  • It didn't have the correct information.


  • It's so funny how it mixed the zombie apocalypse prompt with me.


  • I love that so much.


  • Let's try a different model.


  • I'll say bye.


  • I'll try a really fun one called Mistral.

    我想試試一款非常有趣的產品,名叫 "米斯特拉爾"(Mistral)。

  • And by the way, if you want to know which ones you can run with OLAMA, which LLMs, they got a page for their models right here.

    順便說一下,如果你想知道哪些可以用 OLAMA 運行,哪些是 LLM,他們在這裡有一個模型頁面。

  • All the ones you can run, including LLAMA2 Uncensored.

    你能運行的所有程序,包括 LLAMA2 Uncensored。

  • Wizard Math.


  • I might give that to my kids, actually.


  • Let's see what it says now.


  • Who is Network Chuck?


  • Now my name is not Chuck Davis.


  • And my YouTube channel is not called Network Chuck on Tech.

    我的 YouTube 頻道也不叫 "科技網絡查克"。

  • So clearly the data this thing was trained on is either not up to date or just plain wrong.


  • So now the question is, cool, we've got this local private AI, this LLM.


  • That's super powerful.


  • But how do we teach it the correct information for us?


  • How can I teach it to know that I'm Network Chuck, Chuck Keith, not Chuck Davis, and my channel's called Network Chuck?


  • Or maybe I'm a business and I want it to know more than just what's publicly available.


  • Because sure, right now, if you downloaded this LLM, you could probably use it in your job.


  • But you can only go so far without it knowing more about your job.


  • For example, maybe you're on a help desk.


  • Imagine if you could take your help desk's knowledge base, your IT procedures, your documentation.

    試想一下,如果你能將服務檯的知識庫、IT 程序和文檔都納入其中,你會怎樣做?

  • Not only that, but maybe you have a database of closed tickets, open tickets.


  • If you could take all that data and feed it to this LLM and then ask it questions about all of that, that would be crazy.


  • Or maybe you want it to help troubleshoot code that your company's written.


  • You can even make this LLM public facing for your customers.

    您甚至可以為客戶提供面向公眾的 LLM。

  • You feed it information about your product and the customer could interact with that chat bot you make, maybe.


  • This is all possible with a process called fine tuning, where we can train this AI on our own proprietary, secret, private stuff about our company or maybe our lives or whatever you want to use it for, whatever use case is.

    這一切都可以通過一個名為 "微調 "的過程來實現,在這個過程中,我們可以用我們自己的專有、祕密、私人的東西來訓練人工智能,比如我們的公司、我們的生活或者你想用它來做的任何事情,不管是什麼用例。

  • And this is fantastic because maybe before, you couldn't use a public LLM because you weren't allowed to share your company's data with that LLM.

    這真是太棒了,因為也許在此之前,你不能使用公共 LLM,因為你不能與該 LLM 共享你公司的數據。

  • Whether it's compliance reasons or you just simply didn't want to share that data because it's secret.


  • Whatever the case, it's possible now because this AI is private, it's local.


  • And whatever data you feed to it is gonna stay right there in your company.


  • It's not leaving the door.


  • That idea just makes me so excited because I think it is the future of AI and how companies and individuals will approach it.


  • It's gonna be more private.


  • Back to our question though, fine tuning.


  • That sounds cool, training an AI on your own data, but how does that work?


  • Because as we saw before, with pre-training a model with Meta, it took them 6,000 GPUs over 1.7 million GPU hours.

    正如我們之前看到的,使用 Meta 對模型進行預訓練,他們花費了 6000 個 GPU,超過 170 萬 GPU 小時。

  • Do we have to have this massive data center to make this happen?


  • No, check this out.


  • And this is such a fun example, VMware.


  • They asked ChatGPT, what's the latest version of VMware vSphere?

    他們問 ChatGPT,VMware vSphere 的最新版本是什麼?

  • Now the latest ChatGPT knew about was vSphere 7.0, but that wasn't helpful to VMware because their latest version they were working on, which hadn't been released yet, so it wasn't public knowledge, was vSphere 8 update 2.

    現在,ChatGPT 所知道的最新版本是 vSphere 7.0,但這對 VMware 毫無幫助,因為他們正在開發的最新版本是 vSphere 8 update 2,該版本尚未發佈,是以並不為公眾所知。

  • And they wanted information like this, internal information not yet released to the public.


  • They wanted this to be available to their internal team.


  • So they could ask something like ChatGPT, hey, what's the latest version of vSphere?

    是以,他們可以詢問類似 ChatGPT 的問題:"嘿,vSphere 的最新版本是什麼?

  • And they could answer correctly.


  • So to do what VMware is trying to do, to fine tune a model or train it on new data, it does require a lot.

    是以,要完成 VMware 所要做的工作,對模型進行微調或在新數據上進行訓練,確實需要很多東西。

  • First of all, you would need some hardware, servers with GPUs.

    首先,你需要一些硬件,配備 GPU 的服務器。

  • Then you would also need a bunch of tools and libraries and SDKs like PyTorch and TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Transformers, and FastAI.

    然後,你還需要大量的工具、庫和 SDK,如 PyTorch 和 TensorFlow、Pandas、NumPy、Scikit-Learn、Transformers 和 FastAI。

  • The list goes on.


  • You need lots of tools and resources in order to fine tune an LLM.


  • That's why I'm a massive fan of what VMware is doing.

    這就是為什麼我是 VMware 的忠實粉絲。

  • Right here, they have something called the VMware Private AI with NVIDIA.

    在這裡,他們有一種叫做 VMware Private AI with NVIDIA 的東西。

  • The gajillion things I just listed off, they include in one package, one combo meal, a recipe of AI fine tuning goodness.


  • So as a company, it becomes a bit easier to do this stuff yourself, locally.


  • For the system engineer you have on staff who knows VMware and loves it, they could do this stuff.

    如果你的系統工程師瞭解 VMware 並熱愛它,他們就可以做這些工作。

  • They could implement this.


  • And the data scientists they have on staff that will actually do some of the fine tuning, all the tools are right there.


  • So here's what it looks like to fine tune.


  • And we're gonna kinda peek behind the curtain at what a data scientist actually does.


  • So first we have the infrastructure, and we start here in vSphere.

    是以,我們首先要有基礎架構,然後從 vSphere 開始。

  • Now if you don't know what vSphere is, or VMware, think virtual machines.

    如果你不知道什麼是 vSphere 或 VMware,那就想想虛擬機吧。

  • You got one big physical server, the hardware, the stuff you can feel, touch, and smell.


  • If you haven't smelled the server, I don't know what you're doing.


  • And instead of installing one operating system on them like Windows or Linux, you install VMware's ESXi, which will then allow you to virtualize or create a bunch of additional virtual computers.

    你可以安裝 VMware 的 ESXi,而不是在上面安裝一個作業系統,如 Windows 或 Linux,這樣你就可以虛擬化或創建大量額外的虛擬計算機。

  • So instead of one computer, you've got a bunch of computers all using the same hardware resources.


  • And that's what we have right here.


  • One of those virtual computers, a virtual machine.


  • This, by the way, is one of their special deep learning VMs that has all the tools I mentioned, and many, many more, pre-installed, ready to go.


  • Everything a data scientist could love.


  • It's kinda like a surgeon walking in to do some surgery, and like their doctor assistants or whatever, have prepared all their tools.


  • It's all on the tray, laid out, nice and neat, to where the surgeon only has to do is walk in and just go scalpel.


  • That's what we're doing here for the data scientist.


  • Now talking more about hardware, this guy has a couple NVIDIA GPUs assigned to it, or passed through to it through a technology called PCIe pass-through.

    說到硬件,這傢伙配備了幾個英偉達™(NVIDIA®)GPU,或通過一種名為 PCIe 穿透的技術傳輸到它。

  • These are some beefy GPUs, and notice they are VGPUs for virtual GPU, similar to what you do with the CPU, cutting up the CPU and assigning some of that to a virtual CPU on a virtual machine.

    這些 GPU 非常強大,注意它們是虛擬 GPU 的 VGPU,類似於 CPU,將 CPU 分割開來,將其中一部分分配給虛擬機上的虛擬 CPU。

  • So here we are in data scientist world.


  • This is a Jupyter Notebook, a common tool used by a data scientist.

    這是一個 Jupyter 筆記本,是數據科學家常用的工具。

  • And what you're gonna see here is a lot of code that they're using to prepare the data, specifically the data that they're gonna train or fine-tune the existing model on.


  • Now we're not gonna dive deep on that, but I do want you to see this.


  • Check this out.


  • A lot of this code is all about getting the data ready.


  • So in VMware's case, it might be a bunch of their knowledge base, product documentation, and they're getting it ready to be fed to the LLM.

    是以,在 VMware 的案例中,這可能是他們的知識庫、產品文檔,他們正準備將其輸入 LLM。

  • And here's what I wanted you to see.


  • Here's the dataset that we're training this model on, or fine-tuning.


  • We only have 9,800 examples that we're giving it, or 9,800 new prompts or pieces of data.

    我們只給它提供了 9800 個例子,或者 9800 個新的提示或數據。

  • And that data might look like this, like a simple question or a prompt.


  • And then we feed it the correct answer.


  • And that's how we essentially train AI.


  • But again, we're only giving it 9,800 examples, which is not a lot at all.

    但同樣,我們只舉了 9800 個例子,根本不算多。

  • And it's extremely small compared to how the model was originally trained.


  • And I point that out to say that we're not gonna need a ton of hardware or a ton of resources to fine-tune this model.


  • We won't need the 6,000 GPUs we needed for Meta to originally create this model.

    我們不需要 Meta 最初創建這個模型所需的 6000 個 GPU。

  • We're just kind of adding to it, changing some things or fine-tuning it to what our use case is.


  • And looking at what actually will be changed when we run this, when we train it.


  • We're only changing 65 million parameters, which sounds like a lot, right?

    我們只改變了 6500 萬個參數,聽起來很多,對吧?

  • But not in the grand scheme of things of like a 7 billion parameter model.

    但在類似 70 億參數模型的宏大計劃中,這並不重要。

  • We're only changing 0.93% of the model.

    我們只改變了模型的 0.93%。

  • And then we can actually run our fine-tuning, which this is a specific technique in fine-tuning called prompt-tuning, where we simply feed it additional prompts with answers to change how it will react to people asking it questions.

    然後,我們就可以進行微調,這是微調中的一項特殊技術,叫做 "提示微調",我們只需向它提供額外的提示和答案,就能改變它對人們提問的反應。

  • This process will take three to four minutes to fine-tune it because again, we're not changing a lot.


  • And that is just so super powerful.


  • And I think VMware is leading the charge with private AI.

    我認為,VMware 正在引領私有人工智能的發展。

  • VMware and NVIDIA take all the guesswork out of getting things set up to fine-tune in LLM.

    VMware 和英偉達™(NVIDIA®)為在 LLM 中進行微調的設置消除了所有猜測。

  • They've got deep learning VMs, which are insane.


  • VMs that come pre-installed with everything you could want, everything a data scientist would need to fine-tune in LLM.

    虛擬機預裝了你想要的一切,以及數據科學家在 LLM 中需要微調的一切。

  • And then NVIDIA has an entire suite of tools centered around their GPUs, taking advantage of some really exciting things to help you fine-tune your LLMs.

    此外,英偉達™(NVIDIA®)還擁有一整套以 GPU 為中心的工具,利用一些非常令人興奮的功能來幫助您微調 LLM。

  • Now, there's one thing I didn't talk about because I wanted to save it for last, for right now.


  • It's this right here, this Vector Database PostgreSQL box here.

    就是這裡,這個 Vector Database PostgreSQL 框。

  • This is something called RAG.

    這就是所謂的 RAG。

  • And it's what we're about to do with our own personal GPT here in a bit.

    這也是我們稍後要做的個人 GPT。

  • Retrieval Augmented Generation.


  • So scenario, let's say you have a database of product information, internal docs, whatever it is, and you haven't fine-tuned your LLM on this just yet.

    假設你有一個產品資訊、內部文檔等數據庫,而你還沒有對 LLM 進行微調。

  • So it doesn't know about it.


  • You don't have to do that.


  • With RAG, you can connect your LLM to this database, of information, this knowledge base, and give it these instructions.

    有了 RAG,你就可以將 LLM 與這個資訊數據庫、知識庫連接起來,並向它下達這些指令。

  • Say, whenever I ask you a question about any of the things in this database, before you answer, consult the database.


  • Go look at it and make sure what you're saying is accurate.


  • We're not retraining the LLM.


  • We're just saying, hey, before you answer, go check real quick in this database to make sure it's accurate, to make sure you got your stuff right.


  • Isn't that cool?


  • So yes, fine-tuning is cool, and training an LLM on your own data is awesome.

    是的,微調很酷,用自己的數據訓練 LLM 也很棒。

  • But in between those moments of fine-tuning, you can have RAG set up where it can consult your database, your internal documentation, and give correct answers based on what you have in that database.

    但在微調的間隙,你可以設置 RAG,讓它查詢你的數據庫、內部文檔,並根據數據庫中的內容給出正確答案。

  • That is so stinking cool.


  • So with VMware Private AI Foundation, with NVIDIA, they have those tools baked right in to where it just kind of works for what would otherwise be a very complex setup.

    是以,有了 VMware Private AI Foundation 和英偉達™(NVIDIA®),他們就可以將這些工具直接嵌入到原本非常複雜的設置中。

  • And by the way, this whole RAG thing, like I said earlier, we're about to do this.

    順便說一下,整個 RAG 的事情,就像我之前說的,我們正要做這件事。

  • I actually connected a lot of my notes and journal entries to a private GPT using RAG, and I was able to talk with it about me, asking it about my journal entries and answering questions about my past.

    實際上,我用 RAG 將我的很多筆記和日誌條目連接到了一個私人 GPT 上,我可以與它談論我自己,向它詢問我的日誌條目,回答有關我過去的問題。

  • That's so powerful.


  • Now, before we move on, I just wanna highlight the fact that NVIDIA, with their NVIDIA AI Enterprise, gives you some amazing, fantastic tools to pull the LLM of your choice and then fine-tune and customize and deploy that LLM.

    現在,在我們繼續之前,我只想強調一個事實,英偉達公司的英偉達人工智能企業版為你提供了一些令人驚歎的神奇工具,讓你可以選擇 LLM,然後對其進行微調、定製和部署。

  • It's all built in right here.


  • So VMware Cloud Foundation, they provide the robust infrastructure.

    是以,VMware Cloud Foundation 提供了強大的基礎架構。

  • And NVIDIA provides all the amazing AI tools you need to develop and deploy these custom LLMs.

    英偉達™(NVIDIA®)還提供了開發和部署這些定製 LLM 所需的所有人工智能工具。

  • Now, it's not just NVIDIA.


  • They're partnering with Intel as well.


  • So VMware's covering all the tools that admins care about.

    是以,VMware 涵蓋了管理員關心的所有工具。

  • And then for the data scientist, this is for you.


  • Intel's got your back.


  • Data analytics, generative AI and deep learning tools, and some classic ML, or machine learning.

    數據分析、生成式人工智能和深度學習工具,以及一些經典的 ML 或機器學習。

  • And they're also working with IBM.

    他們還與 IBM 合作。

  • All you IBM fans, you can do this too.

    所有 IBM 的粉絲們,你們也可以這樣做。

  • Again, VMware has the admin's back.

    同樣,VMware 也是管理員的後盾。

  • But for the data scientist, Watson, one of the first AI things I ever heard about.


  • Red Hat and OpenShift.

    紅帽和 OpenShift

  • And I love this because what VMware's doing is all about choice.

    我喜歡這一點,因為 VMware 所做的一切都與選擇有關。

  • If you wanna run your own local private AI, you can.


  • You're not just stuck with one of the big guys out there.


  • And you can choose to run it with NVIDIA and VMware, Intel and VMware, IBM and VMware.

    你可以選擇在英偉達™(NVIDIA®)和 VMware、英特爾™(Intel®)和 VMware、IBM™(IBM®)和 VMware 中運行它。

  • You got options.


  • So there's nothing stopping you.


  • So now for some of the bonus section of this video, and that's how to run your own private GPT with your own knowledge base.

    現在,我們來看看本視頻的獎勵部分,即如何利用自己的知識庫運行自己的私人 GPT。

  • Now, fair warning, it is a bit more advanced.


  • But if you stick with me, you should be able to get this up and running.


  • So take one more sip of coffee.


  • Let's get this going.


  • Now, first of all, this will not be using OLAMA.

    首先,我們不會使用 OLAMA。

  • This will be a separate project called PrivateGPT.

    這將是一個獨立的項目,名為 PrivateGPT。

  • Now, disclaimer, this is kind of hard to do.


  • Unlike VMware PrivateAI, which they do it all for you.

    與 VMware PrivateAI 不同的是,他們會為你做這一切。

  • It's a complete solution for companies to run their own private local AI.


  • What I'm about to show you is not that at all.


  • No affiliation with VMware.

    與 VMware 無關。

  • It's a free side project.


  • You can try just to get a little taste of what running your own private GPT with RAG tastes like.

    您可以嘗試一下用 RAG 運行自己的私人 GPT 是什麼滋味。

  • Did I do that right?


  • I don't know.


  • Now, L Martinez has a great doc on how to install this.

    現在,L Martinez 提供了一份關於如何安裝的精彩文檔。

  • It's a lot, but you can do it.


  • And if you just want a quick start, he does have a few lines of code for Linux and Mac users.

    如果你只想快速入門,他還為 Linux 和 Mac 用戶提供了幾行代碼。

  • Fair warning, this is CPU only.

    需要提醒的是,這僅適用於 CPU。

  • You can't really take advantage of RAG without a GPU, which is what I wanted to do.

    沒有 GPU 就無法真正利用 RAG,而這正是我想要做的。

  • So here's my very specific scenario.


  • I've got a Windows PC with an NVIDIA 4090.

    我有一臺裝有英偉達 4090 的 Windows 電腦。

  • How do I run this Linux-based project?

    如何運行這個基於 Linux 的項目?

  • WSL.


  • And I'm so thankful to this guy, Emilian Lancelot.


  • He put an entire guide together of how to set this up.


  • I'm not gonna walk you through every step because he already did that.


  • Link below.


  • But I seriously need to buy this guy a coffee.


  • How do I do that?


  • I don't know.


  • Emilian, if you're watching this, reach out to me.


  • I'll send you some coffee.


  • So anyways, I went through every step from installing all the prereqs to installing NVIDIA drivers and using Poetry to handle dependencies, which Poetry's pretty cool.

    總之,我經歷了從安裝所有先決條件到安裝 NVIDIA 驅動程序的每一個步驟,並使用 Poetry 來處理依賴關係,Poetry 非常酷。

  • I landed here.


  • I've got a private, local, working, private GPT that I can access through my web browser.

    我有一個專用的在地工作 GPT,可以通過網絡瀏覽器訪問。

  • And it's using my GPU, which is pretty cool.

    它還使用了我的 GPU,非常酷。

  • Now, first I try a simple document upload.


  • I've got this VMware article that details a lot of what we talked about in this video.

    我有一篇 VMware 的文章,詳細介紹了我們在視頻中談到的很多內容。

  • I upload it and I start asking it questions about this article.


  • I tried something specific, like show me something about VMware AI market growth.

    我試著問一些具體的問題,比如向我介紹一下 VMware AI 市場的增長情況。

  • Bam, it figured it out.


  • It told me.


  • Then I'm like, what's the coolest thing about VMware private AI?

    然後我就想,VMware 私有人工智能最酷的地方是什麼?

  • It told me.


  • I'm sitting here chatting with a document, but then I'm like, let's try something bigger.


  • I want to chat with my journals.


  • I've got a ton of journals on Markdown format and I want to ask it questions about me.

    我有一大堆 Markdown 格式的日誌,我想向它提出關於我的問題。

  • Now, this specific step is not covered in the article, so here's how you do it.


  • First, you'll want to grab your folder of whatever documents you want to ask questions about and throw it onto your machine.


  • So I copied over to my WSL machine and then I ingested it with this command.

    是以,我將其複製到我的 WSL 機器上,然後用這條命令將其導入。

  • Once complete and I ran private GPT again, here's all my documents and I'm ready to ask it questions.

    完成後,我再次運行了私人 GPT,這裡有我所有的文件,我已經準備好向它提問了。

  • So let's test this out.


  • I'm going to ask it, what did I do in Takayama?


  • So I went to Japan in November of 2023.

    於是,我在 2023 年 11 月去了日本。

  • Let's see if it can search my notes, figure out when that was and what I did.


  • That's awesome.


  • Oh my goodness.


  • Let's see.


  • What did I eat in Tokyo?


  • How cool is that?


  • Oh my gosh, it's so fun.


  • No, it's not perfect, but I can see the potential here.


  • That's insane.


  • I love this so much.


  • Private AI is the future.


  • And that's why we're seeing VMware bring products like this to companies to run their own private local AI.

    這就是為什麼我們看到 VMware 為公司帶來這樣的產品,以運行他們自己的私有在地人工智能。

  • And they make it pretty easy.


  • Like if you actually did that private GPT thing, that little side project, there's a lot to it.

    就像如果你真的做了那個私人 GPT 項目,那個小小的副業項目,就會有很多收穫。

  • Lots of tools you have to install.


  • It's kind of a pain, but with VMware, they kind of cover everything.

    這有點麻煩,但對於 VMware 來說,他們幾乎涵蓋了一切。

  • Like that deep learning VM they offer as part of their solution.


  • It's got all the tools ready to go.


  • Pre-baked.


  • Again, you're like a surgeon just walking in saying, scalpel.


  • You got all this stuff right there.


  • So if you want to bring AI to your company, check out VMware Private AI, link below.

    是以,如果您想將人工智能引入您的公司,請查看下面的鏈接:VMware Private AI。

  • And thank you to VMware by Broadcom for sponsoring this video.

    感謝 VMware by Broadcom 贊助本視頻。

  • You made it to the end of the video.


  • Time for a quiz.


  • This quiz will test the knowledge you've gained in this video.


  • And the first five people to get 100% on this quiz will get free coffee from Network Chug Coffee.

    前五位在測試中獲得 100% 分數的人將獲得 Network Chug Coffee 提供的免費咖啡。

  • So here's how you take the quiz.


  • Right now, check the description in your video and click on this link.


  • If you're not currently signed into the Academy, go ahead and get signed in.


  • If you're not a member, go ahead and click on sign up.


  • It's free.


  • Once you're signed in, it will take you to your dashboard, showing you all the stuff you have access to with your free Academy account.


  • But to get right back to that quiz, go back to the YouTube video, click on that link once more, and it should take you right to it.

    不過,如果想直接回到那個測驗,回到 YouTube 視頻,再點擊一次那個鏈接,就能直接進入測驗。

  • Go ahead and click on start now and start your quiz.

    點擊 "現在開始",開始測驗。

  • Here's a little preview.


  • That's it.


  • The first five to get 100% free coffee.

    前五名可獲得 100% 免費咖啡。

  • If you're one of the five, you'll know because you'll receive an email with free coffee.


  • You gotta be quick.


  • You gotta be smart.


  • I'll see you guys in the next video.


I'm running something called Private AI.

我正在運行一個名為 "私人人工智能 "的系統。

由 AI 自動生成

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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

運行自己的人工智能(但不公開) (Run your own AI (but private))

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    Jasper 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 01 日