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  • Hello, everyone.


  • Hope you're feeling good, feeling great.


  • We've got 86,400 seconds in this day, so let's try to make them great.

    我們這一天有 86 400 秒,所以讓我們努力讓它們變得精彩。

  • It's Tuesday, October 1st, new month, new opportunities.

    今天是 10 月 1 日,星期二,新的月份,新的機遇。

  • Let's go.


  • I'm Coy Wire.


  • This is CNN 10, where I tell you the what, letting you decide what to think.

    這裡是 CNN 10,我告訴你 "什麼",讓你決定 "怎麼想"。

  • Now, tomorrow is hashtag Your Word Wednesday, where we use one of your words in the show to help boost our vocabulary.

    明天是 "星期三",我們將在節目中使用您的一個單詞來幫助我們增加詞彙量。

  • So submit those words in the comment section of my most recent post on Instagram, Snapchat,

    是以,請在我最近在 Instagram、Snapchat 上發佈的文章的評論區提交這些文字、

  • TikTok, along with the definition, your school name, the city, the state, and your teacher's name if you'd like.


  • And we're going to choose a winner to work into tomorrow's show.


  • We start today keeping an eye on ports in the United States as longshore workers who run East and Gulf Coast ports from Maine to Texas could go on strike.


  • Port strikes are a big deal because it's cheaper to import or bring in goods via cargo ships as opposed to alternatives like airplanes or by land.


  • Eventually, a strike could choke off the supplies of many popular products that flow into these ports.


  • Workers are asking for a $5 per hour pay increase per year over a six-year contract.

    工人們要求在為期六年的合同中每年每小時加薪 5 美元。

  • And they want to keep restrictions on the types of equipment they are required to use.


  • The last time there was a major port labor dispute was in 2002 on West Coast ports.

    上一次發生重大港口勞資糾紛是在 2002 年的西海岸港口。

  • It took six months before goods were moving normally again after an 11-day lockout of the union workers.

    在工會工人停工 11 天后,過了 6 個月貨物才重新正常運輸。

  • Businesses nervously watched the negotiations for a deal to avoid a strike, with a lot on the line.


  • A strike would mean almost all of the U.S. could see shortages of goods like chocolate, fruit, including bananas and cherries, even certain cars if the strike lasts a long time.


  • That could mean even higher prices for the goods that are available.


  • Next up, while Hurricane Helene raised concerns as the strongest storm to hit Florida's Big


  • Bend region, right now the most devastating destruction left in the storm's wake is in and around eastern North Carolina.


  • The nearly entire communities were all but washed away by raging floodwaters, with homes, businesses, and roads being destroyed.


  • And some people are still trapped in areas only accessible by air.


  • The cleanup from all of this damage could take years.


  • CNN's Rafael Romo is in Asheville, North Carolina, with more.

    CNN 記者拉斐爾-羅莫(Rafael Romo)在北卡羅來納州阿什維爾(Asheville)為您帶來更多報道。

  • Buncombe County officials announced the sad news on Sunday, saying that at least 30 people have died in this county alone, which means that the figure at the state level is now 36.

    本康比縣官員週日宣佈了這一噩耗,稱僅該縣就至少有 30 人死亡,這意味著全州死亡人數已達 36 人。

  • Some officials say that in the southeast, the states that were hit by the hurricane and the subsequent storm are now more than 90.

    一些官員說,在東南部,受到颶風和隨後風暴襲擊的州現在已經超過了 90 個。

  • And what we have seen in Asheville, here where we are, is many streets like this one behind me covered in mud.


  • There's debris everywhere and people trying to cope because it's been very difficult for officials to deliver the aid that is badly needed by people.


  • Governor Roy Cooper from North Carolina said that they're trying to get to those communities, not only here, but communities in the mountains around here.

    來自北卡羅來納州的州長羅伊-庫珀(Roy Cooper)說,他們正努力前往這些社區,不僅是這裡,還有周圍山區的社區。

  • Some of them are inaccessible because the roads are impassable.


  • And one alternative, and this is what the governor says that they've been doing, is airlifting water and food and basic necessities to those people.


  • So they have developed a system by which they bring all the supplies here and from here, they distribute those things.


  • Now, we have been talking to people here that tell us that for the time being, they're okay.


  • But as time goes on, it's going to be more and more difficult to find food.


  • There are many gas stations, there's one right next to where we are, that are not operational.


  • There are others that are running out of fuel and many people desperate going to different places to try to get the fuel.


  • And the reality is that these people, it's going to take a while to get running water.


  • Officials say that they're trying their best to bring the water system back up and running, but they were trying to fix water main breaks before they can stabilize the water pressure in the system.


  • And then the third step would be to actually turn the system back on.


  • Also, power remains a problem for most of the population.


  • And we have learned that at least two cell phone carriers are bringing satellite trucks that are going to provide relief because people are unable to communicate with loved ones who live in other parts of the country, in other states, to let them know that they're okay.


  • Just to give you an idea, the governor said that more than 1,000 reports of missing people, that's what authorities have received in the last few days alone.


  • As the climate has changed in recent years, storms have become more intense and more frequent and people and technology are having to adapt to withstand increasing dangers.


  • In Florida, Tampa General Hospital is using technology called an AquaFence.

    在佛羅里達州,坦帕綜合醫院正在使用一種名為 AquaFence 的技術。

  • The hospital is in a uniquely vulnerable position to storms, surrounded on three sides by water.


  • And it's the area's only level one trauma center for some of the most in need patients who can't be moved.


  • The hospital's water impermeable AquaFence is engineered to withstand a storm surge up to 15 feet above sea level.

    醫院的防滲水 AquaFence 可抵禦海平面以上 15 英尺的風暴潮。

  • Clamped down to a certain pressure and it keeps all of the panels joined so that when the water is pressing that there's no points where we get leaks or seepage from the front edge all the way to the back.


  • So the same pressure from the water, from the storm surge, would be what keeps us up?


  • Yes, exactly.


  • So the weight of the water holds the wall up.


  • Now setting up an AquaFence is no small feat.

    現在,安裝 AquaFence 可不是一件小事。

  • It takes about 60 people several days to fully install.

    大約 60 人需要幾天時間才能完成全部安裝工作。

  • But the barrier worked.


  • As Celine made landfall in Florida, the AquaFence kept the storm surge back and the hospital stayed dry.

    當席琳登陸佛羅里達時,AquaFence 擋住了風暴潮,使醫院保持乾燥。

  • Top quiz hot shot, what forest animal's name is an aboriginal term meaning no water or no drink?


  • Panda, koala, wombat or orangutan?


  • If you said koala, put your hands up.


  • The word originates from one of the Australian aboriginal languages.


  • The majority of a koala's water intake comes from eating fresh eucalyptus leaves.


  • Australia's iconic tree-hugging koalas have been on the endangered species list since 2022, and experts say their populations have continued to decline.

    澳洲標誌性的樹棲考拉自 2022 年起就被列入瀕危物種名單,專家稱它們的數量在持續下降。

  • As their habitats are encroached upon by humans, koalas are increasingly being found in places that put them in danger, like near busy roads or up power poles, even in some people's backyards.


  • See how some folks are dedicating their time and energy to keeping these marsupials safe.


  • This is the moment a koala came face-to-face with a dog in suburban Brisbane, Australia.


  • For koalas, most dog attacks are fatal, but not this time.


  • Neighbour Sophia Windsor heard the commotion and rushed to intervene, finding the koala with its claws around the dog.

    鄰居索菲亞-溫莎(Sophia Windsor)聽到動靜後趕來干預,發現考拉用爪子抓著狗。

  • I wasn't even really thinking and I just cried the koala off this poor dog who was now yelping and then kind of wrapped up the koala.


  • Koalas were listed as endangered in the states of Queensland and New South Wales, as well as the Australian Capital Territory in 2022.

    2022 年,考拉在昆士蘭州和新南威爾士州以及澳洲首都領地被列為瀕危物種。

  • Millions of dollars are being spent on restoring koala habitat, but two years on their numbers are still declining.


  • According to the latest Australian Government report, the long-term outlook for listed koalas remains poor.


  • In urban areas, they're particularly vulnerable to disease, dog attacks and speeding cars.


  • RSPCA Queensland says its two wildlife hospitals treat 700 koalas each year.

    昆士蘭皇家動物保護協會稱,其兩家野生動物醫院每年治療 700 只考拉。

  • Most don't survive.


  • John Knights has been rescuing koalas for at least a decade.


  • He says more koalas are getting into trouble as their habitat shrinks, and in the last two months, he's answered more than 100 calls for help.

    他說,隨著考拉棲息地的縮小,越來越多的考拉遇到了麻煩,在過去的兩個月裡,他已經接聽了 100 多個求助電話。

  • They're frightened, they're lost.


  • If they were urbanised, they wouldn't be running into the traffic, they wouldn't be turning up in backyards, they wouldn't be falling into swimming pools.


  • They're not urbanised at all, they're looking for somewhere to live.


  • Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, an artist going to great depths to create his masterpieces.

    今天的故事滿分 10 分,一位藝術家為了創作他的傑作不惜付出巨大的努力。

  • This is Pyotr Dotsenko, making waves by painting under the Black Sea.

    這就是 Pyotr Dotsenko,他在黑海海底作畫掀起了波瀾。

  • He straps on his scuba equipment, then van goes underwater with an easel, oil paints and a palette knife, which he uses instead of a brush.


  • He's under the sea and under the clock.


  • Picasso, his tanks only have so much air.


  • This one took about 75 minutes to create, easily.

    這個作品花了大約 75 分鐘製作完成,非常容易。

  • One of the coolest art studios we've seen.


  • I can't Rembrandt one cooler one, actually.


  • Dotsenko's vivid underwater scenes are making quite the splash, with art enthusiasts back on dry land.

    Dotsenko 生動的水下場景在陸地上的藝術愛好者中引起了不小的轟動。

  • All right, it is shout-out time now, and today's shout-out goes to Lynnwood Washington and the Mustangs at Alderwood Middle School.


  • Thank you for making us part of your day.


  • We cannot wait to see your submissions for Hashtag Your Word Wednesday tomorrow.

    我們迫不及待地想看到您在明天的 "Hashtag Your Word Wednesday "上提交的作品。

  • You've been absolutely bringing it.


  • Submit those vocab words at CoiWire on social, and we'll see you right back here tomorrow on CNN 10.

    請在社交網站 CoiWire 上提交這些詞彙,我們明天在 CNN 10 上見。

Hello, everyone.


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美國港口大罷工?| 2024年10月1日 (A Crippling US Port Strike? | October 1, 2024)

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    kindred 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 01 日