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Hey, guys.
Dr. Berg here.
In this video, we're going to talk about the best vitamin K2 foods.
在本視頻中,我們將討論最好的維生素 K2 食物。
Now, maybe you've heard of vitamin K1.
也許你聽說過維生素 K1。
That has to do with clotting.
Vitamin K2 is very, very different.
維生素 K2 則截然不同。
It has to do with the mobilization of calcium in your body, especially if it's in the wrong place.
So, if you have excess calcium in the arteries or in the joints or other places that are making you stiff, affecting the heart, calcification of arteries, which you're increasing your blood pressure, you're vitamin 2 deficient.
是以,如果動脈、關節或其他地方的鈣過多,導致身體僵硬、影響心臟、動脈鈣化、血壓升高,那麼你就缺乏維生素 2。
Vitamin 2, with the help of D3, has the capacity to extract this buildup of calcium and put it right into the bones to make your bones really strong.
維生素 2 在 D3 的幫助下,能夠提取積聚的鈣,並將其直接注入骨骼,使骨骼變得非常強壯。
And it just so happens that a lot of people are deficient because they've been avoiding all the fatty foods that they've been taught that cause artery problems, like grass-fed things like that.
So, basically, these foods have vitamin K2 in it.
是以,基本上這些食物中都含有維生素 K2。
Of course, you're not going to get improvement if you're also consuming sugar and alcohol and things like that.
But if you have a healthy diet and include these foods, it actually is very beneficial to the calcium deposits in your body that are in the wrong place.
But you can also, if you're a vegan, a vegetarian, you can actually get it from nato, which is a fermented soy product.
Make sure it's non-GMO.
And also, even sauerkraut and even miso.
You can get some K2 in that.
你可以在其中加入一些 K2。
Thank goodness that that's available.
But it's interesting because these are the foods that we've been taught to avoid, when in fact, we should have been okay with consuming these.
All right?
Put your comments below.
I'll talk to you soon.
Today, we're going to talk about the benefits from using vitamin D3 and K2 at the same time.
今天,我們就來談談同時使用維生素 D3 和 K2 的好處。
I think the best way to start this presentation is to talk about this calcium paradox.
我想,最好的開場白就是談談這個 "鈣悖論"。
A paradox is two things that sound logical, but they conflict in a certain way.
And the calcium paradox relates to women, post-menopausal, that have bone loss, yet at the same time, they have vascular calcification.
Now, how can that be?
That sounds illogical.
I mean, how can you be losing bone, like a calcium deficiency, and then at the same time, you have excess calcium in the arteries?
It just doesn't make sense.
And another paradox called the French paradox, where you have people in France consuming large quantities of saturated fat, yet at the same time, they have lower rates of heart disease.
另一個悖論叫做 "法國悖論",在法國,人們攝入大量飽和脂肪,但與此同時,他們的心臟病發病率卻較低。
Now, how can that be?
Is it the wine they're drinking?
Is it some phytonutrients?
What is it?
Well, what we're going to talk about now will explain both paradoxes.
There's some missing information that will make everything make sense.
All right.
So let's start with vitamin D3.
那麼,讓我們從維生素 D3 開始。
Most people know that vitamin D3 helps the absorption of calcium in the intestines by a factor of 20X.
大多數人都知道,維生素 D3 能幫助腸道吸收 20 倍的鈣。
So you can absorb a lot more calcium when you have vitamin D in your gut.
是以,如果腸道中有維生素 D,就能吸收更多的鈣。
Where does the calcium go?
It goes in your blood.
Now, is that dangerous?
Is that a problem?
Are you going to develop too much calcium in the blood?
That's called hypercalcemia.
Now there is conflicting studies on that.
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
And the next thing I'm going to tell you will explain that inconsistency too.
It has to do with this one vitamin called vitamin K2.
這與一種名為維生素 K2 的維生素有關。
Not K1, K2.
不是 K1、K2。
K1 is all about clotting.
K1 的作用就是凝血。
If you're deficient in K1, you're going to bruise easily.
如果缺乏 K1,就很容易出現瘀傷。
Vitamin K2 is different.
維生素 K2 則不同。
It takes that calcium in the blood and transports it into the bone and the teeth.
It's a calcium transporter and it uses this helper right here.
It's a protein called osteocalcin to draw calcium into the bone and bind it inside the bone so the bones become very, very solid.
And K2 also activates another thing right here called matrix GLA protein, which is not necessarily binding the calcium in the bone.
K2 還能激活另一種叫做基質 GLA 蛋白的物質,它不一定能與骨骼中的鈣結合。
It's removing the calcium from not just the arteries, but other soft tissues.
So it keeps calcium out of the arteries, out of the joints, out of the eyes, out of the kidneys, out of the lungs, out of the skin, out of the breast tissue.
And so vitamin K2 is the activator of both of these guys right here.
是以,維生素 K2 是這兩種物質的激活劑。
And without this activator, K2, both of these proteins stay inactive and you potentially could start developing pathological calcification, which is a bad thing because there's certain places that you don't want calcium.
如果沒有 K2 這種激活劑,這兩種蛋白質就會處於非活性狀態,你就有可能開始出現病理性鈣化,這是一件壞事,因為有些地方是你不想要鈣的。
In fact, this thing right here is one of the strongest inhibitors of calcification.
Because when someone takes calcium, let's say a woman who just became menopausal to prevent her bone loss, and now they're at a double risk of getting a heart attack, well only if they're deficient in K2.
因為當一個人服用鈣劑時,比方說一個剛絕經的女性,為了防止骨質流失,現在她們患心臟病的風險增加了一倍,但前提是她們缺乏 K2。
And so this hypercalcemia can be controlled if there's enough K2 in the diet.
是以,如果飲食中含有足夠的 K2,這種高鈣血癥就可以得到控制。
Now, let me just add one more thing to explain this French paradox, right?
Well, they consume a lot of fatty foods and I've been there and that's absolutely true, yet they have low rates of heart problems.
Hmm, wonder why that is?
Well, the answer to that is in the source of K2.
答案就在 K2 的來源上。
Where does vitamin K2 come from?
維生素 K2 從何而來?
Well, it can either come from animal fats, those things that we were told to avoid because we want to prevent heart problems, which is completely false information.
And so there's two main versions of this K2, the MK4, which comes from animal fat.
是以,這種 K2 有兩種主要版本,一種是來自動物脂肪的 MK4。
But there's also a version MK7 of K2 that comes from bacteria, as in that French cheese, and even other fermented things like sauerkraut and a fermented soybean called natto, where they use in Japan.
但還有一種 MK7 型的 K2 來自細菌,如法國奶酪,甚至還有其他發酵的東西,如酸菜和日本人使用的一種叫做納豆的發酵大豆。
Now, understanding this mechanism and vitamin K2 is vitally important since heart attacks are the number one killer.
現在,瞭解這一機制和維生素 K2 至關重要,因為心臟病發作是頭號殺手。
And if we can keep calcium out of the arteries, that would be a very, very good thing.
And it also explains why a lot of people are deficient in K2 because they have cut out these foods right here, which I'm going to explain.
這也解釋了為什麼很多人缺乏 K2,因為他們不吃這些食物。
They've cut out the grass-fed butter and ghee.
And all the foods I'm going to mention now are high in vitamin K2.
我現在要提到的所有食物都富含維生素 K2。
They have cut out the hard and soft cheeses.
Maybe they might do low-fat cheeses.
Well, guess where all the vitamin K2 is?
猜猜維生素 K2 都去哪兒了?
It's in the fat.
Vitamin K2 is also in egg yolks, especially if it's pasture-raised, allowing chickens to run out into the pasture.
蛋黃中也含有維生素 K2,尤其是在牧場飼養的雞蛋中,可以讓雞跑到牧場中。
Vitamin K2 is also in goose liver, chicken liver, and beef liver.
鵝肝、雞肝和牛肝中也含有維生素 K2。
It's in hot dogs.
And it's also in salmon, wild-caught salmon.
Now, there's a very interesting book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price.
現在,有一本非常有趣的書《營養與身體退化》(Nutrition and Physical Degeneration),作者是韋斯頓-普萊斯(Weston Price)。
I don't know if you've heard about this, but Weston Price studied traditional cultures and he observed that in these traditional cultures, the teeth were almost perfect.
The jaw structure was symmetrical and there was no need for braces at all, compared to our modern diet where just about everyone needs braces.
But he found that traditional diets had 10 times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins, and vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin.
In fact, he talks about vitamin K2 in his book even before it was discovered.
事實上,在維生素 K2 被發現之前,他就在書中提到了它。
He didn't have a name for it, so he called it Activator X, but it's interesting that he isolated that way back.
他沒有給它取名字,所以就叫它 "激活劑 X",但有趣的是,他早早地就把它分離出來了。
I think it was in the 20s.
我想應該是在 20 年代。
Vitamin K2 doesn't just control calcium.
維生素 K2 不僅能控制鈣。
It also can help make insulin more sensitive to decrease someone's risk for diabetes.
It also has benefits in improving varicose veins, wrinkles, decreasing your risk for getting cavities, as well as preventing jaw malformations where someone would need braces.
And the other thing you need to know about is vitamin K2 also needs vitamin D3 to help immobilize this calcium, because if there's no vitamin D3, then where's the calcium for vitamin K2 to deliver into the bones?
你還需要知道的是,維生素 K2 還需要維生素 D3 來幫助固定鈣,因為如果沒有維生素 D3,維生素 K2 又從哪裡把鈣輸送到骨骼中呢?
So we need vitamin D3 and we need K2 in the control of calcium, as well as in many different functions.
是以,我們需要維生素 D3,我們需要 K2 來控制鈣,以及發揮許多不同的功能。
Now, if someone were to take a supplement, you have the MK-4 version of K2, and then you also have the MK-7 version.
現在,如果有人要補充 K2,就會有 MK-4 版本的 K2,也會有 MK-7 版本的 K2。
Which one is better?
Well, the MK-4 version from animal fats is a great source.
動物脂肪中的 MK-4 是一個很好的來源。
It's natural.
But the problem is it's too expensive to extract this MK-4 version from animal fats.
但問題是,從動物脂肪中提取這種 MK-4 的成本太高。
So the way that they make the MK-4 version is synthetically out of tobacco leaves.
是以,他們製造 MK-4 版本的方法是用菸葉合成。
So when you buy the MK-4 version of K2, you're not really getting the natural version.
是以,當你購買 MK-4 版本的 K2 時,你並沒有真正得到天然版本的 K2。
But if you eat the foods I just mentioned, you'll get a good amount of vitamin K2 in this MK-4 version.
但如果你食用我剛才提到的食物,你就能獲得大量的 MK-4 型維生素 K2。
But as far as supplements go, I would recommend the MK-7 version.
但就保健品而言,我推薦 MK-7 版本。
That is a natural version.
It's not synthetic.
Its origin is from bacteria, but so is cheese and other fermented products.
And the other advantage of this MK-7 version is it has a much longer shelf life.
MK-7 版本的另一個優勢是,它的保質期更長。
Whereas MK-4 might last a few hours, MK-7 lasts much longer.
MK-4 可能會持續幾個小時,而 MK-7 則會持續更長時間。
Also, if you live in Canada and you're buying the MK-4 version, the actual amounts that they allow in Canada are so tiny, it's not going to even make a dent into what you really need.
此外,如果您住在加拿大,並且購買的是 MK-4 版本,那麼加拿大允許的實際金額非常小,甚至無法滿足您的實際需要。
I think the maximum amount that you're allowed to take is 121 micrograms, when you would need like 4,500 micrograms per day.
我認為允許服用的最大劑量是 121 微克,而你每天需要 4500 微克。
Now, the other question is, what type of ratio between vitamin D3 and K2?
現在,另一個問題是,維生素 D3 和 K2 之間的比例是怎樣的?
This is what I recommend.
For every 10,000 IUs of D3, I would recommend 100 micrograms, not milligrams, micrograms of vitamin K2.
每 10 000 IU 的 D3,我推薦 100 微克(不是毫克)的維生素 K2。
That will be the ratio.
So, if you do 20,000 IUs of D3, you would want 200 micrograms of K2.
是以,如果您服用 20,000 IU 的 D3,就需要 200 微克的 K2。
If you took 5,000 IUs of D3, you would take 50 micrograms of K2, and I'm talking about the MK-7 version.
如果你服用 5000 IU 的 D3,你就需要服用 50 微克的 K2,我說的是 MK-7 版本。
Now, I have a really great summary and a one-page document of this topic and more data that I'm going to share with you.
If you want to download that, I put a link down below.
Check it out.